Dear Ruby,
Someday, you are going to ask me what you were like at as a little girl. I would like to think that my memory will always serve me adequately when that time comes and that I will remember every exquisite moment of your childhood so that I might share them with you. But, as much as it saddens me, I have to assume that I will not always remember the things I would wish to share with you. (Probably because you will learn one day when you are a mom that for every brain cell you cultivate in your children, you lose one of your own.) For such a day as today - your second birthday - I would like to write a few things about you, to remember you the way you are now - for both of our future selves.
Ruby, you are one of the most fascinating children I have ever met. You are delicate, feminine and fearless at the same time. You love animals, no matter what kind. You love bugs and are not afraid of anything creepy or crawly. First thing you say when you see a bug is "hold it!" When you see animals you want to pet them and feed them and nurture them. When you father took you to see some ponies that were near a fence by our house last week, you came up to the fence and called to them "hey, guys! Come, here!" You love to be clean, though. You do not like to have your hands dirty and ask for them to be "all clean" whenever they get smudged with something. You love princess dresses and in your mind all dresses (from play dresses to church dresses to pj dresses) are princess dresses. You love to pull kitchen towels about your waist and make your own princess dress. You love anything girly and pretty.
Your hair is a nightmare! It grows in all directions and can hardly be tamed. It is a soft blond and is still quite feather soft and wispy. If we do not pull it back, it falls in your eyes. Your father will not hear of cutting it to give you bangs. He thinks it will make you look to grown up. I think he may be right. But we cannot keep you from growing (much to our chagrin) - you speak more words everyday. My favorite is how you say your own name - "Eebee."
You love to snuggle and give hugs and kisses to all your family. You have always been very keen to the love of your family. You are happiest when we are all home and together. you protest quite angrily if we do not remember to thank Heavenly Father for Mommy when we help you with your prayers (Thank you, dear!). You are eager for Lyman, Charlotte (you call her Char Char) and Daddy to come each day. You love to spend hours snuggling your big Danish sister and hanging out with her in her room while she gets her hair and make up ready. You knock on her door and wait expectantly for her to let you in. In fact, with most things in this life, you simply trust that you will get what you want without objection. When you do not get your way - you display an impressive amount of objection with a passionate temper.
You love chocolate. What girl doesn't? You insist on chocolate milk and pull the chocolate syrup from the fridge whenever the door is open. You named your stuffed monkey "Chock - it." You are our baby and we spoil you frequently.
You are so sweet to your family members. If Corilynn cries, you rush to her and give her a hug. You don't always understand why someone is upset but you are always quick to give them comfort.
There are so many wonderful and delightful things about you, Ruby. As your mother, I am so blessed to have you. I cannot believe my baby is two today. I love you little Ruby Dubes.
Love, Mommy
even if her hair doesn't do what you want at least she is adorable!
She is getting so big! And so gorgeous!! Give her a hug for me.
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