Showing posts with label reflective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflective. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2011

cpd Thing 3: Consider your personal brand

Well, having an unusual name certainly helps with this cpdThing!

My first go-round of searching for "Katy Manck" brought up my real-blog and my work with the International Association of School Librarianship especially our GiggleIT Project (free online writing & creativity showcase for students 10-14, with lesson plans & ideas for TLs as sponsors)   - most results related to my book reviewing & IASL.

Checking for my name as "Kathryn" netted fewer results, specifically those relating to me as an alumna of the University of North Texas graduate library school or of Austin College (undergraduate).

Not too many crazy photos, although I do wish that the pix of me riding the camel at Uluru in Australia hadn't been mangled in the camera's memory before I could upload them!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Running with cpd23

Ah, more tools for my arsenal of research & social connection skills! I did my first 23Things a few years back (the impetus for starting this blog), and I know how much has changed in the social media spectrum since then.

Then, I was a high school librarian; now, I'm sorta-retired (not working, but no retirement pay coming yet), and busier than ever as an independent book reviewer (as guest on - best books for babies, kids, tweens, and teens) and blogger (my own - recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers).

I remain active in the International Association of School Librarianship as Treasurer and continue to promote IASL's GiggleIT Project our free online student writing project, most recently at the Texas Library Association annual conference in April.

Looking forward to the 'new' Things which have appeared since my last go-round - Zotero, Prezi, etc. I'm finally on Twitter ( @BooksYALove) and am having such a good time following YA authors (some even follow me - eeep!) and movers/shakers in the library world - adding to that useful folks list will be great.

**Katy M
Recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers at
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