Friday, May 10, 2013


Last week we had to say goodbye to Barkley. I would have to say it was the hardest/worst day of my life so far. I guess I should feel blessed that my life hasn't been so terrible this far, right? Barkley was suffering from seizures, was starting to go blind, and just did not really want to be around anyone anymore. As a result of just not feeling well, he was becoming very grumpy. Kyle and I made the hardest decision of our lives to put him to sleep.
 I miss him terribly. He began our family 11 years ago and taught me to love others unconditionally. It didn't matter what naughty things he did (and there were ALOT!), I loved him. I will never forget the day we bought him in Prescott. He was wearing a little visor and a bandanna that said "I'm for sale". I fell in love instantly.

I will never forget that every time we told Barkley to "go get the birdies", he would take off like a bolt of lightning out his doggy door and look for birds in the back yard. Barkley also learned so many tricks. He learned how to play dead. You would shoot at him and he would whine and cry while getting on his back. It was hilarious. He also knew how to roll over, beg, sit, lay down, stay, and wait while we put a treat on his nose. 

Dash is sad. He misses his companion. I was worried about him last week because all he would do is lay on the floor. Fortunately, he has Meg to make his loss a little easier. I do worry a little about how he will act when we move into our new house. He has never been an only dog and seems a little lost.

I miss Barkley. I did not anticipate the complete and total devastation I would feel when we would have to put him to sleep. He will never be forgotten and will never be replaced.

1 comment:

Maydays said...

: ( so Very sad... Sorry for your loss. Not an easy thing at all.