Sunday, October 16, 2011

The 4th of July

WHAT? What's that you say? It's OCTOBER? Not around here. We're reminiscing the 4th of July 2011. We spent the day at Grandpa and Grandma's in Happy Valley. They recently added a new addition to their house hold-one the kids were super excited about: The Trampoline. We had fun jumping, riding bikes, slip n' sliding, and BBQ-ing. Then when it got dark enough we had our own little fireworks show, and then walked across the street to watch the big ones over Happy Valley Park. We were a little disappointed that due to the construction of the new high school in Sandy we couldn't do our usual chuch parking lot party...but this ended up being a pretty good day. We had lots of fun together and had fun outside in the perfect weather. The only thing that could have made it better was to have more family around!

Makenna gets some air.
Audri's turn!

And don't forget Brayden

Ian didn't want to feel left out either
I'm guessing there was a little bit of static electricity on that trampoline!

good time to get wet

what you don't see is the air guitar she was doing on the way down...

Makenna takes the more dainty approach...

Given his history with showers, we are happy he decided to give it a try

Being launched by dad...
...Is a lot more fun

Audri and Ian...

Don't mind his skinny-ness

She is positive she was a rockstar in her former life

My Boys

Drying out

Oh, yeah...and we pulled out her tooth recently too!

One of the few times I got on to jump...women who've had 4 kids (or even 1 for that matter) don't take trampolines lightly...


Carrie said...

I LOVE that pic of Audri because her face and Brayden's face are priceless!! You should frame that one! Brayden=Ryan ...weirdly so. Hope you all feel better QUICK and nobody else gets it.

The Laytons said...

I still check your blog!! So happy you posted pictures - your family is so cute, and growing up so fast!

Deon said...

Too big and too cute!