Showing posts with label McKenzie Bight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McKenzie Bight. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Personal record

Sunday was a great paddle out of Brentwood Bay. I was dropped off by Bernie in my mom's car (no roof racks) and since I thought I was going to return via bus, I took the Expedition inflatable. Hard to get on a city bus with a 15.5 foot Eliza in rotomolded plastic, but those Advanced Elements folding inflatable kayaks? Piece of cake, even if the bus is one of the few left in our area with stairs instead of a level ramp.
What followed was the longest trip I've taken so far in an inflatable kayak: just under fifteen kilometres
Speed? Don't make me laugh. These aren't speed boats, they're portable boats for rec paddling. But instead of dwelling on the fact that I was slowing the other three paddlers down to my speed (Louise in her Delta 17, John in a Delta 18 and Alison in her Kestrel 120 from Current Designs), I tried to focus on the fact that as part of a paddle group, I could go places I'd never take the Expedition by myself. Across Saanich Inlet, that is. Two crossings of over a kilometer
Awesome trip today. Bright weather, many seals and jellyfish to admire, and the neatest little crab in a crack who kept ducking down to hide when anyone else looked at him. Check out Louise and John's photos!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Saanich Inlet

The extreme temperatures of the last week or so have fallen to closer to normal, although it is still unseasonably warm in these parts. We decided to start a little earlier than usual today to avoid the mid-day sun. But none of this mattered at all to Alison; her visit here is nearing an end and she just wanted to put in at Brentwood Bay and go! And go she did -- she set a blistering early pace moving out of Brentwood Bay and into Saanich Inlet.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 009 - Copy copy

Louise, Paula and I eventually caught up to her and we continued at a more civilized pace. The water was flat and clear, making it easy to spot sea stars on the rocks during this low tide...
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 013 - Copy well as this jelly fish.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 016 - Copy copy

We paused for a quick stop at McKenzie Bight. Alison has been thinking of moving up from her Current Design Kestrel so Louise let her take her Delta Seventeen out for a spin.
McKenzie Bight

We decided to press on. A slight breeze was making its presence felt but otherwise conditions were picture perfect.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 055

Small little seal heads were popping up here and there. One popped up a short distance in front of me and we were so distracted by it that we all just about paddled right over another seal.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 049
How could we not notice this guy? It's not like he's well camouflaged!
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 100

This eagle paid little attention as we all fussed over him with our various cameras.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 089

This seagull looks like it was making a meal out of a small sea star, but it didn't seem to be enjoying it. The look on the seagull's face reminds me of the old joke about cooking seagulls and their apparent lack of taste:
How do you cook a seagull?
You put it in a pot of boiling water with a rock. When the rock gets soft, you throw away the seagull and eat the rock.
It looks to me as if the seagull was looking for his own rock right about then.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 104

We paddled by more seals, a mother and her baby.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 112

We crossed the Inlet and passed by more seals. At one point a small seal head popped up in front of me. He carefully watched me for a moment, then ducked under the water. As I passed the shallows where he was swimming, the sun turned the water almost totally clear and I could see this small baby seal playfully swimming just below the surface. He was rolled over a few times, then swam in circles chasing its tail. I was too mesmerized to even think of trying to get a camera out. I regret not getting a shot of that amazing moment, but then again there are so many amazing moments when you are kayaking.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 069 copy

Soon the paddle ended and it was time to say au revoir to Alison, although I think she'll return to visit her kayak soon.
2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay 057

2009-08-02 Brentwood Bay

Trip length: 14.95 km
YTD: 216.68
More pictures are here.
The Google Earth kmz is here.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Breaking New Ground

We were dubious about a paddle as the morning broke. Depsite a total absence of rain in the forecast for today, we were encountering drizzle as we loaded up and headed out to Brentwood Bay. But the drizzle soon stopped, and it looked like we were going to have a great paddle day.
It was Louise, Richard, Paula, Alison and myself today. The plan was to cross Saanich Inlet and see how far down the Inlet we could get. About a decade ago, Louise took a kayaking course and they paddled down to a waterfall where they put in and had a break. Today we're going to seek out this mythical waterfall.
Brentwood Bay Launch

We headed out and crossed the Inlet without incident. Alison and Paula lead the way...

...but their path crossed mine, and I had them in my sights. In naval combat, this is called Crossing the T.

Actually, the crossing wasn't totally event-free. We found ourselves being tailed by over a dozen seals. This has happened before when we've crossed over south of Bamberton. I tried to get some pictures of them, but none turned out. But we did see this fellow sunning himself as we paddled down the shore.

An eagle relaxed in a tree.

While Alison and I were distracted by the eagle, the rest of the group drifted by the next point. As we paddled slowly to catch up, Richard looked like he was doing a "shush" motion and Paula was pointing at the far side of the point. We realized that something was there and as we drifted around, there were two baby seals on the rock.
We were probably closer than we should have been, but we just drifted slowly by and tried not to disturb them too much.
Baby Seals

Then we came upon the ruins of Minus Tirith.
Okay, maybe not that exactly, but there was a stone staircase that went from the shoreline to nowhere.

We never made it into Finlayson Arm. We ended up just going down a part called Squally Reach. That's where we found Louise's waterfall.

There was a small beach there to put in, but we decided to keep on paddling. We crossed, then put in for a rest and a snack at McKenzie Bight.
Snacks at McKenzie Bight

Then we started the final leg back to Brentwood.

We had a great time and were out on the water for about four and a half hours. What a fun paddle!

Brentwood Bay
Trip length: 15.6 km

John's pictures are here.
Richard's blog entry is here.
Richard's pictures are here.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Red Tide in The Morning...

Since there's never enough pictures of me, I pointed my camera at me today. What a great action shot, eh?

I was joined by Louise, Tracy and Paula for a little paddle from Brentwood Bay into Saanich Inlet.

We were also joined by an algae bloom.

We thought it was red tide, but it turns out that it wasn't. Just a regular algae bloom. But it sure stank. As Louise said, it was like paddling through vomit.
Brentwood Bay on a Bad Day...

But we paddled on, and in many places the water was clear and blue....

...while other places had a distinct pink tone to them.

We headed down the Inlet and put ashore for a stretch at McKenzie Bight.
A stretch, a drink and a nibble and soon it's time to head back!

My pictures are here.