Ive been a little out of touch with the world for the past week or so. My family is probably glad that I am coming out of it. You see I have a disease. Its called read-itis. Sometimes I go through a week or so where I get into book after book after book. During these times of read-itis flare ups I am mostly useless. Thankfully for the sake of my home, husband and children - these flare ups end and I can function again. Usually for another couple of weeks. In this week I have read 2700+ pages. Yowzers!
14 years ago
I probably shouldn't ask for the sake of MY family, but what sucked you in this time???
what have you read? I have that diseas too, but i take care of it by not picking up a book. But i miss it. Wish I had time too.
PLEASE share! If it's a library book, I will return it for you! :)
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