Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservatives. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Two faces of the Tory party

The wrong MEP is kicked out of the Tory party... So, criticising someone for being anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist is a sackable offence, whilst hero-worshipping Enoch Powell and trashing the NHS in front of an overseas audience is just harmless eccentricity?

And while we're on the subject of unreconstructed Tories, tonight saw a bit of a buzz at Bristol's full council meeting, as protestors gathered to call for Cllr Richard Eddy to resign as Tory group leader. Darren Lewis made an excellent speech, citing stats on how many LBGT young people have suffered from homophobic bullying, including many driven to the point of attempting suicide or self-harming. This was met with a standing ovation from most of the public gallery, the Labour, Lib Dem and Green councillors, and a scene reminiscent of those in the Commons after Blair's farewell speech, in which Cameron had to force his troops to their feet. Three Tory councillors eventually and rather shamefacedly joined the ovation, and then Eddy stood up too, which must be the first time someone has applauded a call for their own resignation! Eddy then rose again to defend himself, saying he agreed with 95% of what Darren had said but in a time of financial hardship we have to consider what are the most important priorities, etc, etc. Which doesn't quite explain why he described the EACH funding as an 'outrageous' waste of public money and then embarked on a 'political correctness gone mad' rant worthy of his doppelganger, Simon Heffer. And describing the protest as 'hysterical' did little to endear him to his audience... You can watch the whole thing on here,, I think it's about 15 or 20 minutes in.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Un-eddy-fying comments

I was only away a few days but missed the furore over cuddly Conservative councillor Richard Eddy objecting to the Lottery fund giving a £400,000 grant to an organisation which supports gay young people, and helps them cope with homophobic bullying. (For those who don't know Councillor Eddy, think along the lines of a more amiable Simon Heffer. Very similar hair.)

The BEP has come in for some flak for not making it clear that the grant actually covers four local authority areas and runs for five years, which works out at about £20,000 p.a. for Bristol, and also for giving the misleading impression that the Lottery Fund was actually giving more than 50% of its awards to this organisation. Yes, the £400,000 formed a large chunk of the £700,000 handed out by the Lottery this month - but the £700,000 is only a monthly figure. There's loads more money going to good causes across the region. Arnos Vale cemetery in my constituency has had millions from the Lottery over the years, and there are plenty more examples. In fact virtually every month I get a briefing from the Lottery with details of which organisations in my constituency have been given funding awards; I always write to them to congratulate them.

But let's go back to Cllr Eddy's comments: "I think this is a mistaken and misguided, outrageous waste of money. Sadly, it seems to be further confirmation that the Big Lottery has long since ceased to impartially distribute lottery cash to worthwhile and respected causes, instead it seems obliged to dole out punters' money to a raft of politically correct lobbies which clearly sit within the Labour Government's priority."

It would be correct, would it not, to construe from this 'political correctness gone mad' outburst that Cllr Eddy thinks that providing support and mentoring for young gay people is neither a worthwhile cause nor something which deserves our respect. And that protecting young people from discrimination, bullying and assault on the grounds of their sexuality would not be worthy of the attention of a future Conservative government.

Of course David Cameron did recently - very late in the day but still, better late than never - apologise for Section 28. Some of us cynically suggested at the time that such apology was not worth the pink paper it was written on, given the prehistoric attitudes towards homosexuality still prevalent within the Tory ranks. (See Shadow Cabinet member Sayeeda Warsi for example. Or Roger Helmer MEP. Or Ann Widdecombe, who once told a gay Labour MP in an anteroom at the BBC that she would walk out of a radio interview with him if he tried to talk about 'buggery').

So what does David Cameron think of Bunter's outburst? (That's what the Bristol Blogger calls him. Cruel, but if Eddy doesn't care about homophobic bullying he presumably thinks it's OK to pick on fat kids too). How does this square with compassionate Conservatism?

And while we're waiting for a response from DC, which I suspect may be some time in coming, what about the local Tory candidates in the seats in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset, and North Somerset, covered by this award? What do Adeela Shafi and Charlotte Leslie - both of whom hold themselves up as examples of just how much the Conservatives have changed over recent years, to have selected a Muslim woman and, er, a posh young blonde - have to say? Jacob 'pot plant' Rees-Mogg? His lovely sister Annunziata? Former Bristol City councillor Jack Lopresti? And the rest of them?

Do they support this money being spent to support gay young people in what they hope will one day become their constituencies? I think we have a right to know.

Update on this - I've now been told there's a Facebook group, which also gives the lowdown on Golliwog-gate.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Top Gear Tories - but what if he'd said yes?

In my fit of outrage at the Tories' hypocrisy vis-a-vis Lord Sugar, I completely overlooked the most ridiculous and hypocritical element of their bid to recruit Jeremy Clarkson as a transport adviser. What does Jeremy Clarkson do? Answer - drive very expensive cars, very fast. And hates anyone who tries to stop him. What kind of message does that send out about future Tory transport policy? Let's have some fun - what would the Tory transport manifesto look like if Clarkson had actually said yes?

Revealed - Tories quite nice after all

Also on the subject of the Tories, the Guardian has an online piece about Marjorie Ellis Thompson, a former CND Chair and a former head of Comms at the Commission for Racial Equality joining the Tory party. Leaving aside the question as to how anyone committed to unilateral disarmament could square that with joining the Tories (and yes, I know Labour ditched unilateralism too, more than two decades ago actually, but that doesn't make the Tories the answer for a unilateralist, does it?

Also leaving aside the question of how anyone with a commitment to equalities could be comfortable in a Tory party which has consistently opposed equalities legislation, including Labour's new Equalities Bill, and a leader with a very poor voting record on these issues (look at the votes, not the spin)... Not to mention her desire to see General Pinochet arrested; let's hope she doesn't bump into Pinochet-medal wearing Norman Lamont, currently advising the Tories on economic policy, anytime soon. Or Thatcher for that matter.

What's interesting to me, more interesting than the fact that a former CND Chair has done a Melanie,* is the fact that this piece has appeared in the press, and in the Guardian of all places. Was Ms Ellis Thompson suddenly filled with evangelical zeal and a desire to convert those lefty Guardian readers to the cause of righteousness, all of her own accord and without any prompting? I very much doubt it...

It seems painfully transparent to me that this effort has been cobbled together by Coulson or one of his team, in a bid to convince wavering lefties that the Conservatives are quite cuddly really, once you get to know them. "Unlike the New Labour high command, my background in the CND is something my local party welcomes"... "The party is small, only 47 members, but it is extremely diverse in gender, ethnicity and sexuality".... "I was also extremely impressed when, addressing a group of British American Project alumni, Cameron made a veiled critique of the so-called special relationship and said: "You can be a friend, but a critical friend."

And then this, the coup de grace: "At one local meeting in autumn 2007, the arts administrator said she didn't think the post office should be privatised, she supported the NHS and she felt that the privatisation of the rail services (admittedly not New Labour's fault) had been a disaster. I agreed with all these points and told her she had spelled out exactly why I felt at home in the local party."

The message is clear - if you think New Labour is too right wing, there's a place for you in Camberwell and Peckham Tories, who will be fighting the next election on a platform of unilateralism, renationalising the railways, a publicly-owned Royal Mail, increased investment in the NHS and support for minorities whatever their creed, colour or sexual orientation.

*'Doing a Melanie', named in honour of Melanie Phillips, i.e. becoming progressively more right-wing and more mad as you get older, although progressive is almost certainly the wrong word. The opposite of 'doing a Tony'.

Monday, 9 March 2009

When rumbled, blame it on the nanny*

I know this is an old story by now, but the comment at the bottom caught my eye. A case of the pot(plant) calling the kettle black? Was talking to a senior Tory the other day (it happens sometimes) and he is convinced both the Rees-Moggs, Jacob and Annunziata, will be in Parliament at the next election. Which would at least keep the satirists happy, if no-one else.
* Mr Mogg was of course notorious for taking his nanny on the campaign trail with him when he first stood for Parliament. In his Bentley. In Barnsley. (I may have made that last bit up).

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Prince Charles*

Prince Charles' charity gives illegal donation to Tory women. An alternative headline could be 'Tories take illegal donation from Prince Charles' charity and misuse House of Commons facilities while they're at it'. But that's too much to expect.

Prince Charles has of course just been voted the world's best dressed man by Esquire magazine. Ronnie Corbett came second - because of the jumpers. I think this falls into the category of 'how can we make sure this survey gets a lot of media attention?' and the answer wasn't giving it to the obvious person, (Mr Obama, as if you need to ask).

*I'm suffering from a singular lack of inspiration when it comes to blog titles. Time for the return of song titles, I think.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Compassionate conservatism is alive and well in Bexley

Tory councillors in Bexley have voted down a motion to become a Fair Trade borough.

The beauty of this piece is in the detail: the reference to 'the Third World' and 'far off lands'; the belief that buying fairtrade coffee, cocoa and tea will bring down the UK dairy farming industry...

I've never knowingly been to Bexley, but with 51 Tory councillors I think it's safe to assume that, economic downturn or no economic downturn, its residents can afford a cup of Fairtrade coffee or a bar of Divine chocolate every now and then.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Obviously the most important point made at PMQs today...

Was chatting to Tom Watson in the tearoom just now about this latest example of Tory mendacity. Apparently they also altered a Wiki entry once on - and I quote 'warthog poo'. Anyone know what that was all about?

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Guest blog

well, it's lifted from an email someone's just sent me, entitled "If you want to feel nauseous"...

"Watch David Cameron and Carol “this is a non-political role” Vordeman in their completely unstaged snowball fight outside the Palace yesterday. The latest focus groups have shown that leaders who are “in touch” with snow are 24% more electable.

Carole took time away from flogging margarine and sub-prime loans to poor people to put her mundane powers of long division to good use. She expertly regurgitated the lines fed to her by Tory central office in one of the most unconvincing media events of the century, and with prompting from DC revealed that it had always been her ambition for children that we can be the best of the best, in Maths.

This is especially true of the 1000s of children who belong to families who took on risky debt consolidation loans and then spent late nights up with their parents trying to work if an APR of 12% means they can afford any Christmas presents.

In other news, the Conservatives have announced that experienced TV judge Simon Cowell will head up a new review of the criminal justice system and Thomas the Tank Engine is beginning work on a document to be presented at Conservative party conference on how high speed rail can form the basis of a new regional transport strategy."

Sunday, 18 January 2009

What's the frequency Kenneth?

So Ken Clarke is to return to the Tory front bench as Shadow Business Secretary. Can we assume he's giving up his business interests then, and taking a whopping pay cut? Although it didn't stop Alan Duncan.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

The shuffle

LabourList are reporting that David Cameron is twittering his reshuffle news, here. Which then led me to track down the real David Cameron and I found this. It appears that Conservative Central Office don't like people reporting on Tory policy announcements, even though they've been in the papers. Maybe it's a bit too easy to spot the inconsistencies when they're all lined up in a row? Although that site suggests now looking to @conservatives for updates, that doesn't seem to exist.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Do I detect a pattern?

Actually, what's most interesting about the Andrew Lansley story (see below) is that he was forced to apologise for saying the recession could be good for us. This follows the former Tory Treasury Minister, John Maples, apologising in the Chamber for saying that the recession must be allowed to run its course. Entirely of their own free will, of course.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Trouble in Somerset

The Politics Show (South West bit) had an intriguing item on Tory MP Ian Liddell-Grainger and his attacks on Lib Dem controlled Somerset County Council on his website. I couldn't find the bits on his site that they featured in the show (cackling laughter, pictures of pants on fire, quite bizarre - the Lib Dems have accused him of being a cyber-bully, which is.... very Lib Dem) but the site is still worth a look. It somehow manages to be pretty good and give the impression he's barking mad at the same time. He even includes electoral registration forms for would-be voters to download. But then again, he probably doesn't have many immigrants in his patch, so I suppose that's OK, isn't it? (Sarcasm alert for new readers - apparently I have committed a heinous crime in suggesting I want more constituents to register to vote, and it was suggested that it was in fact a criminal offence for an MP to concern herself with such business).

And check out Mogg the Blog; what is it with these Tory MPs and their cats? (Ann Widdecombe's another one).

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Banking crisis (2)

Martin Kettle says pretty much the same thing as me about the Conservatives, and says it very well. I'm sure Terry would approve.

And just to be even-handed, here's Guido on what the Lib Dems have been up to.

Banking crisis

Saw a little of Cameron's impromptu performance at Tory conference today. (They've had to rejig the Conference schedule - how many cheesy stunts, months-in-the-making, have had to be pulled so they can look 'serious' and grown-up? Cameron is apparently going to deliver his big Conference speech from a podium, with notes, not walking around with his shirt sleeves rolled up like last year. But isn't that just as much a stunt? He's doing it to 'look' serious and statesmanlike, just as last year he was doing it to 'look' like the sort of guy you wouldn't mind having a pint with. And while we're on the subject, I hope you all saw the story about him going for a jog at Conference, walking when the cameras weren't there, then starting to run again when he saw them?)
I think the Tories are probably doing the right thing, in saying that this is no time for party political point-scoring, and they'll support the Government's rescue package. Of course, this is partly because they haven't got a clue what they'd do in our situation - not least because they're not involved in the high-end discussions, so couldn't really be expected to - and this way they can simply sit tight, try to impress us with their gravitas (which will be difficult for the devil child) and secretly hope for it all to go horribly wrong so that they can blame us.
Actually, that might be slightly unfair. Let's not forget that many of the Tories will be victims in this too. As I never tire of saying, half of the Tory 2005 intake were millionaires. (And that's just the new boys). Not all of them made their fortune in the City, but even those who didn't will probably have their money tied up in property or shares or other investments. Some of them are still combining a bit of financial wheeling and dealing with being an MP. Not sure if they're going to toe the party line. I expect there will be an emergency statement on this on Monday when Parliament returns, either from the PM or the Chancellor. Will be interesting to see how the rank-and-file Tories respond.
On a more serious note, obviously many ordinary people, with modest savings and investments, or their money tied up in their homes, are worried about what's going on. I had a call yesterday from a constituent, a pensioner who gets his pension paid directly into his bank account. He wanted to know what would happen if his bank went under. Of course, up to £35,000 savings would be protected by a Government guarantee, but I guess that takes time to arrange and he's worried that he wouldn't be able to withdraw the money he needs to live on from week-to-week. So when people argue against rescuing failing banks, on the grounds that they (meaning the financiers) have brought it on themselves and have only their own greed to blame), they should bear in mind that we're not doing it for them but for their customers. And to prevent a knock-on effect on other banks, and other customers.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Conservative conference

I am trying to remember who called George Osborne "a puffy-faced devil child" last week. It caused quite a heated debate in the office, over whether he really could be described as puffy-faced. Anyway, I look forward to hearing him being questioned as to how he squares the Conservatives supposed commitment to local democracy with his dictat that there will be a freeze on council tax rises under a Conservative Government. Hopi Sen has a good post on other Tory inconsistencies - they're all over the place on regulation, for instance - which saves me the bother.

Bridget Jones

No, I'm not going to start doing a Bridget Jones diary type blog. (Cigarettes smoked - nil (v.good); units of alcohol - nil (v. good); weight - don't know, haven't got any scales. Nope, I'll leave that to Mad Nad).

Here's some enlightened thinking from David Willetts, who has form on this, though I seem to recall everyone made excuses for him last time. It's from the Telegraph.

Tory party conference: Bridget Jones generation blamed
The "Bridget Jones" generation of career woman who struggle to settle down and start a family is driving the breakdown of British society, the Tories have said.

Men are being left behind by university-educated women who cannot find a partner with the academic achievements and career prospects to match their expectations. As a result, David Willetts, the party's work and pensions spokesman said, an increasing number of young men were entering adult life without the opportunity to settle down and act as the main breadwinner for a family of their own.

In the film starring Renee Zellweger, the character Bridget Jones works in publishing and despairs of settling down with one of two feckless suitors, played by Hugh Grant and Colin Firth.

Speaking at a fringe meeting at Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, he added: "Bridget Jones is a real phenomenon, driven partly by the way the pattern of university education is changing. For the first time, in a historic experiment in our society, we have more women than men emerging from university. The majority of young people not in education, employment or training are men. Of course the world is changing, and it is fantastic, it is. But the fact is that even if men want to be the breadwinner, they are no longer being given the opportunity of being the breadwinner. They are no longer given the opportunity to bring home the bacon, and the evidence is that that is bad for families. Of course the family is an emotional and personal thing, but it is also an economic institution and what we are describing is the collapse of the economic circumstances that hold families together. The man who can't go out and command a decent wage is not going to be able to hold a family together.''

Mr Willetts said that research showed that the most important factor in the increase in the number of single-parent families over the last 30 years was unemployment in men.

In contrast, the majority of university graduates were now female, with 45 per cent of young women going on to get a degree compared to 35 per cent of their male counterparts.

Emily Thornberry, Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury, said: "The Conservatives seem to think there is something worrying in more women going to university. Is David Willetts saying that someone as clever, funny and creative as Bridget Jones should not have gone to university?''

Ignore for a moment whether there is any point to what he is saying (there isn't)... He obviously hasn't even seen the film. Mark Darcy, internationally renowned human rights lawyer didn't get where he was without going to university. And whatever the Hugh Grant character was called... erm, he was her boss. So presumably not a man 'who can't go out and command a decent wage'. The lesson of this is, Mr Willetts - stick to the 'Two Brains' stuff in future. Popular culture is obviously not your strong point.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Dispatches - Monday night

At last the spotlight is falling on the Tories... Looks like tomorrow night's Dispatches programme is a must-see. Would be interesting to know how Cameron's and Osborne's millions are invested too. I don't suppose they're in a Bradford and Bingley savings account.

Friday, 26 September 2008

An unguarded moment

Back to song titles already!

I'm prepared to accept that Andrew Mitchell didn't quite mean this to sound as callous as it does, although he should have been more careful in his choice of words.

I'm more interested in this bit, when he says: "It [Conference] is an opportunity for us to explain how Conservative policies offer the best prescription for some of the ills that are besetting Britain at the moment.... We want to be absolutely clear what we do and how we would do it for Britain."

I'll be on policy watch next week.

For those of you who want to know what to look out for, here are some of the tough questions Cameron should be answering.

Cameron on Sky

Just seen clips from Cameron being interviewed by a panel of experts on Sky TV. His mantra re Osborne's 'it's a function of financial markets to make money out of other people's misery' is to repeat 'we take no pleasure from it' ad infinitum, but he couldn't quite bring himself to say it was unacceptable. The whole thing is being shown at 8pm tonight. From what I saw, Kate Burley was doing a fine job.

Ed Vaizey was on the Wright Stuff this morning wearing a hoodie.