Showing posts with label hayden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hayden. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2013

May Time Fair Fun

Hi everyone, yes i am back with more layouts to share. These are all just cause layouts.

This one is of benjamin at the May Time Fair a couple of years ago...

May Time Fair again, the boys showing off their scary show bags...
The girls on a ride at the May Time Fair.............

And the girls showing off what they got in their show bags.....

This is a double, yes a double of a trip Glenn and I took last year to Robe. Our first trip away together...

Thanks for stopping by and i hope you are enjoying your weekend...

Im working on a couple of classes that im doing for Shop And Crop. Some sneaks coming soon...

Kerry xx

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Hi everyone i have just blogged on the A2Z scraplets blog today so thought i better do an update over here as well. How is your weekend going??

This first layout is one i shared at the start of the month over at A2Z. How cute is that bird and tree?? I also used A2Z splatter stenclet....

This is the sketch of the month at A2Z Blog.
and my sample of the sketch....

This is my share from today. I have lots of journalling on my journalling tag on this one...

and a closeup of the A2Z scraplet that i have painted and doodled on...

Here is a layout i have done for scrapfriends sketch this month.....

and a closeup of the A2Z border i have included...

Now onto some layouts that i have done earlier in the year that i havent got around to sharing yet....


Thanks for stopping by!!
Kerry xx

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The best thing to hold onto is each other

It was my first design team post today over at A2Z scraplets. I had a parcel arrive this week and got busy creating straight away. I used this scalloped border on this layout as well as the splatter scraplet stencil.

and a close up....

I cant believe its been a few months since i have posted on my poor neglected blog. I think it may be nearly time for a makeover on here though, when i get the time. I have a few more layouts on here to share it is certainly good to be scrapping again though.

Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

And some....

Hi, another quick post today. I have limited internet acess at the moment. Here is this weeks sample at scrap your story. The theme this week is stamping. I have stamped the title.  

and here is a layout from the first sketch at stuck?!..............

Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Some layouts..

The challenge at scrap your story this week is a sketch challenge. So head on over and check it out. Here is my sample.......

And here is a layout i have done of hayden for Scrap the Boys

Short and sweet today, thanks for stopping by :)

kerry xx

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Scrapbook Shop and some challenges

Hi, i have a few challenge shares for you, nothing like leaving it to the last minute. But first i have this layout i have done from my dt kit from The little scrapbooking shop. I have used a cuute lttle ballet charm and used it to make a flower.........

I have layered up some fabric, sewn the charm on and added a little gesso to make it blend in with the page, easy as and very effective.

This is from a sketch challenge at Inspired blueprints. Sketch # 90

This is stuck first sketch of the month.....

A layout for a challenge at SUYS.........

and stuck second sketch of the month......

Thanks for stopping by and i hope i get more challenges done next month
Kerry xx

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scrap Your Story #5

Hi, this weeks challenge from SYS is to encorporate cork somewhere on your layout. I found these premade Bella cork strips and i think i have found a new love...

I hope everyone has a happy and safe easter and that easter bunny comes tonight :)

Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx

Monday, March 25, 2013

More Layouts

Hi, i have got more layouts to share.

This one is from annas craft cupboard sketch of the month....

This one is the 2nd sketch of the month at stuck?!...........

this one is for the sketch at purple pumpkin..........

this is Inspired Blueprints sketch #85.................................

and this one is from scrap the girls challenge from this month.....


Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx


Hi, i have a few layouts to share at the moment, for challenges this month. I have a pile sitting here waiting for me to photograph so hopefully will get that done today.

This layout i missed the deadline for, but oh well.......

This layout was done from the challenge at the scrapbook store.......

and this layout was done from savvys sketch of the month....

Thanks for stopping by and will load a heap more over the next few days.....

Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx