Friday, October 26, 2012

Map gene

As Liam is getting older we can see him mirroring our behaviors and exhibiting our personality traits more and more. That's part of the fun of having kids, you get a little mini-me to follow you around and act just like you.

One of my unique (obsessive) qualities is my love of maps. On every vacation, or really, anytime I leave the house, I am usually plotting my route or involved somehow in the directions.

C.J. enjoys mocking this neurosis of mine by taking photos of me reading the map on every trip we take. Each photo is accompanied by some smart-alecky comment like, "here we are surrounded by the most esteemed art collection in the world and my wife has her nose in a piece of paper."

I enjoy reminding C.J. that he would be completely lost without me.

So what does this have to do with our kid?

Paris 2004

Moscow 2007

Jackson Zoo 2012

Now, what is this? Nature or nurture?! That's my boy!

Was he watching me? (Of course I read the map at the zoo. I like to know what animal is coming next. Neurotic, I'm telling you.)

Or is this the navigator gene presenting itself early? He is the product of a long line of direction junkies. Before me there is my dad and before him there is my grandmother, who I remember back in her driving days would regularly consult the globe compass attached to her car dash.

When C.J. and I saw this we had a good laugh. Which way should we go next, big brother? Don't worry about those exotic pink flamingos, you could see those anywhere.

And of course, C.J. had to take a picture to start documenting the next generation of obsessive map reader.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

One navigator to another, map reading is an ESSENTIAL skill. I'd wake up in the car the day after Christmas, Dad would hand me the map with, "We're going to Buffalo Bill Cody's House" and then he'd go to sleep as my mom took over driving. I'd then have to figure out what state we were in, which highway we were on and how to get to our destination. Penny drew a "map" just today that shows us where all the good pumpkin patches are, crayon stores, etc. She knows a map can get her to all the good adventures she needs.