I wanted them to be simple so that they were easy for my students to read with no distracting pattern or design. They could also be customized to your classroom decor by printing them on colored paper. Printing each domain on a different color would work too! Here they are at work in my classroom:
I also love my organization system. When trimmed, they perfectly fit in a small, expandable file folder, like this one from office depot. I have included the labels I used here in the product. When I take out a standard, I put a sticky in its place. When I return the standard, I know exactly where it belongs!
I really enjoy the simplicity of this product and how it helps my students take ownership of what they are learning. You can find this product in my TPT store, but since it is new, it definitely needs to be given away... so... here comes a GIVEAWAY! I will be giving away the ELA and Math Bundled I Can Statements! If you win and you are from Oklahoma and would like the Science and Social Studies as well, please just let me know when you get your winnings! The giveaway will be open now through Thursday night! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Teach On!