Pls take note~ MM们要注意以下几项条例哦~ (1) Payment can be made via Maybank. We will send you the bank account details via e-mail upon order placed. 指定汇款银行(Maybank)。我们收到订单后会e-mail银行账号给您。 (2) Payment must be made within 2 working days. We will make the item available for the next interested buyer if payment is overdue. 请在下单后的2工作日內付款﹐逾期您的订单将会被取消。 (3) Kindly keep us posted on the payment transaction details (date, time, bank details & amount) via e-mail upon transaction completed. 请在付款後﹐以e-mail 通知我们您的付款日期﹐时间﹐银行明细及金额﹐以方便查询。 (4) Please do include your Name, Contact No. , Mailing Address, Product Code & Quantity order to us. 也请MM记得把名字,联络电话,地址,货品代号以及购买数量以留给我们以方便记录。 (5) We will send out the items within 3 working days after payment transaction completed. 我们收到货款(汇款及转账成功)后会在隔天为你处理;也会在3个工作天内发货给您。遇六日及国定假日之订单,视为休假后第一个工作天之订单。 (6) Once Goods sold are not refundable or exchangable. 货物出门,恕不退换。
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