Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sophia's Room is Done...again

It has been several months since I embarked revamping Sophia's room from her former nursery.  It was sweet before, but I wanted more color.  I made a new valance and roman shade, a quilt, pillows, and I replaced the closet doors with a curtain to match the valance.

Please ignore the wall decals to the left.  I have already informed Grandma that we don't want those for Christmas ever again.  There is just no way for them to look nice.

I made two 20x20" pillows with a vintage hankkerchief sewn onto the middle.

I added some crochet edging from thrift store pillowcase.

This room is teeny-tiny and just doesn't have room for two closet doors to take up square footage, so I replaced them with a simple curtain.  I put Sophia's doll house under her hanging dresses in the closet so she can still access them to play.  

Click here to see my Pinterest inspiration for this room.  
Many of the inspiration rooms had lots on the walls with a collage feel.  When I tried that it just felt busy.  Maybe my style is a little more simple/uncluttered?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Chalkboards

Quilting around the robots was not as difficult as I first anticipated.  I love this fabric for boys available at Spoonflower.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Red Kaleidoscope Blocks

Here are the first four blocks of a kaleidoscope quilt using Anna Maria Horner's Innocent Crush Loves Me Loves Me Not Petal Red Fabric.

Click here to see the fabric stash I have picked out for this quilt.  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Enjoying Memorial Day

I've been playing with these for a while and haven't quite decided yet.  Most of these fabrics are from Tina Givens and Anna Maria Horner.  The brilliant red (second from the right) would make an amazing kaleidoscope quilt, but also a cute skirt for me and I don't have enough for both.  

My boys and I made a book of all the fun things we would like to do this summer (Thanks Robin for the great idea!)  We decorated a page for each activity.  I plan to put a photo on each page once we accomplish that thing.  Some of the ideas include the zoo, the pool, Kaleidoscope (free crafty place here in KC), Oceans of Fun, camping, riding bikes.  

We have three baby robins in the nest that was built after mama robin picked out my flowers.  That's ok, it was worth it to have such cute visitors.  We also found a baby turtle in the yard today.  We are really enjoying the outdoors right now.  Unfortunately, the turtle won't be for a while.  We put him in a tank in the boy's room.  

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Wave In Progress

Finished cutting all the odds and ends for my new wave quilt.  Here it is all laid out...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Feather Quilt Revisited

I recently took some new pictures of one of my favorite quilts.  I felt the old post didn't do it justice. 

So this is how I design my quilts.  I sketch them out on graph paper.  Then I decide how many inches each square represents based on how large I want the quilt to be.  

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Black and White Quilt: Oldie but Goodie

I had almost forgotten about this quilt until I spied it in my mom's guest room the other day.  This was either the second or third quilt I ever made.  She bought a bundle of black and white fabric and told me to do what I wanted with it.  It looks random, but it actually took some effort trying to make each of the strips contrast to the one next to it.  

I did quilted in the ditch and used black thread for the back so the design would really show up. 

This quilt lives in my mom's guest bedroom.  I also created the quilt she has in her bedroom.