Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Listen..."Tweet" or "Cukoo"

Can you hear me tweet. Or am I saying Cuckoo?

I think the later is more accurate. But tweeting I am doing thanks to a new endeavor. I started (a week late by the way) a class from Big Picture Scapbooking. It's by Cathy Zielske called Everyone Can Write a Little. The gist is to use Twitter multiple times during my ordinary day to record small snippets of my life. Then I will gather pics and use Photoshop Elements to turn those blips of life into a digital mini album. Boy am I stepping outside my paper trimming, nondigital box.

Just one day into catching up on my homework and I found my first frustration when I had to pick a user name for my Twitter page. All the usuals were taken so I came up with "cuckoo" using zero instead of o to make it work....cUCkOo. I like it...Do you get the reference? Cuckoo is like a tweet but a little crazy. Anyway it works for me.

So I've tweeted a few times today and if you have nothing better to do you can follow it on the side bar of my blog. Yawn!

By the way if there are any Twitterers (how many different form of the word twitter can I use?) out there already, let me know so I can follow you. Eventhough the whole following thing kind of gives me the hee-be-gee-bees... it sounds like a stalker you know. But I'll stalk you if you are on Twitter just for entertainment purposes.

Tweet, tweet for now...


Unknown said...

You can follow me! (if you want, I added you already)

Donna said...

Great blog!!!
Donna :)
from ECWL class

AnnaMarie said...

Yikes, good for you. I didn't understand what you were talking about for half of it, between the tweets and the digital stuff. :) But can't wait to see what you create by tweeting!