Monday, May 07, 2007

Kerry Plan Would Save Bristol Bay from Oil Drilling

John Kerry introduced the Bristol Bay Protection Act on Monday, which will permanently prohibit oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Bristol Bay. Bristol Bay is north of the Alaskan peninsula.

The North Aleutian Basin Planning Area in Bristol Bay has been banned from drilling under the Congressional Moratorium, but last week, the Bush Administration announced plans to lift the ban and begin drilling there starting in July. Kerry’s bill would ban all drilling in Bristol Bay.

“We can’t depend on drilling just because some refuse to take on our energy challenge in a meaningful way,” Senator Kerry said. “Bristol Bay contains some of our nation’s best remaining fish and wildlife habitat. This legislation will permanently prohibit drilling in Bristol Bay and uphold an important mandate that protects our coastlines from drilling.”

Kerry’s legislation is the Senate companion to H.R. 1957, introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Inslee (D-Wash.), Rep Gilchrest (R – Md.), and Rep. Hinchey (D – N.Y.) Kerry’s legislation would take effect immediately after passage.

“As gas prices soar and the threat of global warming looms, we need bold new ideas to become energy independent,” Kerry added. “This administration looks at every unspoiled landscape in America and wonders how much oil is buried beneath it. We can’t sell off Alaska’s coastline to the big oil companies. I will work with my colleagues in the House and here in the Senate and fight this dangerous proposal.”

Ed Schultz mentioned this on his show today, noting that Kerry is a guy who is "way ahead of the curve" when it comes to the issue of becoming energy independent. With gas prices soaring under the Bush Administration it's time to make a change and break from from Bush's dangerous addiction to oil.

The oil industry is none too happy about Kerry's plan.

Cross posted on The Democratic Daily.

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Kerry in Florida... 'We Can Stop a Catastrophe'

John Kerry was in Coral Gables, Florida on Sunday afternoon to promote his book about the environment -- "This Moment on Earth."

Kerry co-wrote "This Moment On Earth," with his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

It talks about the environmental movement and the need for solutions to pressing environmental problems.

"It's about how we can deal with environmental issues effectively, make money, create new jobs, be more secure and ultimately make America stronger," Kerry said.

The Kerry's also had an OP/ED published on the environment, in the Miami Herald on Monday. Read it here: Read more »

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Climate Change Called a Security Threat, Kerry Calls for Congress to Act

A panel of retired generals and admirals warned yesterday that "Global warming poses a "serious threat to America's national security" and the military should act now to minimize the destabilizing consequences of rising temperatures."
Shortages of food and water could cause weak governments to collapse, increasingly severe natural disasters could draw U.S. forces into humanitarian missions in volatile areas, and melting Arctic ice could spark territorial disputes over shipping routes and natural resources.

Even the effectiveness of sonar used by American submarines could be at risk if parts of the oceans become less salty.

The 63-page report describes climate change as a "threat multiplier" that makes dangerous situations around the world all the more menacing.

"We will pay for this one way or another," said retired Marine Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, who commanded U.S. forces in the Middle East. "We will pay to reduce greenhouse gas emissions today … or we'll pay the price later in military terms. And that will involve human lives."

Senator John Kerry wrote to the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.) today, requesting that the Committee hold a hearing on the implications that the growing threat of global climate change has on our national security. Kerry's letter comes in the wake of the report noted above that called “National Security and the Threat of Climate Change” that found that global warming presents a serious national security threat. Below is text of Kerry’s letter:
April 17, 2007

The Honorable Joseph Biden
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
201 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Chairman Biden:

I know that you and I share a commitment to addressing global climate change, and I appreciate every opportunity to work together to combat this pressing issue.

As you know, a blue-ribbon panel of retired three- and four-star admirals and generals released a report earlier this week entitled “National Security and the Threat of Climate Change.” The report found that global warming presents a serious national security threat that could affect Americans at home, impact U.S. military operations and heighten global tensions.

Specifically, the report warns that the effects of global warming could lead to large-scale migrations, increased border tensions, the spread of disease and conflicts over food and water – all of which could eventually lead to direct US military involvement. The report recommends that climate change be integrated into the nation’s security strategies and says the United States “should commit to a stronger national and international role to help stabilize climate changes at levels that will avoid significant disruption to global security and stability.”

Given these clear implications for United States foreign policy, I respectfully request that the Foreign Relations Committee hold a hearing on this issue, with the specific goal of exploring the implications of climate change – including rising ocean levels, droughts and violent weather – on our national security.

I look forward to working with you on this issue.


John F. Kerry

Science Daily notes that the "full report will be available on" Jonathan Powers weighs in on the issue on the HuffPo. And, Environmental News Service has more here.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Inspired Readers Line Up to Greet Kerry at Santa Fe Bookstore

More news on John Kerry's visit Saturday to Santa Fe, NM...

The New Mexican reports that a group of 350 "inspired readers" lined up to greet Kerry at the bookstore in Santa Fe where he was scheduled for a booksigning for "This Moment On Earth," with wife and co-author, Teresa Heinz Kerry.

U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., showed up, as did Gilbert Armenta and Tweeti and Linn Blancett, New Mexico ranchers featured in Kerry's book.

Kerry said he and his wife wrote the book because they were frustrated about the way many people inaccurately perceived the environmental movement.

Udall said he has read several excerpts from the work and thinks it is great. Through sales of the book, Udall said, Kerry is helping to put together a broad coalition to fight environmental problems.
Read more »

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kerry and Gingrich Face Off on Climate Change

John Kerry and Newt Gingrich faced off this morning "in a friendly exchange" on the issue of Global Warming in a debate on Capitol Hill.

They began by promoting each other's books. Gingrich said Kerry's new book, "This Moment on Earth: Today's New Environmentalists and Their Vision for the Future," is "a very interesting read" and said he agrees with 60 percent of it. Kerry hasn't read Gingrich's new book on the environment, due out later this year, but said he has always enjoyed their exchanges.

Then the two argued for nearly two hours about whether the government should cap emissions of greenhouse gases or whether tax breaks will encourage businesses to do so.

Kerry said no environmental crisis has ever been solved voluntarily, without government intervention. "That's like saying, 'Barry Bonds, go investigate steroids,' or letting Enron take control of pensions," said the Massachusetts senator and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee.

Libby Quaid reports for AP News, "The arguments were typical for their political parties, although Gingrich is farther to the left of some Republicans who dispute the science behind climate change."
Kerry asked what Gingrich would say to Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., who calls global warming a hoax.

"My message, I think, is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move toward the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere," Gingrich replied.

He explained that conservatives often worry that the prescription for environmental problems will be bigger government and higher taxes.

Continue reading about the debate here.

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