AmeriKa Is Number One In Internet Fraud

AmeriKa is the number one country on the planet for Internet fraud, as in dollars raised in thefts.
by Kentroversy
As I state in my multi-part report on SANITIZING THE INTERNET --- it will be the unchecked Internet crime and fraud that will provide one of the excuses for POWERS THAT BE, Inc. (a globalist corporation) to clamp down on the Internet. America harbors the greatest amount of cyber-criminals per dollar amount, of any nation on Earth.
This has been allowed to happen, because it gives the global elite an excuse to clamp down on the Internet, problem-reaction-solution style.
When counted in dollars lost per theft, the most profitable cybercrime is something called the Nigerian letter scam. This is where an e-mail is sent to someone asking for their help. Apparently, as the "letter" states, a most-important person in Nigeria has died. The bank account is now frozen, and YOU THE READER will profit handsomely if you will "assist" in the withdrawal of this money. The per-sucker take in this scam is $5,000. This scam has proven immensely profitable for the cyber-criminals, as it has grown 67% from 2004 to 2005.
Two other big-time scams are the non-delivery of auction goods vis-a-vis eBay, and investment scams, which have grown by 93% and 220%, respectively. eBay has had its' hands full trying to keep up with this type of swindle, and they prosecute to the fullest, once someone is caught. The investment scams have been around for many decades, and they prey upon someone's greed for a fast buck.
If something SOUNDS too good to be true . . . you know the rest, correct?
Here are the figures related to all the fastest-growing online scams, their average take per crime, and the percentage of growth from 2004 to 2005:
- Nigerian Letter fraud = $5,000 avg. take (+67% growth)
- Check scams = $3,800 (+6% growth)
- Confidence scams = $2,025 (+103% growth)
- Investment scams = $2,000 (+220% growth)
- Non-Delivery of Goods = $410 (+55% growth)
- Auction scams = $385 (+93% growth)
- Credit Card scams = $240 (0% growth)
The USA contributes to 71% of all Internet crimes, which has gone from $10 million in 2001 to $185 million in 2005.
So, keep your guard up, and BEWARE of anything that sounds TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
Because it always is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
Warn your naive older relatives who may be online, as they are the ones ripe for the picking.
© 2006 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Help Protect Yourself From Online Crime (November 8, 2004)
Nigerian Online E-Mail Scams Online Crime Center
Globalists Seek To Sanitize Internet (August 10, 2005)
Globalists Seek To Sanitize Internet REDUX (March 14, 2006)
Globalists Seek To Sanitize Internet Part III (June 9, 2006)
Auction Fraud
Internet Fraud
Nigerian Letter Fraud
Online Confidence Scams