Monday, November 17, 2008

It's a .....

Here are the pictures for you to see.
Now you must solve the mystery.
Will we be buying pink or blue?
Look for the clues it's up to you.

What if you think the tech couldn't tell.
Who knows? That might be the right guess as well.
We will reveal the truth in its own due time.
It may seem unfair, but it's no crime.


Lyssa said...

Looks like a boy?

Keri said...

looks like a baby to me ;)

Anonymous said...

From my experience it has to be a boy.

Krissy said...

Pretty obviously a boy. Ours was not that obvious, so I was skeptical. Congrats! Boys are awesome.

Lara said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are so much fun! :)

grandma jorgensen said...

Wonderful and exciting news-our son is having a son!! We love you all and look forward to meeting this precious little boy! Grandma Jorgensen

Wade said...

A boy! How exciting!!!

Michelle Earnest said...

Congratulations it looks like your 51% was right! :)

Brad Leishman said...

Yeah! A mini-Jason.

Jaime said...

Congrats Wendi!!! That is soo exciting! Boys are sooo crazy and so much fun!

Jaime Sjostrom Sorensen

Erin Davis said...

It's a BOY!!! That's what my three looked like anyway! Congrats, boys are great!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

It's a BOY!! yay :o)

The Pickled Red Herring said...

AAAHHHH!!! I can't believe I'm #13. What a bad friend. YAY FOR YOUR BABY BOY!!!! (I'm assuming...? Because that doesn't look like either of my girls.) We need a little more testosterone in our crowd. I'm so jealous. I'm terrified of the 14 more girls that are surely headed my way. Anyway I'M SO EXCITED!

Erika said...

I'm so excited it's a boy! Congrats! But I just have to say that someday, when he's older, he is going to be SO embarassed that you posted that picture and made people guess. Fortunately for his impending male ego, at least everyone figured out that he's a boy.