If you've read any of my books, you know I love first person POV. It doesn't matter if it's first person dual POV or if only one MC is telling the story. I like to be inside the head of the main character(s), experiencing everything while they do. I don't read very many books written in third person because I feel like the perspective distances me from the characters and story. Until...
Recently, I decided to rewrite one of my Ashelyn Drake books in third person. Why? Well, it's going to be in a boxed set with a bunch of other authors. Oh, did I not mention that before? ;) More news to come when I can say more. For now, I'll just say that I was encouraged to alter the POV of the story for a few reasons. At first, I panicked. I may have ranted and raved for a day. Then I sat down and got to it, and you know what? Close third person dual POV reads a lot like first person dual POV. With this particular book, I realized I liked third person better. I couldn't have been more shocked, but it seemed to suit the story. Now this doesn't mean I'll be writing in third person from now on. No way. My plan is try a book out in both and see what works better. Just like with anything else, I think you have to find what works for each individual book.
Which do you prefer as a writer, first person or third? Do you find the same is true for when you are playing the part of the reader?
*If you have a question you'd like me to answer from the other side of the editor's desk, feel free to leave it in the comments and I'll schedule it for a future post.