Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Some Cute Random Happenings

Landon is SO close to crawling. He rolls and rolls around. He'll get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth until he plops down on his stomach. He knows he's suppose to use those legs and arms to get around, and he's really working hard to figure it out! Daisy is a big motivator. Landon likes to steal her toys, and EAT them, so I have to keep an eye on him. Silly boy.
While playing in his bedroom, Landon made his way to the door. Good thing there is a baby gate or he'd probably make his way out of his bedroom to roll down the stairs!
There is a pretty fun teddy bear that Landon got from his great Grandma and Grandpa Church. When you press its paw, it says a little bed time prayer. Landon loves it and pulls the cutest face when he hears it.
Landon looked so handsome last Sunday in his corduroy overalls.
Two very common things I find Landon doing are spitting for fun and slobbering on my phone. 
He's fun to keep up with. What a cutie.


For a while now, Landon has been holding his hand out to people when he sees them. He does it every time his Daddy comes home from work, and then Ken will wave back. Now, Landon has mastered the wave.
Here is a fun story about what Landon did, that really made my day. It was Sunday evening, and I was walking up the stairs holding Landon. At the top of the stairs is the big bridal portrait of me. As we reached the top of the stairs Landon started pointing to the picture; as we came upon it, Landon kept his finger pointed out at the picture and said "ma ma!" I think maybe it was the real thing! He has been rambling mamamama a whole lot lately, and I've been trying to answer to it when he says it. Maybe he's figured it out. He seems to be figuring out a lot of new things this past little while! I have a genius baby boy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Landon Knows How To Make People Laugh!

Landon is so funny!

Landon's Favorite Things

A ring full of binkies...
My very own cell phone...
Cabbage Patch tosies with warm little socks on (NOT!)...
A Fisher Price telephone with a pull string...
These are a few of my favorite things!
And paper...
And even Mom's camera...
Digging through diaper bags filled with great treasures!
My cool "Johnny Jump Up"...that's also a swing...
These are a few of my favorite things!
When the dog barks (and wakes me up)...
When my mom leaves...
When I'm feeling sad...
I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Kendall!

Today is Kendall's 22nd birthday! Most of the celebrating happened last night. Tons of family got together at our house to hang out. Ken's mom made some delicious food and an awesome birthday cake for the birthday boy!
Landon hung out in his Johnny jump up and then sat in his purple bumbo chair. We thought we had bought a green chair, but when we got home and opened the box, it was purple! Oops! Landon loves it just the same though. These chairs are awesome!
We all LOVE you tons!

Friday, February 8, 2008