Hi there! Back after a little hiatus. I moved home at the start of March and am still waiting for TalkTalk to bother connecting up my internet, most frustrating. But I am still chugging away, my BoB Praetorians are developing nicely.
This month was a light one for me in the comp, just two items. First up is my Primaris Psyker. This is an old second edition IG Psyker model, one of my favourites in my collection. Probably one I saw in a WD battle report back in the day and liked so much I bought it (the same reason I have the old IG Assassin).
Painted in fairly muted colours, but I'm quite happy with the results. Things I'd like to do to it but at the moment I lack time and talent unfortunately :)
It's like waiting for buses.
1 week ago