Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Be Back


I had the pleasure of Nora and daughter - Natasha company on Saturday evening ... thanks for coming Nora.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lunar new year

Lunar new year datang lagi sekejap masa berlalu .... dan tahun ni Billy ada bersama cuma dia tak bolih makan buah limau yg saya dapat se kotak .... terpaksa di bagi2 dgn adik2 .....
Harap maaf dah lama tak buat entry terlalu lah malas skg nak masuk ke blog dan juga pada kawan2 jgn marah kalau saya lama tak singgah juga.
Minggu ni mmg cuti panjang sampai hari selasa dan anak2 di sekolah dapat sampai hari rabu tapi staff kena dtg sebab ada workshop lagi....arghhhhhhhh
Pada kawan2 yg menyambut raya cina saya ucapkan

Thursday, December 31, 2009

People I met in 2009

Recalling back I think 2009 is a good year I get to meet so many friends from all over may it be in Singapore or Malaysia.

Bloggers and bloggers children whether staying with me for 2-3 nights or just passing thru' Singapore ... the main thing they are willing to come and meet me ... I am happy and may my years to come be as blessed as this year too.

Let the pictures do the talking with whom I met so far this year .......

Wanmommy's 2 daughters who stayed with me in July Sofie and Maya who were on summer holiday.

My buddies CW and Jereme - 24 yrs of friendship:)

my buddies Bernard,Jereme and Peter -hari raya '09

Hari raya visit CW,Jereme and Peter

Mulan and family came for early dinner in June - thank u Muni sudi singgah.

hmmm.... the beauties .. cikmilah,Dodie,me,Mas,Raden Galoh and Ummi in KL April @ the curve.

with Mas

with Dodie

with Raden Galoh launching her first book ...

with tulipurple

with ummi and tulipurple

with Anie and Aeez

with kak ezza and pB
with Raden Galoh again ...stay well sis:)

with Kak Nong and her hubby

with Zino and family

with Nurazzah

with Cikmilah ....

with novelist Anis Ayuni during the bookfair in KL

another novelist Aina Emir

my favourite novelist Aisya Sofea

with Nora.mamajambu and Mimi

Ummi and her children @ the Zon

Bloggers meet at the Melting Pot - Concorde Hotel.

Dodie,ummi365,kak nong,kak ezza,me,maklang and Mas

With Mas and Dodie -KL

Nora and mamajambu -

Maria and John Jan 2009

with cat cat aka catherine looi from Virginia

another vovelist Isa Kamari

with cat cat 2 girls Emma and Annabel who stayed with me for 3 nights in Jan 2009

Hazia who came on tuesday 29th Dec and going home tomorrow 1st Jan 2010

Mas and Dodie came Oct 2009.

Also in 2009 I met mak andeh but no pictures and also Sya also pictures not allowed:(

Thank you Allah for giving me so many friends from the cyber world.

Wishing each and everyone of you

A HAPPY 2010 may it brings better health and all in life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Archilles tendinitis again

The last few days I had my archilles tendonitis again of my left foot/ankle ... pain was bearable but yesterday morning I couldn't even step on it and had to limp walking to the washroom first thing in the choice I had to call in sick.I saw the doctor and he gave me 3 days medical leave and yesterday afternoon I made a prior arrangement to meet our local writer Mr Isa Kamari because I ordered 2 books by him.

Alhamdulillah after taking my volatren and danzen the pain was less after 5 hrs and managed to see him at City Hall as arranged ... with a bit of limp I took a cab and even managed to browse for a retail therapy .... hahaha

there he is a very humble person and after all that he won't take my $$$ for the books - he said he is glad that I am reading his books:).... thank you Mr Isa god bless you and semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan semasa di tanah suci membuat umrah.

the 2 top books that I wanted and he throws in a bonus for the 3rd book....
after he left I went into Robinson and shop at Mark & Spencer and bought for myself accessories.

and I treated myself with a new Swatch watch with a bigger face - nowadays my eye sight is getting from bad to worst ..... this is not an excuse but I do need a bigger face to see the time.
Now I am home with 3 days MC plus 3 days xmas weekend .... can't go anywhere as Billy need a cat sitter - any volunteers?