It has been several months since I embarked revamping Sophia's room from her former nursery. It was sweet before, but I wanted more color. I made a new valance and roman shade, a quilt, pillows, and I replaced the closet doors with a curtain to match the valance.
Please ignore the wall decals to the left. I have already informed Grandma that we don't want those for Christmas ever again. There is just no way for them to look nice.
I made two 20x20" pillows with a vintage hankkerchief sewn onto the middle.
I added some crochet edging from thrift store pillowcase.
This room is teeny-tiny and just doesn't have room for two closet doors to take up square footage, so I replaced them with a simple curtain. I put Sophia's doll house under her hanging dresses in the closet so she can still access them to play.

Click here to see my Pinterest inspiration for this room.
Many of the inspiration rooms had lots on the walls with a collage feel. When I tried that it just felt busy. Maybe my style is a little more simple/uncluttered?