Monday, February 9, 2009

i'm it

My cousin, Nikki, tagged me so here we go.

Spouse's Name: Kent Merrill Sommer
1. Where did you meet? Corner Bakery
2. How long did you date before you got married? 8 months
3. How long have you been married? 6 months today

4. Who is smarter? I think he is, but I do all right as well.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? Eyes and dimples.
6. Who cooks more? I do, but barely.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Darling or Love
8. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Probably him, but we're pretty even in this department.

9. What is his favorite food? He likes all genres. As for desserts, he loves Oatmeal Carmelitas.
10. What is his favorite sport? Soccer
11. When and where was your fist kiss? Redlands, California, on the stairs at my parents' house.
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? My favorite thing is to go walking. Kent probably likes playing the Wii. Snuggling is always fun too.
13. Does he have a hidden talent? Stand Up Comedy
14. How old is he? 28
15. Who said I love you first? I'm not really sure. It came up at the same time. Maybe him?
16. Guilty pleasures? Salt & Pepper Kettle Potato Chips and Real World/Road Rules Challenge.
17. What do you admire most about him? Steady, calm nature and faith.
18. Do you think he will read this? Probably.

3 Joys
1. Kent
2. My family
3. Traveling

3 Fears
1. Losing any of my loved ones.
2. Losing one of my future kids (not to death per say, but actually losing one of them, at Disneyland or something)
3. Getting a flat tire on the freeway.

3 Goals
1. Become a better cook.
2. Travel as much as possible.
3. Be more creative.

3 Current Obsessions
1. Blogging
2. My book (The Book Thief)
3. Cherry & Passion Fruit Tic Tacs

3 Random Surprising Facts About Me
1. I can do a backhand spring.
2. I can find the harmony to most songs.
3. I can eat a package of Trident Splash in one hour.

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Went to church.
2. Made chicken and dumplings for the first time.
3. Went to a marriage class.
4. Picked up our palm trees.
5. Read my book.
6. Enjoyed two pieces of lemon cake.
7. Fell asleep at 9:45.
8. Talked with Kent about life.

8 Things I Look Forward to
1. Our Valentine's Getaway
2. Exercising
3. Reading my book
4. Our future trips
5. Ragnar Relay Race
6. BYU Women's Conference
7. Having more time to develop my domestic skills and hobbies
8. Starting a family

8 Things On My Wish List
1. Go to Spain and France with Kent this year.

2. Get a nice camera.
3. Get that love seat we've been looking at at Ikea.
4. Travel to Iceland, India and Greece.
5. Get a new computer and all of the fantastic programs that can be installed on it.
6. Take that Virgin flight above the earth to see the moon.
7. Play the piano better.
8. Sew those aprons.

I tag: Becky West, Kent Sommer and Paige Blaser.


alexandra said...

Nellie, I am so happy that you are a blogger--and a really fun one, at that! I will be a regular reader. This was really fun to read.

becky said...

ok, this should be fun, nellie. and by the way, i totally DO NOT understand your obsession with wanting to go to iceland. maybe i spent too many years on a freezing cold school bus in canada.