Hello, from today I would like to start some exercises for your fluency;
the following activities, even if they don't seem to make much sense, should help you to speak English without translating from your mother tongue.
After a while you should get used to thinking in English!
The language in these activities doesn't focus on grammar or on a specific lexical group, but it is a random choice of examples, and that should help your brain flexibility.
You will find some oral drills, a dictation and a set of questions and answers for each unit of "English brain training"
In the video I explain how to use each set in order to make it effective for your language development.
(qui trovate il video in italiano)
(qui trovate il video in italiano)
Ask questions about what people are: English? French? A student?
Do this exercise twice, the first time listen, read and repeat both sides of each card, and the second time anticipate the answer on the back of each card
Do this exercise twice, the first time listen, read and repeat both sides of each card, and the second time anticipate the answer on the back of each card
You are very good at speaking languages: in this set you speak many languages
Mr Grant is very rich and he has many things...
Take paper and pen and get ready for the dictation: after each sentence check it flipping the card
Last activity: make it twice.
The first time just listen, read and repeat questions and answers; the second time listen to the question and answer without flipping the card. Check if you were correct looking at the back of each card.
I hope you find this activity useful and effective for your language acquisition. See you soon for the second installment of the "ENGLISH BRAIN TRAINING"