Showing posts with label barn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barn. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

Early Shadows

Early Shadows
20" x 24" Oil on Canvas
I painted this one at Don Sahli's School of Art
in Evergreen, Colorado this past summer.  
This barn had incredible
shadows and light hitting it in the morning.
Contact me for purchasing info.
Thanks, Kay

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Early Shadows

Early Shadows
20" x 24" Oil on Canvas
Contact Kay for more information on this painting.
Thanks, KMW

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Early Shadows

Early Shadows
20" x 24" Oil on Canvas
Plein Air Painting
This is a workshop painting that I did in Colorado this summer.  It was hard to catch the morning shadows and the light hitting this old barn.  The barn was situated next door to Don Sahli School of Art so I set my easel  up two days in the early morning.  It was amazing how the shadows moved over the barn.  It was a great exercise in looking, looking, looking and then putting the paint on the canvas and doing it quickly.  Thanks for looking at this blog....
Have an artful day!  KMW

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Plein Air in progress...

Barn in plein air...after day one.
This is a 20" x 24" canvas, on location in 
Evergreen, Colorado.
I was challenged by the moving light and shadows 
on the barn.I had to work very this point
I had painted about 90 minutes, drawing
and painting in color.  I had to quit at this point, 
and returned the next
day to catch the details of the shadows.
I also had an issue with the sun light moving 
so quickly, that it hit the back of my easel.  So grabbing 
the right colors, focusing on 
the light and shadows and painting fast was important.  
have a green issue whenI paint, 
and tried a new approach to get some 
earthy and cool greens...lots of mixing going on.  
I probably should post a pic of my palette....
it was a real mess!
I hope to post the completed painting soon.
Thanks for viewing....Kay