Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Apple Orchard

I still can't believe that Ethan is going to school now. He is such a loud, crazy, fun boy at home. At school, he is very, very quiet, and he follows the rules with exactness. Today was his first field trip. I got to go along. Everyone was partnered up and instructed to hold their buddy's hand and stick with their buddy the whole time. Ethan was super quiet the entire trip, but I think he enjoyed himself.



One morning, Ethan asked if he could wear his hair in a mow-hawk. Landon wanted to be in the picture I was taking of Ethan. Fun boys!

A Couple of Sickies

Luckily they are feeling good now, but these were some sick and tired boys.

Some Cute Boys


Minni Church Family Reunion

It was amazing to have our aunts and uncles and cousins in town. We love them all so much!

Minni Church Family Reunion (Picture Time!)

Before Donald's family had to go back home, we thought it would be a good idea to visit the gardens and have some pictures taken. They all turned out pretty cute!
Aunt Lisa at 6 weeks pregnant and Mommy at 26 weeks pregnant