Showing posts with label photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photographs. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Fathers & Daughters Wedding Page

Hi Friends! It's been a crazy spring & early summer but I did have a chance to sit down and work on this page from my daughter's wedding. I loved the song my husband and daughter danced to "Fathers & Daughters", so I wanted to include them on their dance page.

All of the supplies from this page are from the Felicity Jane Kate kit & I printed the lyrics directly on the cardstock using my wide-carriage Canon printer. 

Have A Wonderful Day!!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #34 to #36

Hey there friends!  I'm back with a few more Project 52 pages for the last three weeks. My schedule seems to be either completely crazy or absolutely nothing to do... I really can't get used to that.

For Week #34, I used the Rad Kit in the Project Life App.

For week #35, I used the Wander kit and the Project 12 - September Kit

For Week #36, I used the Project 12 - September kit with overlays from Just Add Color.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

One Little Word ~ April, May & June

Hello There!

I looked at my One Little Word label of my blog and realized I hadn't posted any pages since my March prompt. I am so happy with how this album is coming out this year. I am being very intentional about sticking with the same colors and doing minimal pages for each month.

For April, the prompt was the Post-It challenge. Putting questions on post-it notes and placing them where you will see them each day. I transferred my questions to these fun stitched circles and added my answers on the Reflections card.

During the month of May, we were prompted to take 8 photos from the month and document the moments. It was a great month for that since both kids were graduating and moving on to their summer adventures. There were lots of activities going on!

For the month of June, the prompt was all about documenting how the project is progressing with our word so far this year. June was a hard month for me with lots of ups and downs... so my thoughts and reflections were all based on those feelings. It is what it is... sometimes it just isn't fun & that's what this project is all about.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #31 to #33

Hello Friends!  Sorry I've been hit and miss with blog posts, but it's been a very odd summer and having any sort of routine has been nearly impossible. Some weeks I have nothing to do and others I can hardly keep up.

Today I'm sharing 3 more pages from my Project 52 album.  For this first page I used the following Project Life App Kits - June, July and August Project 12.

Project Life App Kits - August Project 12 with overlays from Just Add Color, Wish Big & February Project 12.

Project Life App Kit - RAD Kit

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #29 & #30

Hello Friends!

I wanted to take a few minutes and post a few more Project 52 pages. It is seriously the only crafting I've done in months... but not for lack of wanting. I'll have time & the desire to get back into my craft room at some point, but for right now, I'm soaking up as much family time as possible before Matt goes to college later this month and Megan moves (unknown date as of right now).

Cards - Bright & Bold Edition
Overlays - Project 52 2016 Edition & Just Add Color

Cards - Dear Lizzy Daydreamer
Overlays - Explorer

Have A Wonderful Day

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #26 to #28

It's been a CRAZY BUSY three weeks around our house!  The summer has turned out much different then we originally planned, but I have no complaints. Here are my Project 52 pages for the last fun-filled weeks... they included some really hot weather, jazz fest, an engagement & surprise party, wedding planning, and wedding dress shopping!

Project Life App - June Project 12 Kit

Project Life App - 2016 Edition Project 52 Kit

Project Life App - Note to Self Kit 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #25

Hello Friends!  Today I'm sharing my Week #25 page using the Project Life App. For this page, I used the Currently Kit in the App and added text to the cards using the new Free Form Text (FFT) feature. You get so much more out of the App now that this feature is now available.  On the title card, I added the "Week #25" to the sheet of paper in the typewriter using FFT. Also, for the Notes from Today & On the Bright Side cards, all of the text was added using FFT.  How awesome is that???

Have a Fantastic Day!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #24

Hey There Friends! Today I'm sharing my latest Project 52 page using the Project Life App. For my page, I used the Project 12 - June & May kits & overlays as well as the Make A Wish kit (which is free). 

Have a Wonderful Day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #21, #22, #23

Hello Friends!  I've been absent for several weeks & when you have a peek at the photos below, I'm sure you'll understand why... senior year, 2 graduations, lots of school year-end activities!  

Thank goodness for the Project Life App so I can keep up with my one page per week!  I used several of the Project 12 monthly kits & overlays (mostly May & June) for the pages below.

Now that graduation, band and the parties are finished, I'm really going to try and get some physical pages done as well. Time to start a new project!

Have a Wonderful Day!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #20

Hi There Friends! Well this end of the school year stuff is so crazy busy, but thanks to the App, I am staying caught up!  I used the Project 12 - May Kit and a few overlays for my page. I also used the collage feature of the App for the Mother's Day card and the Jazz Cafe yearly comparison card in the lower right corner. 

I can't wait for week 25 or 26 so I can order some pages (I usually print at the half-way point of the year). 

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #17, #18, and #19

Hello Friends!  Life is so busy right now, but I wanted to pop in and share my Project 52 pages for the last 3 weeks. I really intended to share them before now, but I was kind of waiting for Free Form Text to arrive on the Android version of the Project Life App to finish up these pages. They did an App update yesterday so now I have it!  WOOHOO!

For my week #17 page, I used the Project 52 Fresh Edition.

 Week #18 - Maggie Holmes Maggie Holmes Style Board Mini Kit

Week #19 - Shine Bright Value Kit

Have a Fantastic Day!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #16

Hello Friends!  I know I've been MIA lately, but life is soooooo busy right now. Here's a peek into why... two kids graduating & tons of senior year-end activities. So today I'm finally posting my Week #16 page. I went super quick and easy so I could just get things documented... which is really the most important thing right now!   For this page, I used the Moments Like These kit in the Project Life App.

Have A Great Weekend!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #15

Hi Friends!  I constantly seem to be a week behind on these projects lately!  Here is my Project 52 ~ Week #15 using the Project Life App. I used the Currently Kit along with the Project 12-April Kit & a few different overlays.  Easy Peasy page this week. 

Have a Wonderful Day!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #14

Hi Friends!  Oops... I kind of forgot to post last week which probably tells you how busy things were. For my Project 52 page for Week #14, I used the Project 12 April Kit from the App.  Super cute cards in this kit.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Marching Band Cover Pages

I am THRILLED to say that as of yesterday I am completely caught up on my son's final band album!  There will be a few more events happening before the end of the school year, but I have plans laid out for those pages too.  

This is a pretty significant project because I have made 8 very full 12x12 band albums over the last 7 years ~ 4 each for Megan & Matt with a year overlap. I wanted the start of each yearly album to look the same, so I made similar pages using the formal band photos. After that I documented the full marching band season from band camp all the way to State Finals using a variety of supplies, kits & digital products. The marching band section of the album is a significant portion of each year, but I continued each book with the rest of the band events through the end of the school year.

I still have to photograph all of Matt's senior year pages; however, I thought I'd share the cover pages for each of his albums.  My oh my has he grown up...

A nice timeline page which shows how much he has changed in four years.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #13

Hi There Friends!  I'm back with another page from my Project 52 album. I used the Project Life App kit called Rad along with a photo overlay from the Explorer Edition.  This week is "Spring" Break in Northern Indiana and we are experiencing anything BUT spring... today it is snowing. I AM OVER WINTER!

Have a Lovely Day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dear Matt...

Hi Friends!  I just finished a page directly from my heart. This past marching band season was a special time for me watching my son grow and mature. He is an outstanding young man and I couldn't be more proud of him. So, I decided to write him a letter about some of the things I observed this season and included one of my favorite things... watching him conduct Part 3. 

For this page, I used lots of bits and pieces from various Felicity Jane kits ~ Caroline, Mila, Summer and Alexis. I recently split up my kits, which is why I don't stick to just one kit per page. I love how all the kits coordinate so well together.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #12

Another week is done in my Project 52 album.  The weeks just seem to fly by and this had both some "thank goodness it's over moments & some "Awww... it's a senior year last time" moment.  I don't do this often, but I decided to blur my journaling for "the details" card. It felt a bit more personal then I wanted to post publicly.  I used the Project 52 Fresh edition & Fresh Add-On kits in the Project Life App for this page.  I also used the collage feature on 3 of the slots and brought them in as photos to my page.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Project 52 ~ Week #11

Hello There Friends!  Today I'm sharing my Project 52 page for week #11. It's a super simple page using cards from the March Project 12 kit in the app. I didn't even use any overlays or the collage feature this week... just clean and simple.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ali Edwards Story Kits ~ Junior Year Band

 Hello Friends!  Over the last 4 months, I've been working hard to finish up my son's band albums for Junior and Senior year. I've also been very intentional about using products I have... especially my Ali Edwards Story Kits. In addition to the Story Kits, I have lots of Ali's digital cards, so I printed lots of those as well.  Here are a few of the pages I made with these kits to finish up his junior year.

This page features the Time Story Kit along with my favorite little black sticker letters.

 This page features the Details Story Kit and the title card is from the This & That digital kit.

This page features cards I printed form the Digital package called Great Story with chipboard embellishments from the Best and Lost & Found Story Kits.

And the cards from this last page features cards & chipboard embellishments from the Best & Lens Story Kits.

 Thanks for stopping by today!

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