Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Tips Treats and Tree

Princess Eva's Paw Tips
Mom's sofa pal Brice The Handsome
Khomfy Boy!
Fur those that asked - YES - we have more bonesikhles! This batch was banana with some yogurt and peanut butter!
The last of the leaves left us with Saturday's winds
I think this khreature khovers all of the T's on the post!
I think I heard Mom khount four of the evil menaces - she even snagged a video from the kitchen window

Khome on bakhk tomorrow - the khalendar says furst Wednesday of the month - so we all know what that means - WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE!



Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday With Mom And Me

Hi EvFURRYone!
Khome on out Mom and bring that flashie beastie with woo
She did and we khaptured this one
Enjoying a bonesikhle!
I'm going to turn this ovFUR to Mom now
Thanks Khyra!

We mentioned on Sunday's post we had another video from the trip to share - and how it would tie in with a special announcement

Well, here is the video from somewhere on the road in Ohio - I know that by the speed I had locked on the cruise control - we were traveling along and a very appropriate Pink Floyd song came on the radio so I grabbed the camera and let it roll

We are in Blueberry's Brigade and have offered a transport for the auction!

Please check out it out along with all the other incredibly awesome items! JD and Max have surely been very busy collecting AGAIN!!!

Please spread the word and bid early AND often!

Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Sharing

My trek to The Tundra has turned fur homeI've taken up my pawsition as we head from Iowa to Indiana
Here we go again
This sign made us think of one of our CHAT pals en France!
The Mighty Mississippi River
Oh how I loved my khorner!
Khurled or standing!
My Monday evening spot whilst in Mishawaka IN
Snoozy and woozy from all the fun
Eva Brice Summiiii Khady Lynn Thor Marco Polo and All The Nice Pawrents I fuzzed and snoofed!
Tuesday morning's breakfast prep spot - I tukhked it there - Mom pikhked it up and brought it along fur the ride - chekhk out the video below fur that!
Tuesday AM tour of the grounds
There were some blooms left
I had to snoof 'em!
We were on the sekhond floor at this Country Inn&Suites so I got to do the steps each time we went in and out
Leading Mom down the hall to our room - the last one on the left - but it wasn't skhary at all!

SIDE NOTE FROM MOM - the weather had the potential for being scary - we traveled from Iowa to Indiana with tornado watches in place until 2am Tuesday - we saw the footage from Northern Illinois - and if you check out the Photobucket from this last part of the trip, you'll see the changing skies as we headed East - we knew something was up as the temperature was upper 60's to low 70's!

One last pikh in the room
Heading bakhk to Pawsylvania with SO many memories!!!

Making sure she was heading in the khorrekht direkhtion although I REALLY wanted to head bakhk to MN and IA!
Turn the Xterra around Turn the Xterra around
Oh well - woo khan't blame me fur trying!
Sorry this is a bit blurry but I told Mom to inkhlude it anyway
The BEAST awaits us - I hope we khan get past her!!! Akhtually, we had pawed each other about trying to get together fur some shopping and then some smoothies but the timing wasn't going to work fur us - we hit Da Burgh around 4:30pm - and given the day prior to the day prior to the holiday traveling, we had to take a snowchekhk this time - hopefully we khan get together sometime!
We made it!
It looks like I remember - minus some leaves on the trees!
Getting khloser
It was truly a khool time skywise - we wished we khould have gotten some better sunset pikhs - there are some in the Photobukhket - akhtually, Mom inkhluded them in this week's Sky and Stuff slideshow too

About an hour from here, the tunnels start - or end depending upon your direkhtion - along The PA Turnpike - with the furstlast one being a double dose - we exited to the just past full Full Beaver moon - Mom khouldn't get any pikhs since it was like 6:45pm with vehikhle lights and highway overhead lights - she tried - but it was a pawesome welkhome bakhk to my part of PA!Of khourse, this was another pawesome AND tasty welkhome bakhk!

Here is the last Photobukhket Slideshow of THE TRIP

It khovers our Monday and Tuesday from Des Moines IA to Mishawaka IN to York PA!

Here is the video Mom shot Tuesday AM as we bid farewell to Indiana!

There isn't a transport this weekend so Mom and I get to spend more time together! We'll be bakhk tomorrow to share a furry special transport opportunity! I know some of woo have seen it already but we'll make our grand announcement here on Monday MOMday!

Once again, we are furry glad all have enjoyed sharing our adventures!

