Monday, October 20, 2008

Strolling along........

Ray set up my double jogger stroller for me so that McKinley can ride along w/ Stephen now. We got a sling insert for newborns that takes them up to 10 months. I'm so excited I can fit them both in there now. Stephen actually loved having his 'baby' in the stroller w/ him. He would say "baby, baby." He didn't want us to forget her. I am grateful for the ability to walk and stroll along. It is such a gift to move and breathe fresh air. I am walking today w/ a sister in my ward who has 3 children she will be bringing along. I'll be thinking of you, Mari. : ) It's always helpful to have a walking buddy. I miss Mom, but I'll be ready for her to come back and walk and talk w/ me. Beth and I enjoyed a nice, long stroll last Saturday. The Mountains were out in all their glory and the sun was setting. I love the color of Alpenglow. Alaska is such a beautiful place to live. You just need to get out during the daylight hours. I am convinced of that.

McKinley is now sleeping 8-9 hours a night. What a gift! Ray has returned to work and is recovering well. Stephen loves nursery. He has an awesome new nursery leader. My friend, Crystal was called to this position and she has done amazing things w/ those more tears on Sundays. : )

I am enjoying my morning pondering time. I have started reading conference talks every morning at 7:30. I read a portion of the talk out loud to Ray and McKinley (Stephen sleeps till 9 am) and this starts our day off w/ inspiration and a desire to improve ourselves. I encourage all of you to read and ponder those talks. I especially love the talk by Elder Corbridge entitled, 'The Way.' He refers to Jesus Christ as being the way, the only way and that is no other way. He made a clear case for Christ. I am so grateful for the insight and wisdom of our leaders. We will not be led astray if we will choose to follow their counsel.
May we all find the happiness and fulfillment that comes from following our Savior.

with love,

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hurray for walking! There is something miraculous about getting outside and walking!! It looks cold there, though! Brrrr! McKinley looks so cozy in her little cocoon!!

I love your reading conference talks in the morning idea. I am currently studying Pres. Uchdorf's conference talk about Hope. It is really awesome!!

Lots of love!!
