Showing posts with label Manny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manny. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I Was Here First—Cats Rule!

I often remember laughing at my dad when he would go to sit down and find one of his cats in his chair. His cats had a knack for knowing where he was going next it seemed. Harry never shooed the cat off and fortunately didn’t ever sit on his cat even though he came close a few times. He just let the cat have his chair and he would sit somewhere else. Well, now I do the same thing and thought about my dad and his cats as soon as it happened!

My Manny boy was lying on the chair under the dining room table (pictured). When I pulled it out, it was heavier than usual and then I saw my nice cat lying on it. At first, I was going to ask him to leave but since there was a free chair next to it because Gerard was walking the dog, I just pushed Manny back under the table where he was and I sat in the chair next to him to eat my breakfast.

What chairs do your cats seem to like most? Do you chase them off or let them stay if they are in the chair you want? Who’s the boss at your house—you or your pet?

I am donating 50 cents per comment this month to Heifer International.  Let me know if you would like us to donate a goat, pig or sheep with your comment.

This is part of Saturday Suggestions blog hop at Mona's Milestones and Pet Pride.

"My Funny Dad, Harry" Book Giveaway

Congratulations to all the winners of the giveaway for "My Funny Dad, Harry" at Red Pine Mountain. I am so happy that four of my regular commenters won! Read what Tim thought of it at Everyday Living.