Showing posts with label children's decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children's decor. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Just one, or four, or more
All very cute, made in France and perfect for your little ones...

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Give Me Three #33

A ring, a ring o' roses,
A pocket full o’posies-
Atishoo atishoo we all fall down.
 Three sweet prints by Julz Beresford
Perfect for a nursery...

Kinder Gallery

Monday, 20 June 2011

Colour My Monday #22

Bonjour, bonjour !

So? How was your weekend?
Ours involved a trip to the beach, a boat ride to the Albert Dubout museum and an hour in the sun watching a water jousting competition - ouch! bad sunburn today!
I think I'll be staying inside for a while.

Happy Monday!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Give Me Three #9

Girl on a Squirrel by Chris Theiss

 "Las Casitas" -  Flor de Papel

Retro Wall Lights

Take your pick!
Three original light shades for the light of your life.
( I think mum will enjoy browsing these shops too!).

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Bruna Saves The Day

 It's rained non-stop
Quel dommage !
Thank goodness for Dick Bruna
He never fails to make me smile
My image of the day!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Nanana Creations

Give me pretty florals in shades of Spring

Sweet handmade eco-objects with a conscience


Two old schoolfriends
One goal
Cardboard and textiles

A happy selection of items for little ones
Made in part by employment insertion programme workers
And in one of the last remaining cardboard factories in Paris

à suivre...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Shop Watch: Les Moineaux Decoration

Some of you may remember me including Laura di Francesco's work for Les Moineaux in the latest issue of Babiekins Magazine. This French children's decor shop hadn't opened at the time but I'm pleased to announce that it's finally gone live.

Les Moineaux Décoration offers a small selection of wallpaper, stickers, friezes, posters and prints for children, all handrawn by illustrators such as Laura di Francasco, Valerio Vidali and Gianluca Foli.
Valerio Vidali's explorer collection caught my eye in particular and his poster and stickers will no doubt be a great success with little boys.

The fledgling site is in French and English but if you have any questions or problems ordering, feel free to send an email.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

A pour Arc-en-Ciel

The simplest things are often the nicest, don't you think?
Tuesday Mourning's multi-coloured ABC print would be uplifting  anywhere around the house and would definitely give a modern, no-nonsene feel to a child's room or play space.
Peter Pan and Ellen caught my eye too.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Inspiration: Lightbluegrey

I am lucky and honoured to have so many talented, creative followers. I know that I've got a pretty bad track record when it comes to answering all your comments but I always read yours and visit your blogs from time to time. I might introduce a new feature next year, a kind of "follower spotlight", in order to share some of your inspiring work. What do you think? (I will also be taking sponsors as from January, more about that later).

 Anyway, today I'd like to show you a few pictures from Dutch mum Hetty's blog. I couldn't believe my eyes when she left a comment and I visited Lightbluegrey. Perhaps you saw her gorgeous handmade cradle featured on Ohdeedoh a few weeks ago? 

 Hetty enjoys making things by hand in her free time (she works in architecture), especially for her two daughters. She has great taste,  imagination and flair when it comes to crafting. It looks to me as if Hetty's made a wonderful home for her children  and I'm very envious of daughter's mural!

 Have look for yourself, I doubt you'll be disappointed!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Up, Up and Away

Paper really is extraordinary, don't you think?

These beautiful 3D mobiles and wall art by Gosh and Golly* are just perfect for brightening up your little ones' room and taking them to the Land of Nod.

Alternatively, if you're feeling crafty, you could have a go at making these simple but stunning hot air balloon mobiles using Lizzie's tutorial over here**

  Sweet dreams!

* via
** via

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


I've been waiting for this moment for a long time
Serendipity, one of my favourite children's shops in Paris
Is now selling online

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Bryonie Porter

White walls with pops of colour - Bryonie Porter's beautiful wallpapered furniture for kids would be perfect, don't you think? (hard to resist the opportunity to do a mini London-themed post either!)

via Henry Road

Friday, 13 August 2010

Dream On...

A is for Appley Hoare Antiques, one of my "dream" sites, a place I go for inspiration, usually before visiting fleamarkets. I've written about this shop before, it's one of my favourites.

I always, always find something I like, and this time I've fallen for these French 19th Century linen sheets dyed in shades of blue / grey

and these large French metal boxes used for storing theatre costumes (C. 1940s)

Don't they look fantastic grouped together? If I had the money, I would buy them. Having studied French and Drama at university and specialised in theatre during the Occupation, I'm sure that these metal boxes have many any interesting story to tell...

Having said that, I will now be looking out for a few old metal "cantines" to paint black, add a chalkboard and some stencils. A nice idea for storage, don't you think?

Monday, 9 August 2010