Hi Evfurrybuddy...befur we get to Walkin' Wednesday, I have something serious to khommunikhate.
This is my furiend Stormy.

At least, we hope that is where she's living. Woo see, about a month ago, she must have dug out of her yard and gotten out. She's not been seen since.
I'm really sad bekhause she was one of my furst Sibe pals. My mom met her mom via Sibernet - then we got to be Dogster pals. This past January, my mom helped khonvince Stormy's mom that SHE was where Thunder should live.
Here is Stormy's Dogster page with some more pikhs and here is their blog with MORE pikhs.
Thunder misses his sister...Stormy's mom misses her in a way that evfurry mom knows...she goes home each night hoping she'll be there to woo at her.
She is chipped and she does have tags with her name and info. Her mom has been in touch with various resources in her area. Once she told the SMS Moms (two of which were honoured here), many excellent suggestions were given along with fuzzloads of support!!!
My mom asked if it would be okay fur me to inkhlude Stormy HERE today - she said of khourse but wanted to know if we were trying to make her khry. Not at all - we explained lots eyes read this blog - maybe they khould help spread the word.
PLEASE DO...if woo know anyone in the Peyton area, please share this with them!
We need to get Stormy home to the Khyra Stuffies we pikhed up here in PA fur her mom...which inkhluded some Khyra fur! Let's hope THAT is a lukhky charm!
Now to this week's Walkin' Wednesday...please khlikhk H E R E to see my fluffy tail in akhtion!
And as WOO are out walking, please keep your eyes open and snooter goin' for khanines on the lamb. Suggest to your people they travel with extra leashes should they see one of our furiends lost and in need of help. My pal Simcha and his sister Kiley's pawrents did that last weekend. They were on their way to a howliday pawty and saw a 'stray' Sibe. Since they were taking some foodstuffs to the pawty, they made use of what they had: SUSHI! Simcha's mom's vehikhle is ekhwipped with an extra leash but they were in Simcha's dad's vehikhle - so he used his best MacGyver move and used his belt to make a leash. They started walking around asking if anyone rekhognized her...well, befur too long, she was reunited (and it feels so good) with her people that didn't even realize she was missing.
Again, please khross your paws and send khanine and khytty khatcher vibes to KholWOOrado to get Stormy home fur khristmas. I mean, she just HAS to see my khard!
PeeEssWoo: I've posted this one a bit earlier so she gets more exposure...
We're wooing with you Khyra,
Stormy come home!!
Dakota of the East
Stormy go home! Your mum needs you! Good stuff Khyra. I will post next week in case any of my cat friends live in Colorado too.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Purr S: I was so excited I forgot to watch the video! Going to do that now.
We're sending good thoughts out to Stormy telling her that she is needed at home. We're sure that she can find it using her snooter and ears.
Princess Eva
Hi, Khyra!
I hope Stormy will be at home soon!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's Khyra, its done, Stormy izz on my sidebar, gooo home stormy..and have her mom go the the dogdetective.com site and list her...
b safe,
Woo Woo Khrya,
We's keeping our paws crossed and sending lots and lots of Sibe Vibes to help Stormy finds her ways home.
Husky kisses,
Woo there Pretti Girl~
We'll woo everi night fur our pal Stormy to find her way home. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. She is the tops at tissue destruction and redistribution. Maybe we could notifi Kleenex and they could track sales in Colorado to pin down her location. Anithing we can do...I wish there was more.
Thanks fur letting people know about her...and the good deeds that prove missing dogs can come home.
Your pal,
Woos from Missouri for Stormy!
So bewootifully written. We so hope that we will see that sweet face of Stormys back in her home with her mom and family and Thunder. It's just way so sad :-(
She is a beauty of a gal, and I hope she hears all of us woo'ing
for her. I just know she does.
H & K's and special ones for Stormy.
Frankie Girrrrrl
Add the RHP's woos to those khries for Stormy to khome home. Most ekhcellent job getting the woo out Khyra!
Many kisses,
OMdoG.. We didn't know Stormy's gone missing! Her parents must be worried sick...
Hopefully Santa will guide her back home before Christmas.. she deserves to spend Christmas with the ones she love.
Lots of leaking. My mom has met Stormy in pawson to deliver her brother Thunder, so is very heartbroken. She is doing lots of praying for Stormy to come home!
Keeping paws crossed for Stormy to be home soon.
P/s: I have an award for you.
Hope Stormy finds her way back home real soon too! We will be thinking about her tonight....*crosses paws*
Oh no poor Stormy. We hope she's ok and will soon be reunited with her family. We'll keep our paws crossed.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Poor Stormy! She needs to be home for christmas!! My mommy has lots of connections, so she's going to post some photos and pass the word around!
You are a great helper Khyra!!! Arrrooooo!!!!!!!!
Mya Boo Boo
I hope your friend turn up, Khyra! And Fenris enjoyed your fluffy tail, too!
paws khrossed
we don't whoooooo as good as you sibes, but a few yippy barks too
gussie n teka
We read about Stormy on SMS too, and we have all paws khrossed that Stormy will be home for Khristmas! We send snooter kisses to her mom & family, we know they miss her beyond words....
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
PS - nice walkies!
Stormy go home. Right now. I'm keeping my paws crossed that she will hear us and go home.
Love Ruby
Poor Stormy, hope she comes home soon. We'd be devastated if any of our guys escaped and ran off.
We sure hope Stormy of Colorado gets home SOON! We're all sending up prayers for her safe return!
Woo are always so kind, Khyra!
I hope Stormy finds her way back home soon! Stormy Go HOME!!!
Sad woos from our pack for Stormy's safe return. We're sending a hefty dose of Sibe Vibes and Mom's adding in some prayers.
Miss Khyra,
Just reading about Stormy made momma's eyes water. THat is so sad.
That Moose dog is a maniac, huh? Not dignified like your FT-self. Terriers... go figure. I can't wait until you get more snow. Will you be pulling mom around the block on a sled?
Oh that is just so sad about Stormy. We are crossing our dewclaws over here that she comes home SOOOOOON!
Hi Khyra,
We hope Stormy will return home to her human and her brother before Christmas.
Paws crossed.
Sending out sibe vibes to send Stormy home! Thanks for sharing, Khyra.
The Forget Sit and Stay Gang
We are so sorry about Stormy. We have the heeler vibes out hoping she makes it home safely..
We still love your beautiful tail...
Glad you got a bit of snow. We are hoping that more is on the way..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We're sending out lots of AireZen that Stormy makes it home ASAP!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Stormy! Poor Stormy's mom! Oh no. I hope she finds her way home. Sigh.
ps I didn't know you were so tiny! I should start shipping you some snackables so we can be the same size!
omdog we are hoping Stormy comes home soon :( that is sad :( You are right about the crazy weather, it just keeps getting colder here, low of 34 Friday!?
Gee Khyra hope they find yer friend.....they're lookin' fer a rat terrier around here that belongs ta a radio celebrity who got away from the dog walker....radio listeners are out and about searchin' the woods....
Yer friendly Jack Russell terrier that was runnin' around the front yard was either extremely disciplined
or was restrained by an invisible fence....hope ya enjoyed yer walk.....
Dewey Dewster here....
We sure will take some extra leashes with us. Paws crossed that Stormy gets home. The holidays are no time to be missing!
Our thoughts are hoping stormy comes home. Flash once ran away for 8 days before he just showed back up. It was not nice and mom says she feels for stormy's family so much.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend! I am purring for Stormy to come home!
I sure hope Stormy comes home.
Moose is very noisy!
That's right we got snow!! We got even more yesterday!!
I don't live in Colorado, Khyra, but have heard that Sibes can travel great distances-so, if I see a Wandering Sibe, I will pull out my Stinkiest of Stinky Goodness and do my best to woo her/him over and help get her/him back home!
I'm purring for Stormy, too!
We hate to learn any kitty or doggy is missing. We hope Stormy is reunited with her family very soon!
We sure hope that Stormy comes home for Christmas. It just makes our Mom cry to think about this poor pup and his family! We are so glad that Simcha's family captured the Sibe and found his family! Yahoo for them!
Thor and Marco Polo
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