Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

Mar 12, 2011

Visit Our New Domain at

Assalamualaikum to all dear faithful readers.

Thank you very much for being my loyal visitors and readers. Inshaallah I will always be grateful to all of you for supporting me while I'm using blogspot to blog.

If you are aware of my previous post about migrating KakChik's Wardrobe to its own dotcom, I hope you won't be surprise if tomorrow this blogspot is no longer running.

This might be my last post in this blog because right now KakChik's Wardrobe is in the process of migrating to a new domain.

The new look of KakChik's Wardrobe.

Please visit KakChik's Wardrobe at:

I will start blogging using the new domain which is using wordpress base. And knowing myself who's always comfortable in using blogger, wordpress is a new territory that I shall take time to explore and make full use of my knowledge.

Oh, only the URL is change but the blog name still remain as KakChik's Wardrobe. Don't worry, I shall never change it.

Thanks again everyone.

Feb 7, 2011

Just an update

Assalamualaikum and happy Monday to all dear friends.

Thank you for all of you who drop by to read or just blogwalking to this blog. I really appreciate that and I'm also very glad that I have this blog to link myself to you. Some of you might be wondering what has happened to me lately. Well, I'm having a bit of a downturn mood recently hence the lack of writing or sharing.

I'm trying to find myself and my main purpose in life. I might be a bit slow in updating this blog because my focus would be more at my main blog, Keluargaku Sayang which also is suffering from my lack of attention. Insyaallah when I slowly gain my momentum back, more and more updates will be published and I hope they'll be beneficial to all of us.

Please forgive me and pray that I'll be writing daily again soon.

Lots of love: KakChik

Jan 13, 2011

She's A Millionaire

Source: Keluarga & Sridewi, Jan 2011

I'm currently at the University Hospital having a booksale and abayasale while joining a program there. I snapped this 2 pics a few days ago but do not have time to upload. Looks like today I will be quite busy with the event so while I'm there you can read about Mrs. Rozita Ibrahim here.

To read the article (in Malay), you would have to buy the magazine.

Nov 30, 2010

A chain of events

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone.

May Allah bless all of you with good health and strong eeman. I am really sorry to neglect again this blog for more than a week. An eventful week.

Starting with the Eid holidays for 4 days - I was quite busy with family matters and a sick husband. I was supposed to go to my convocation on Nov 20th but it does not happen. A bit sad but it's okay because I get to look after my husband properly.

Then, Cheng Ho Expo started and as I've already sign up to join the exhibitors booth, I gathered the help of my wonderful sisters:- Kak An, Adik and Adneen to maintain my Abaya & Books booth. It was really a great event because this is the first time the State Government organized such exhibitions. There're lots of photos taken and I've already shared them here:

Actually, I haven't seen the actual exhibition yet because of my busy situation at the booth but insyaallah there is still time to see it at Kelantan Trade Centre because the exhibition is extended until Dec. 21st. If I'm healthy I want to visit KTC this weekend.

Beautiful folk dancers from Xhinjian, China visited my booth. They're here to perform during Ladies Nite.

One day after the event ended, I was attacked by influenza. And right now I'm still suffering from watery nose and mild coughing. I know, this might be the after effect of the hectic schedule during the expo and the not very healthy food that was consumed. Insyaallah I'll better in a few days.

I am at work but my boss allows me to rest because of this fever. Got to have a nap now. Thanks for dropping by and read the blog.

Jul 1, 2010

Today is the World Hijab Day

Assalamualaikum dera sisters and readers.

This is for facebook profile picture.

Today is as stated above, the World Hijab Day. I am supporting the event on facebook and I think it would be good to also show my support here. If you'd like to support this event, you are most welcome.

Here's the excerpt from the event page in facebook.
to every woman and every man in the world ,
on July first 2009 Marwa Al-Sherbeini (a muslim pharmacist living in germany wearing the head scarf) was killed during a hearing at a court of law in Dresden, Germany. She was stabbed 18 times by a man against whom she had testified in a criminal case for verbal abuse about wearing an Islamic headscarf.Other noteworthy characteristics of this murder were that the perpetrator was motivated by hostility and prejudice against a race and religion; the criminal offence was committed in front of a child, while also attacking another person who tried to intervene.

we want to honor all Muslim women who are wearing the headscarf (the Hijab) on this day , to announce to all the world that what is happening to the Muslim women in the west is not fair , and doesn't match with the freedom foundations that the western societies was built on .
we want equal treatment to Muslim women who are wearing Hijab , just like other women who don't .
we want a fair punishment to the criminal who murdered Marwa Al-Sherbini .
we want an official protection to all Muslim women in entire Europe , Canada , and the united states !
we need a new legislations protecting Muslim women (and Islam in General) from the continuous unjustified hate speech against Islam and Muslims which arises Islamophobia everywhere .

Let's show our solidarity.

Apr 18, 2010

Kelantan - Soul Campus Part 1

The whole state is an education campus.

Assalamualaikum to all dear friends, readers and followers. Starting from today, I'll be sharing with you an article entitled KELANTAN - SOUL CAMPUS which I copied from QIADAH, the official corporate magazine of the Kelantan Chief Minister Incorporated or shortly known as PMBK in Kelantan. Let's start today with the first part of the article.

Qiadah, 5th. Edition


As a whole, Kelantan could be seen as an open campus or to be more precise, 'a life-long educational campus', I cannot figure out ig this is the right term or an inappropriate terminology to be used - but what I mean is; one knows any campus has its spatial demarcation. Under the leadership of Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat as the Chief Minister - that is exactly what the whole Kelantan is, it is an 'educational campus'.

Praying before starting his journey to Makkah for umrah. He's still there.

Why do I say that? Firstly, the Chief Minister Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz himself is different from other Chief Ministers - significantly different. Probably due to the fact that he himself has been a Tuan Guru ('Tuan Guru' is a highly respected prestigious religious title bestowed by the masses upon someone for his high religious stature), an ustaz (a religious teacher) and a preacher long before he became a Chief Minister, and as such he has been delivering religious lectures and sermons. Unless he is unavailable due to sickness or has gone out-station, it has since been his daily routine every morning to lead the congregational subuh (early morning) prayers and deliver its post-prayer lectures at 'his' mosque which is attached to his traditional Malay wooden house in Pulau Melaka.
Tok Guru's house in Pulau Melaka
source: Khamleng

In his formal Chief Minister attire.

After his inauguration as a Chief Minister of Kelantan, his lifestyle and daily routines remain unchanged - he remains a Tuan (Tok) Guru, teaching Islamic religious knowledge and preaching at various mosques and suraus (small mosques). His lectures and sermons are not complete without those enriched dosages of pedagogic reminders, the belief in Allah and the duty of Man to heed the well-being and the wellness of his soul in this world and the Hereafter.

The state leaders under Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz.
source: Palestinhood

Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz's concept of administration also differs from those of the other state learders. His is based on the 'Kepimpinan Ulama' - a leadership which has paramount anchorage on the belief of the Almighty and the returns of the Hereafter, whilst teh Qur'an and the Sunnah (the Ways) of the Prophet act as its fundamental guidance. This is indeed a new philosophy and direction in the state's administration and development.

source: Miz Jana, FB

Since taking over the leadership of Kelantan on 22nd. October 1990, Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz and his team spearheaded the above changes using the above-mentioned concepts of leadership. To achieve his mission, he embarked on a comprehensive, integrated yet gradual explanatory-training sessions to all concerened. This is to ensure that the public at large would understand what it means to be governed by 'Kepimpinan Ulama'.

What is our reason for saying that the State of Kelantan is an 'educational campus'? We say so because in order to achieve the intention of 'Membangun Bersama Islam' ...
Here when one speaks of education it does not only refer to the form of education which one normally receives in schools. Here education includes extra curricula activities aimed at teaching, moulding, training and disseminating all relevant information to the society at large. The activities include teaching the children Qur'anic reading and the basics of 'Fardhu Ain'; giving lectures and sermons in mosques and suraus to adults and youths; implementing 'praying' campaigns through courses, seminars, forums and others. All these are institutionalized under a department known as 'Dakwah Halaqat'.

... to be continued. 

Apr 14, 2010

Kelantan International School

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon everyone.

It's another short entry. This is the Kelantan International School which is located within walking distance from our library. Everyday I will pass by this school on my way to work and back home. I'm actually interested to get inside the compound and better if I am allowed to have a look inside the school. 

It's intriguing to have an international school nearby yet I know nothing about it except for looking from outside the fence.

If you are thinking og migrating to Kelantan, insyaallah you can schooled your children here. They have kindergarten until high school level here. And it's in Kota Bharu! The capital of the State.

I hope this will be helpful. 

Apr 1, 2010

What a beautiful mosque.

This is Masjid Beijing, one of the new mosques built around Kelantan. It's actual name is Masjid Sultan Ismail Petra but Kelantanese called it Masjid Beijing because of the architecture and structure of the mosque which looks like a Chinese Pagoda.

The Islamic Government wants to tell people that we should stop racism. So far most mosques were built in the Malay communities because most Malays are considered Muslim. However, nowadays more and more Chinese have embraced Islam and they deserved to have mosques built and have influence from the Chinese culture. It's nothing wrong even though there are some people who do not agree.

If you come to Kelantan, make sure to visit Rantau Panjang and drop by this Masjid Beijing for solat.

Feb 2, 2010

Advertisements are not going to be free anymore

Assalamualaikum wr wbt to all my dear readers. May blessings of Allah be upon every Mukhlisin and Mukhlisaat.

Dear friends, especially those who have their advert banners in my blog since last year. As I've stated since last year on the header of the advertisements box that the advertisement will not be free starting Jan this year and after further thinking I have postpone another month of free adverts in this blog.

However, starting from Feb 5, anyone who would like to advertise will have to pay a small fee. And I will choose the kind of advertisement suitable for this blog's mission. It should be related to muslimah Islamic fashion, family issues, food, etc which I find suitable.

If you are still interested in advertising your business or products in KakChik's Wardrobe, below are the details of the payment.

Square 125 pxl x 125 pxl advert box
Monthly price = RM15.00
Yearly price = RM150.00

Rectangle 125 pxl x 250 pxl advert box
Monthly price = RM30.00
Yearly = RM300.00

You only need to provide me with your current banner which is suitable with the target advert boxes and I'll make sure it'll fix nicely in the slot. I don't know how long this rates will last but for this year I think this should be okay and reasonable.

Any interested advertisers, please email me at before midnight on Feb 5. Thank you for your time reading this and thanks for supporting this blog.

Jan 30, 2010

Depression is everyone's experience

10 All Natural Ways to Stop Feeling Depressed
copied from Pendidikan Seumur Hidup
Image source: AMP for Teens
  • Life is a drag.
  • What’s the point of anything?
  • I’ll never be happy.
Do any of these gloomy thoughts sound familiar? It’s likely they do. The occasional case of the blues is perfectly normal, but that doesn’t make dealing with it any easier. If you allow them to, negative thoughts can fester and lead to serious depression. That’s why it’s important to take action early to bust yourself out of a slump.

While these suggestions won’t eliminate your problems, they can help you break a negative thought pattern and stop feeling depressed. If you think you might have a serious mental health problem, don’t hesitate to see a medical professional.

1. Understand the emotional cycle - Life is an emotional roller coaster. Some days you feel like nothing can stop you. Other days you feel utterly hopeless. Most of the time you’re somewhere in between. Understanding the pattern of positive and negative emotions will help you put your feelings in perspective. Next time you feel down, just remember that it’s a natural emotion that will inevitably pass. Knowing that a feeling of depression is only temporary makes it less dreadful.

2. Spend time with positive people - Nothing affects the way you think and feel more than the people you interact with. Thoughts (both positive and negative) are contagious. If you are surrounded by negative people, it’s only natural that you’ll start to think and feel the same way. To improve your outlook on life, spend time with positive people. Search them out and try to understand the way they see the world. Chances are their happiness will rub off.

3. Reflect on past success - In the wake of a colossal failure, it’s easy to forget everything you’ve ever done right. Take a few minutes to remember your past accomplishments and build yourself up. What made you successful before? What are your strengths? Frequently, this exercise will build self confidence, help you figure out what went wrong, and generate ideas for success in the future.

4. Focus on gratitude - It’s human nature to measure ourselves against those ahead of us on the social ladder. Studies have shown that people care more about being richer than their friends than actually making more money. When you consider everything good in your life and compare it to the problems of less fortunate people, the issue that’s making you depressed won’t seem as serious.

5. Change of scenery - One of the best ways to change the way you feel is to change your environment. When you get in a slump, you start to associate your problems with everything around you. It can get to the point where your environment is a constant reminder of your problems. This can be a dangerous cycle. The solution is to change things. Change doesn’t have to be radical. Cleaning up, adding more lights, or including pleasant decorations can completely change the mood of a room.

6. Break your routine - Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing. It often leads to getting caught in a rut. To get out of it you need to temporarily change your routine. If you can, take a day off from work. Do something you don’t normally have time for or something you’ve never tried. In the long run, taking a day off every now and then to get out of slump will make you happier and more productive.
7. Interact with animals and nature - It’s funny when you consider how humans put so much importance on their own tiny problems. Animals don’t think this way. A little bird doesn’t mope around because it isn’t an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed. Animals live in the present moment and they show love unconditionally. Observing and interacting with them will help you get over your problems.

8. Get moving - As Johnny Cash famously suggested, “Get a rhythm, when you get the blues.” Moving to a beat makes everyone feel better. The same is true for movement in general. Hitting the gym or going for a walk will help you shed the lethargy that comes with feeling depressed. The more enthusiastic your moments, the better you will start to feel.

9. Think about the big picture - As Carl Sagan made evident with the Pale Blue Dot, we’re insignificant creatures living in a vast universe on a tiny planet. In the long run, everything we do will probably be forgotten. Some might find this depressing, but it shouldn’t be. It means that all our problems are illusory. In a million years no one will remember what you did or didn’t do. What matters is the present moment and enjoying every second of life that we’re blessed with.

10. Do something to help yourself - Above all, the best way to stop feeling depressed is to take action. What is your biggest problem? How can you alleviate it? Once you decide to stop moping and start moving forward you won’t have time to feel depressed. Action will occupy your mind and give you something to look forward to. Once you get some results, you’ll build momentum and positive thinking will keep getting easier.

This month I've read a few blogs about depression, stress, sadness, upset and the likes. I think this article is a good read for anyone needed and hopefully these kind of problems can be dealt properly and wisely. Let's make our life happier and leave depression behind. As a Muslim we should always try to get back to Allah either in good or bad situation. Let's try to remember Him more during our happy times so that will always remember us.

Jan 27, 2010


This just for sharing. I'm already in the process of suing a few blog owners who have copied my picture without consent and used the picture in their articles. It's an infringement and a violation on my personal belonging.

This is what the Law has to say about such acts.
ACT 588

Chapter 2 - Additional Offences And Penalties

Section 233. Improper use of network facilities or network service, etc.

(1) A person who —

(a) by means of any network facilities or network service or applications service knowingly —

       (i) makes, creates or solicits; and

       (ii) initiates the transmission of,

any comment, request, suggestion or other communication which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person; or

(b) initiates a communication using any applications service, whether continuously, repeatedly or otherwise, during which communication may or may not ensue, with or without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person at any number or electronic address,

commits an offence.

(2) A person who knowingly —

(a) by means of a network service or applications service provides any obscene communication for commercial purposes to any person; or

(b) permits a network service or applications service under the person 's control to be used for an activity described in paragraph (a),

commits an offence.

(3) A person who commits an offence under this section shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both and shall also be liable to a further fine of one thousand ringgit for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction.

Copyright © 2005 PNMB-LawNet. All rights reserved.

Please be careful whenever we want to copy people's personal pictures, ask for permission first and then linked back to the rightful owner.

Jan 15, 2010

Have you ever seen a Crown Prince being an Imam?

 Pic credits to Rizal Tahir

Last night, a big event has happened in Kota Bharu.
The Crown Prince of our State has made news headlines in the local newspapers.
He became the Imam for solat. This has never happened before either in Kelantan or in other States in Malaysia. A history has been made.
FYI, in Malaysia, "The government is closely modelled on the Westminster parliamentary system.(Wikipedia).
The Head of State is the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, the elected monarch. Yes, we still have a monarchy (Sultanate) in our country which we respect.
As a humble citizen of Kelantan (one of the 13 States in Malaysia), I feel so proud to see my Crown Prince who is currently ruling the State on behalf of the Sultan, heading a prayer as an Imam. This is rare indeed.
Well, in Kelantan lots of things are different from other States.
We are unique in our own ways.
What else can I say?
After all, this is my beloved place.

Dec 20, 2009

I am back!

Assalamualaikum dear friends and readers. It's the new year and I pray to Allah that all of us will be a better servants to Him by being a better Muslims, spreading more love and peace where ever we are.

Alhamdulillah the final exam finished on last Thurday's afternoon and I've been doing a lot of things ever since. I thought I would have more time to rest but my bookshop is moving out to a new location by the end of this month and I'm also got to finish many tasks at the Library before January. Life can never be more happening for me than the end of December.

While, I'm doing all that, I have draft my first part for LIFE IN MALAYSIA series. InsyaAllah I'm hoping to publish it by the end of this week. With the MOVING OUT SALE and the YEAR END SALE for my both business venture, I feel like I need more energy and help. May Allah give me the ability to handle all these.

So, that's it for now. Wassalam.

Dec 8, 2009

I'll be hibernating this blog for a few days until ...

my final exam is finish.

Assalamualaikum wr wbt to all my friends and readers.

I'm really sorry for not posting any new updates since 3 days ago. There are many things that have happened in those days but I don't really know why I can't blogged about them. Every time I write a few lines, I keep running out of words and vocabs so, I save it as draft thinking that I'll get back to finish it. However, I just stare at the screen blankly and inside my mind, a jumble of thoughts are competing with each other to be the idea for my update. Well... I think I need a little rest. Maybe it's all due to my final exam which will be sat in a few days.

I shall be back, soon. InsyaAllah with a special story about life in Malaysia specifically in my home state, Kelantan. I know, my friend Sacrifice4Allah is anticipating that story. Please pray that I can write it sooner. For the time being, I'm going to focus more time for revision and will just update my KeluargakuSayang's blog (that depends too on my mood).

I guess, I can only hope that you'll pray for me to be able to answer all questions correctly in my final exam. After this semester, I only one more year to finish my diploma. Years before I graduated with a degree in Computer Science, insyaAllah soon I'll have a diploma in Early Childhood Education. May Allah bless me with clear head so that I can easily understand and remember the important points and objectives of my studies. That will be a big help when I sit for the papers.

Until then, you will always be in my mind and du'a. Wassalam.

Image is from here.

Nov 25, 2009

Exclusively Kelantan: The Purchasing Power of Kelantanese!

Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon everyone. Hopefully all of you are in good health and enjoying your day with your loved ones.

Lately, I'm not much of a writer because I have to allocate more time for my assignments and the coming final exam which will start on the 16 Dec. Actually the exam week started 2 days ago but I don't have any paper until that date. However I still spare some time to read some of my friends blogs and blog-hopping anywhere interesting. From the hopping around that I've made, I found this interesting article about one small part of my beloved home-state, Kelantan. As a good citizen, I'd like to share the article with you, my beloved readers and visitors. InsyaAllah the OWNER of the original article had given his approval for me to re-post it here.

So, here's the article!

Here are Top Ten "Purchasing Power" as the evidence to the existence of economic growth achieved by the state government through some of the implementation reflecting under the Islamic-approaches of Kelantan state government almost 20 years in the driving seat parallel with prospect of 2015 Kelantan State Growth. The PAS government leading this Mecca-Veranda as dubbed (by Malaysian) apparently interprets the manifestation after massive changes for its dwellers despite mainstream media negatively labeling Kelantan as poverty-stricken state! These are some of the proofs to crystallize the  (accusation from) Malicious Mainstream Media of Malaysia!. I will describe it as Exclusively Kelantan: Republic of Islam: The Purchasing Power of Kelantanese, Kota Bharu The Islamic City's Radius.

This is (one of) the most establish hyper-mart in Kelantan since its opening in 1995. Billion hypermarket (Kota Sri Mutiara) is situated adjoining Renaissance Hotel on the right side.

Kota Bharu Mall or KB Mall is one of the most strong purchasing power for Kelantanese after  it was officially opened 4 years ago because of its strategically-situated at the entrance of Kota Bharu City.

Pelangi Mall, was built beside the Kelantan River's river banks still waiting for its D-Day to be officially opened for public perhaps by early of next year.

Kota Bharu Trade Center or KBTC 's Parkson-cum-Giant was opened to public on September this year is another KB Mall-type shopping mall of strong purchasing power to the Kelantanese particularly in Kota Bharu Radius .

Low-price mart, Tesco enter its first east-coast markets by choosing Kota Bharu, Kelantan as their main destination and reportedly gaining huge returns from their monthly emolument.

Kubang Kerian Square or (in short) KK Square located in Kubang Kerian Satellite Town officially opened for public a couple of months ago. Situated nearby the new Mydin Mart (see below) and in front of the Hospital USM.

This is new Mydin Mart, retails and wholesales hyper-marts located in Kubang Kerian Sattelite Town. This mart was dubbed as Subang Mydin-like because of its capacity to welcome large quantity of customers!

This is Pengkalan Chepa's Pantai Timur Hypermarket, one of the low-price mart in Kota Bharu situated near the entrance of Kelantan domestic airport, the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport.

Ceria Supermarket giving most promising low-price retails and wholesales goods as it serves to the people around Wakaf Che Yeh new-development area, in particular.

Bilal Supermarket, the Islamic-undercover of Chinese company serving low-price for daily chores and fresh goods situated at Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra.

Growth Together With Islam..!

Hope you find it interesting and informational as I did.
al-Fateh, thank you.

Nov 24, 2009

Rest In Peace


I've just received a phone call from my cousin.
My maternal uncle just pass away a few minutes ago at his house.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.
I'm going home now and then visit the family.
I'll write again about this later.
See you.

Nov 16, 2009

Is there any truth to this email?

Assalamualaikum dear readers.

This is FAKE

I was sorting out my emails just now and to my utter annoyance there were too many spam emails get into my inbox. Among those emails, I received two emails about certain warning regarding FAKE ISLAMIC SITES. I think I've read somewhere about the same thing before but I can't remember where.

Please read this email excerpt and please tell me what you think about it.

Here's the email:
Please send this message to every one you know.
If you don't.... A Muslim(s) around the world could be receiving false information about Islam which you know about, so I would send this messages as soon as u have read it.

Beware of the following websites:


These sites have been developed by the Jews who intentionally spread wrong information about the QURAN, the HADITH and Islam.

Please spread this information to all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.

Always check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing.


Above: 'The True Furqan'

You Cant Ignore this, send it to as many Muslims as u can.

The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait , titled 'The True Furqan. It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled 'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer version of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits.

And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissible and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAM.

This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala!

All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick.

Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.

It's like a chain-mail and I don't like forwarding to others this kind of emails. I haven't have time yet to try visiting those websites that were claimed to be developed by Jews with wrong intentions. InsyaAllah after I finished cataloging the abayat, I'm going to check it out.

Oct 17, 2009

Stock Clearance Sale at MariBaca Bookstore

This is a special message to friends or visitors who are living in Kelantan.

Visit MARIBACA BOOKSTORE'S BLOG for more info.

It's a bit late for me to announce this but better late than never.

Oct 16, 2009

I'm Finish!

Assalamualaikum and a happy Jumu'ah/Friday to everyone....

Lol, I'm so happy that the makeover of this blog is finally finish, just a few minutes age. Fuh! Alhamdulillah.

Actually it should have been finished last night but in the middle of arranging and installing the widgets, I just fell asleep. I don't really know exactly when I fall asleep but I woke up before 4 am and just couldn't continue sleeping. Make ablution than continue with the makeover.

I think everything that I want to have in this blog is already installed in their own slots and I hope everyone can access this blog from any browsers without problem.

Once in a while I want to have new look for my blog. The same layout would soon be boring. Hopefully this one would stay longer.


Oct 15, 2009

Blog Make Over

Assalamualaikum to all dear visitors and readers.

KakChik's Wardrobe currently is under major makeover. All the process start at 7.00pm and hopefully will be complete before midnight tonight.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience during this makeover but I hope you can still read the entries while I'm doing the make up for this blog.

Hopefully the new FACE of KakChik's Wardrobe will be looking better and easy to the eyes. And also compatible with all browsers.

Till then, wassalam.

Last day for this layout: 151009

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