Rothschild Family Supports Hillary's Presidency

Lynn Forrester de Rothschild has thrown the immense support of her family behind the Presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton.
by Kentroversy
Just as I have been telling people through my writings and interviews -- Hillary Clinton is the Global Elite's choice for President of the United States in the 2008 election. In fact, in my report HILLARY CLINTON'S HIDDEN AGENDA OF MANIPULATION -- which I published on February 5, 2007 -- I included a screenshot of a September 26, 2002 message board posting where I describe her as the first woman President of the United States!!
On October 5, 2007, a member of the oligarchical Rothschild family -- Lynn Forrester de Rothschild had gushed incessantly about how great Hillary will be for America "and her fellow capitalists." This was part of an interview with Conde Nast's website (see link below) where she simply could not stop talking about how great Hillary will be for our nation.
Here is an excerpt of that interview for Conde Nast's website:
L.G. is Lloyd Grove
L.R. is Lynn Rothschild
L.G.: Let me ask you, when your fellow capitalists come to you and express worries and fears about what Hillary Clinton will do in terms of raising taxes on capital gains and hedge fund operators, and income taxes, what do you tell them to reassure them that Hillary will be good for business?
L.R.: First of all, Hillary will be good for America. And so if we care about our country —which all of my fellow capitalists do —we'll be very pleased that she's president. And second of all, if we look at what is best for the economy, remember, she is a Clinton, and our economy under Clinton was strong, dynamic, productive, exciting. And the same kinds of people who advised Bill Clinton will be around Hillary Clinton. And she understands the importance of the business community, and it's not going to be about raising taxes or doing any one specific thing. It's going to be, What is in the best interest of all Americans? And I think if history is our guide, we've had stronger economies, more wealth creation, under Democratic presidents than we have under Republican presidents. So I don't understand why all my capitalist friends aren't Democrats.
L.G.: Really? Are they buying this argument, Lynn?
L.R.: Well, you know, it's funny. As people are getting a better and better look at Hillary, they're understanding that Hillary is talking in a way that is so positive for America. We can think we live in elite circles, but we don't. I mean, America is about Main Street, and Main Street is coming around to Hillary. And Wall Street and the C.E.O.'s can't buck that tide, and if they think they have some vested interest in their tax rate, those are a very limited number of people who think only about that.
L.G.: By the way, you may also have seen that Hillary reported an eye-popping $27 million raised in the third quarter, which was beyond expectations and far and away the most of anybody. How much of that can we credit you with?
L.R.: [Laughs.] I am—full disclosure—I'm always doing everything I possibly can for Hillary Clinton.
L.G.: Have you made a dollar commitment to the campaign? Have you said, "I'll raise a million bucks" or something like that?
L.R.: I don't really do that. I do everything that I can, and I have been waiting for this since Bill Clinton left office, frankly.
The full interview is linked below, in the SOURCES section ...
© 2007 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
The World According To Lynn Forrester de Rothschild (October 5, 2007)
Hillary Clinton's Hidden Agenda of Manipulation (February 5, 2007)
2008 Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton
Kentroversy Papers
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President of the USA
Rothschild Family
Rothschild Family $300 TRILLION Net Worth