Showing posts with label Temples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temples. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012


On September 23rd the Brigham City Utah Temple was dedicated. It is the most beautiful building I have ever been in. Every square inch is full of detail. I promise this is the last Brigham Temple post until there's snow. ;)
Brigham City is famous for their peaches so there is peach blossoms all over the temple. To see photo's of the inside go here. I really love the stain glass peach blossoms. I day dream about the photo's I'll take here. I'm really excited that I will be living in Brigham City in January so that I'll get to go. I'll be looking for a couple to wear their wedding attire. If any of your friends get engaged or are refer them to me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Idaho Falls Temple

This temple is SO gorgeous! I loved taking more pictures of it. It was such a beautiful day. Some of my roommate's and friend are from Idaho Falls so they get to set these pictures as they're desktop background. I love having such good roommate's, family, and friends that tell me they love my pictures.:)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Favorite's of 2011!

I can't believe today is the last day of 2011! This year was really great! I loved having my camera and hope to take even more pictures next year. Happy New Years everyone! Here are some of my favorite photo's I took this year. Thanks to all of my clients! Thank you to those who have complimented my work and left nice comments.

I enjoyed taking pictures of the IBC Danish Delights. This picture is the biggest print that's been made of my photo's. It was fun to see pictures I took around campus.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

rainy day

Yesterday was so rainy! The clouds here always look so pretty. It's supposed to snow today:S I really hope it doesn't. I'm not quite ready for snow! Today I learned something in my photography class usually it's just review, but it's a fun class. I'm getting the hang of this college thing;)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sunny Day

I love this Salt Lake Temple so much! Here are more pictures I took today...

I think furry bees look so cool.

f.y.i. this last picture is not upside down. It's just a reflection.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Seminary Graduation Announcement

Last week was our seminary graduation. It was so nice. I was excited for it because on the inside of the announcement was a picture I took! Our stake president wanted a picture of the youth looking at the construction of the Brigham Temple. I was so excited i was asked to take it. It turned out great!

 I really liked that this is something everyone will hold on to forever and I took it! I loved that feeling. :)

It already looks way different! Here's pictures of what Brigham Temple looks like exactly today!

 I stood on my brothers back to take the picture above ha ha.
And I cut my hand on the fence in this picture above. I guess it was worth it though.:) I love the peach blossoms inside of the circles!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Salt Lake Temple!

Tuesday I got to chance to go inside the Salt Lake Temple. I LOVED it!!! Salt Lake is officially my favorite temple. It is gorgeous!! I hope to get married there someday there are a million photo ops there! We walked around for hours.

 I really liked the flowers! They're cute little bells. Does anyone know what they're called?
I'm so glad that he's willing to let me take pictures of him!

 I love tulips!

I love that this picture has tulips, Sister missionaries, and the conference center in it.

We got to go to the second highest part on this building. It was so pretty!!!

 I think Salt Lake is so pretty. I loved the view from above. The trees on top of the conference center looked so small.

The End. :)