Sunday, October 18, 2009

Detik Manis Bersama KDP14 Minggu GBSR

salam sejahtera..
berikut adalah antara foto yang sempat di'snap' pd jamuan bersama barisan pensyarah yg mengajar kami..terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua yg terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak..semoga ilmu yg kita dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin utk masa depan anak didik kita..

1 comment:

  1. Helllo guys and gals:

    I'm appreciate to be your class leader during the 14th weeks courses. The moments we shares from the group counseling. we learn from sharing....though its got hard time to coperate from each other from time being...we had get through from that....different peoples had different way of life to being happy. The most important the tolerance that we had done...I truly appreaciate that.
    After 8 years,friends.I had come back to our blog to tell you all the good news I had finished my master of counseling in 2012 and finally I got my licence last month Mac 2017 after intervied by Lembaga Kaunselor arranged by the Majlis Kaunseling guru Negeri Perak .
    Hope you all doing good up there, wish you all being welll and happy always.......

    Miss you all and take care.

    Warm regards,
    Cheah Poh Choo
    Guru B & K
