Showing posts with label Expression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expression. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spring Haze

Moving down the road
Like a bird in flight
Colors flashing by
Sprinkled with sunlight
All becomes a blur
Whizzing quickly by me
In a flowered haze
Of blossoms and new leaves
Lavender and gold
Chartreuse green and lime
Cranberry red maple blooms
Set against the pines
All against a sky
Of blue beyond all blues,
While woolly clouds scamper
Over all these brilliant hues
I find the springtime haze
Makes me feel so high
It sets my mind aflame,
It makes me feel alive!

~Kathie Adams Brown (May 19, 2015)

Not the best artwork, but I was having fun!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I Just Want to be Outside

I have been so busy

The words bottled up inside

Like a dam

Built across my brain,

Holding back the tide

Bogged down by responsibilities,

I am lost inside

I must be outside to find release,

I must be outside to find my peace,

I need to go outside,

to find my inner calm,

I just want to be outside!

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 25, 2015)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

To Reach for the Sky

Cattle Egret in CA 2012

What joy it is to reach for the sky
Arms open wide
to receive all there is,
or to celebrate
and cheer
With elation.

These arms of mine
So taken for granted
Are essential things
I use them every day—in so many ways;
to hug, to reach, to grasp,
to perform essential tasks!

How wondrously and marvelously made we are,
Birthed into this world, perfectly formed,
We crawl and walk and run through life
Arms outstretched and open wide

As if we were always born to fly.

By Kathie Adams Brown (March 15, 2015)

Common Terns, Chatham, MA 2011

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Ode to Sycamore Canyon

Sycamore Canyon 7-22-2010

I came to say “good-bye” to you,
I thought you’d make me cry,
but you have changed so much
and now I wonder why?
Your wild slopes have been torn up,
machinery rumbles on,
belching out its black exhaust
‘till all the birds have gone.
The bird song has diminished
and traffic noise increased.
though beauty still surrounds you,
You’ve lost your sense of peace!
I found a few fine sparrows,
the cactus wrens still call,
I walked right by an owl,
it made me feel quite small.
I think I’ll just remember you
the way you used to be,
there’s no stopping all this progress
but this Progress ain’t for me!

~Kathie Adams Brown (January 16, 2014)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sometimes Solitude is Bliss

Photo courtesy of Chris Rohrer

I like people...sometimes.
I like to have a friendly chat, to walk in quiet companionship through the woods,
To laugh about a funny movie with a friend,
To bemoan the worries of the world over coffee or tea.
I love to share the things I love with my friends, but sometimes, solitude is bliss!
There are no demands when I am alone,
No right answers I have to think of,
No need to be clever or cute or witty.
I can just be me and think my own thoughts
And smile at what makes me happy
Or dance in my heart.
There is no one to criticize or summarize or scrutinize or any other “-ize” me.

I can just be.

~kathie adams brown (October 17, 2013)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I am the Velveteen Rabbit

Body misshapen,
Fur worn off,
Scars on legs, arms, face,
I have lived my life
And my body shows it.
I look in the mirror
And wonder where the girl I use to know went,
with flawless skin and shapely curves.
I look in the mirror and I see evidence
—of a life lived
—marks on my body
—each tells a story
some happy, some sad, all LIFE!
I am the Velveteen Rabbit
And I have become REAL.

~kathie adams brown (May 21, 2013)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Silence

And now The Silence enfolds me
I nestle
Into its quiet arms,
I rest my head on its bosom,
I hear the beating of its peaceful heart.
I am reborn in this silence.
I am renewed by this solitude.

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 1, 2013)

NaPoWriMo 2013 Day 4 (I did my own thing) 30 Poems in 30 Days!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Over the Rooftop

Over the rooftop, that’s where I see
Another world waiting for me,
And all I need to do to explore
Is put on my shoes and run out the door!

~Kathie Adams Brown (February 2, 2013)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Artist in Me

There is an artist in me,
A stirring in my soul, a creativity I need to indulge,
So why do I deny it?
Art must be honored,


I will find my way out there,
And inward,
To that busy place,
Quiet place,
Active place
Of creativity.

~Kathie Adams Brown (October 5, 2011)

OSI Promt 188: Language