After finishing SDW I have been very fickle with not knowing what to work on next. I keep starting new projects but have not been that jazzed about stitching. Maybe it is Spring fever?
I started on Scarlet Letter's Ellenor Wykcs with a small SAL group. All the double running stitch seemed so foreign to me.
Then I worked a bit on N. Hinde from the Scarlet Letter. This one seemed small and I thought "well, I should be able to finish that in a couple days"... NOT! Working this one with some cherry Wildflowers silk.
Next up, I went back to Gigi R's Saxony ATS. I started this one also as a SAL back in October and have not gotten so far with it. The colors are beautiful though....
Then, I came across another SAL on fb called Randje per week, a group from the Netherlands. Looked like so much fun so I jumped right in!
And now I have jumped onto the American Quaker Band Sampler from the Scarlet Letter. A small start but I am enjoying this one so far!
So what does it all mean?? Lots of WIPs!
I also wanted to share with you the 'finished' finish of the moose parade. My friend loved the stitching and decided instead of having it framed she wanted a pillow. So I recommended, of course, our friend Carolina Stitcher Faye! What a fantastic job she did!!
And in an effort to do some Spring cleaning, I have started going through my stash to post up on Ebay. I have posted up about 40 charts already which can be found here if you are interested in taking a look-see. I have some very old charts from about 15 years ago, including some OOP. I am amazed at how much I have... even duplicates! Guess I liked some so much I got them twice! lol!
Thanks for visiting! Enjoy the weekend and Happy Stitching! xxxx