Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear Blog,

Sorry that I don't have a new post. Bella is sick and so none of us have been getting enough sleep.

Dear New Camera,
Sorry I don't use you more often. It really is a shame.

Dear Camcorder,
Sorry I don't use you more often. My girls should be captured on film and their mom isn't doing it!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thanks for the great day. Exhaustion or not, I was spiritually filled today and it feels good! I taught a lesson in church (relief society--the women's class) on Forgiving Ourselves and I learned a lot. Not to mention that a lot of the material I got for the lesson was from an hour long program on forgiveness that just happened to be on TV when I turned it on in the wee hours of the morning with my crying baby. Here is my favorite quote from the lesson:

It has always struck me as being sad that those among us who would not think of reprimanding our neighbor, much less a total stranger, for mistakes that have been made or weaknesses that might be evident, will nevertheless be cruel and unforgiving to themselves. When the scriptures say to judge righteously, that means with fairness and compassion and charity. That’s how we must judge ourselves. We need to be patient and forgiving of ourselves, just as we must be patient and forgiving of others. -President Howard W. Hunter (1907-1995)


The Smiths said...

Yes we need more cute pictures of those girls funny little stories. They are growing up so fast. I was going through some old pictures. Looking back at when you took care of Kian. Bella was still in your tummy. Kian was a little teeny guy and Bryndi was a little toddler. Was it really that long ago?

Sarah said...

I'm sorry you're dealing with sickness! I love the quote about forgiveness Ali! I have been learning more about that subject recently also. It used to be that when people would compliment my family or tell me I had great kids, I would think "I don't deserve it". Then I realized I wasn't forgiving myself for the past and moving forward. The RS lesson I taught yesterday was about seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost, also something I needed to learn more of!

J and M Lloyd, est. 2004 said...

I loved this post! Thanks.

Judy said...

I needed this today. Thank you for your uplifting commentary on an otherwise not uplifting week for you. Loved the quote! It's one I want to memorize. And it's true, we are far kinder and fairer to others than to ourselves. Our Father in Heaven is so understanding and patient and kind and unconditional in His love for should we be. Again, thanks for your great post and your great love and friendship for my daughter, Bryn.