Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Girls weekend in Vegas

I went on a much needed girls vacation to Las Vegas last weekend with my dear college roomie Trish (right) and her good friend Rachel (left, who is now my good friend). We had soooooo much fun!!! Where to start? The first night after a huge buffet we went to the highly anticipated movie Twilight. After much debate and analyzing we decided we loved it. We agreed that some of the casting was off (Jasper?????Rosaline?????) The next day we did a lot of shopping and site seeing. Saturday night we went to Myster at Treasure Island. It was a great show! Lots of amazing stunts and dancing.

One of the highlights of all my vacations is the food. Here we are at In & Out Burger (a first for me). We also dined at a great Buffalo Wings place and the Cheesecake Factory. I learned so much from these girls this weekend. I came back happy refreshed and ready to be a better mom and wife. Thanks girls for a fabulous time. Thanks husbands for watching all the kids!!!
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Nicki said...

you got a new background! It looks great! Glad you had a good time in Vegas. You deserved a nice little break, they really are refreshing, aren't they?

Stubbs Stuff said...

Good for you! Looks like a great weekend. That's fun to keep in touch with your college friends! Did ya get some Christmas shopping in?

Rasmussen Forever said...

That's great, Shell! Every girl needs to take a good break like that and play. Your photos are so cute. I'm happy that you had a blast. Have a great Thanksgiving!

The Bonham Family said...

How fun. I watched Twighlight also. I felt the same way. But I did like it. I went with my sister and sister in law and there was a lot of debating going on too. I'm not a crazy fan but I am a fan.

Camie Walworth said...

I'm a little jealous!! Such cute pics..you and Trish look just like you did in college!! So fun to see!!

trishanna said...

Dang we are cute! I had so much fun with you! we are for sure gonna have to make it an annual thing and tell clay thanks for me too.

Lucky Me said...

I am so jealous, what did you have to promise Clay? Maybe it'll work for me too...So much fun!