Sunday, August 29, 2021

Singing Time

I am the music leader for the children in primary at church. I showed them a little bit how to read music. I brought in the glockenspiel (bells) to show them how to play "I Am Like a Star" on it. Several kids took turns trying it out. This calling is really fun. I am glad I can be in there with our own little ones. We have been singing lots of primary songs at home, and I think it is so special.

Friday, August 27, 2021

To the Rescue!

I don't know what this boy is going to do without his siblings all day every day. He wore his backpack around like the big kids today, and  he's been busy practicing his scooter and firefighting skills.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Landon and the Concertina

Landon has the coolest thing ever. It's a concertina. He got it for Christmas a while back from Grandma and Grandpa Gallaher. It came here from Ireland. So cool! I can't wait for him to get learning some songs on it. 

Harvest Time

It's that time, harvest time. Look at our bounteous blessings!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Oaklee's First Day of Pre-K

Look who is big enough for school! Oaklee is so excited to go to school with all of the big kids. She already loves school and her teacher, Ms. McConnell.

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Dad Scientist

This awesome man just keeps on learning. He's been going to school to earn his Bachelor's degree in Fire Investigation. The school process just goes on and on. Here he is working on a chemistry class. 


Burrito Chips at the Garden

My little buddies came with me so I could pick veggies from Grandma Gallaher's garden. They ate their favorite "Burrito" chips while they waited for me.

First Day of School

It's the first day of school for this bunch. Landon is a Freshman, Ethan is in Jr. High as a 7th grader, Sadie is in 2nd grade with Mrs. Aitchison, and Zoie is in 1st grade with Mrs. Patrick. I can't believe how much everyone has grown. We are hopeful for a great school year.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Wagon Ride

Some friends invited us to go along with them on a wagon ride through old Nauvoo. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Miss Zoie

Little Miss Zoie plays so many tunes, all of them by ear. She sure has a gift. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Final Stop, Hollywood Studios

Our final day, we immersed ourselves in the world of Star Wars and Toy Story. We love making memories together! We loved our trip and look forward to returning again. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Next Stop, Magic Kingdom

What an absolutely magical day! Today's adventures brought us to Magic Kingdom. We made the most of our day and tried to fit in as much fun as possible. 
One funny story:
We were waiting/resting at the bottom of some side steps of the Disney castel. The stairs are gated off and signs are posted about not climbing or entering the gated area. Well, with our backs turned to Grayson, he somehow managed to squeeze through the bars of the gate and bolted up the castle staircase. Poor, humiliated Kendall had to scale the banister wall, to get behind the gate with the "Do Not Enter" sign on it in order to chase Grayson up the staircase so he could snatch him back up. 
In spite of that stressful event, we managed to end the day content and satisfied with the days' adventures.