Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

June WIPocalpyse

The full moon kind of snuck up on me yesterday. I was not at home most of the day and hadn't checked my calendar for posting. I was returning home from Ottawa last night and noticed the big, beautiful full moon on my drive. I wish I taken a picture of it. It was just huge! Then suddenly it dawned on me..... full moon equates WIPocalpyse. Sure enough when I got home and checked my calendar I saw that I should be posting. At that time I was too tired and made a beeline for my bed. So here I am, a little late but with a brief post.

Most of my stitching the past week has been on my Blackbird Designs Button Box. This design is from their latest book, In Friendship's Way. The house is coming along slowly what with all those little bricks to be stitched.

I really love the colours in this piece. I got stalled in the beginning because I wasn't happy with the dye lot of the Old Brick floss I was using. After ordering another skein along with one more skein of the Old Marigold I was back on track. I still want to do a bit of frogging on the flowers in the pot and use the new dye lots that I have. 
I plan on finishing this as suggested, as a button box. I'll be on the hunt for the perfect box next.

Since my last post with the pic on In Season, I have done only a smidge more. I've started the large leaf on the top right of the basket and I've started to add the little flowers to the top left. Really not much of a change since you last saw it.


 My next post I should have pictures of my new small start which I will be getting to today. It's a Stacy Nash Primitives design which I was gifted with during my recuperation. It comes complete with linen, floss and finishing supplies which is great. Although last night I almost lost one of the skeins of floss thanks to a certain kitty. I found her swatting it around on the floor. When I tried to take it away from her she took off running at a good clip with the skein hanging from her mouth. Fortunately my floors weren't too dirty and the skein wasn't wet or chewed up and I was finally able to retrieve it. The floss had been sitting on my dining room table which means she's also in trouble for getting up there. This is where I found her after the escapade....

 I don't know what got into her! Fortunately the bag was empty and there was nothing else for her to take off with!

The garden is finally starting to take shape here. My son Dan came out to help with the weeding and planting. Then my hubby topped up the beds with new earth and some mulch. One of my new columbines finally opened this week. Unfortunately Bob accidentally covered my other columbine plant with the earth and mulch. I'm still trying to dig it out and I'm not sure if it will flower.

 I also added a new piece of Mexican Talavera pottery to my collection thanks to my Mom's birthday gift to me. I now have 2 of these flanking each side of my garage.

Finally I'll leave you with this sunset pic that was taken from my back window. I was just closing the blinds for the evening and had no idea that the sky was so colourful. When I got a glimpse, I grabbed my camera and took a snap.

Enjoy your week!
