Showing posts with label pokie too. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pokie too. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2010

How Could This Happen

Just when it looked like we might be making some headway, THIS. Monday a federal judge issued a temporary injunction halting federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research.What is wrong with these people? In one fatal swoop any new grants are on hold. To put it in very real terms, the National Institutes of Health(NIH) stated yesterday that 50 grants up for peer review were pulled; 12 proposals worth $15-$20 million ready ready fr their annual renewal in September will not be renewed. In addition human embryonic stem cell lines ready to be added to the registry(the listing of eligible stem cell lines) will be placed on hold. We are still waiting for definite guidance from NIH about how this ruling will affect research already underway using this years money.I am so up[set as are so many more in the Parkinson and Neurological Disorder communities. That is why we simply cannot accept this mandate....Please stay tuned in the coming days and weeks for important updates on this issue and how your voice will play an important role.
I hope you as an ordinary patients have a big word in this
lease stay abreast of this and let you Congress how upset you are.....Hound your legislator for support. Let's all get out there and push this rec ending

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rainbow Connections

God gives us Rainbow Connections, to heed or ignore....Little visions and voices that lead us in one direction or another on any given day. Some listen intently to these voices and others just ignore them and do as they please. What a waste of God's time if one chooses to ignore ans how frustrated he must be getting at our actions. Did someone need a hug today and you passed them by? Did you have extra of anything and not pass it on to someone needing it? Could a nice word have been spoken instead of the rough words that erupted? Did you hold someone down for your own happiness, without remembering that a caged bird does not sing? Why can we not see that our Rainbow Connection is here, now. Our chance to find that pot of gold and make it ever shine for ALL to see. Try it today .....don't make it about money but instead about love. Love your neighbor as you would love yourself.....maybe there is were the problem lies. We cannot love ourselves, so therefore cannot love our neighbor. Somehow we must all make that journey to our "Rainbow Connection", sit quietly and listen to the voices of change......then act on those voices:

"who said that every wish would be heard or answered
When wished on a morning star?
Someone thought of that
and someone believed it
and look what it has done so far."

Yes, I am definitely a dreamer and a lover, I'm told, as well. But look around you at the wonderful space we have been given to inhabit? Regardless of what you believe you must realize and be thankful and pay forward or back for the rent you are owing. There are so many ways to shine, today. Take just a moment with that cup of coffee and come up with just one pleasure for Your Higher Pokie

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look at Our Finished Project

Look at this finished quilt all ready to be shipped to Glasgow, Scotland for it's debut to the World at the Parkinson's Global Congress in the fall.This is the combined effort of 16 Parkinson's patients and Parkinson's friends in different stages of the disease but ready to show their abilities to shine. The Parkinson's disease Foundation has been working diligently since last October to put together a huge display for the Congress called the PDF Quilt Project and these panels were made by only patients and friends who post on From Kenya to Chili, from East coast , West Coast and Texas and the Midwest, the panels came in. They were made with love and heart felt happiness to be participating in something so important to Parkinson's Awareness. As each panel arrived at my house in Illinois over the months, before I sent them jointly in for quilting, you could feel the personalities and warmth. Like a bunch of kids, each was different and unique. some needed mending, and some were not square, some needed backing to make them stronger. some drew a picture and some told a story and some just begged you to touch and get to know them.

By the time the day came to call FedEx and package all sixteen 2 foot x 2 foot panels for shipping, I handled each one it seemed a hundred times and I could barely let them go. But that evening as I sat and stared at them one last time.....something inside me just was bursting with pride. The same pride a mother feels when she sees her children walk down the isle to receive their diploma to graduate. I just stood up in the middle of my living room, with no one around, and said quietly to myself, "Yes, we are being heard, finally." Bless you
Parkinson's DiseaseFoundation for giving us this opportunity and bless you, the makers of these panels for your time and effort while battling this awful disease and last but not least thank and bless you for giving us a home to flourish from........As always Pokie

Friday, July 30, 2010

Come Walk With Me......


Come Walk With me along life's path
And I will walk with you.
We will share our joys and sorrows
the way good friends shall do.

I'll take your hand and you'll take mine
We'll walk together on life's path.
There is no gift more precious than
A true and life long friend.

And when the sun is setting
and we pause to watch the sky,
I thank you Lord for the pleasure
that my friend has brought me by......

Friends wander in and out of our lives these days as the whole world seems to be moving at way to fast a speed and yet out of nowhere came a special friend to lighten my mental load just by holding my hand. My guardian angel was really looking out for me on this day when out of nowhere appeared someone I had not seen for decades and the amazing thing is the beauty in the sincerity of the thoughts and words that flow from this chance meeting. Just a small writing in thank you for what you have given me back in my life...My Friend love Pokie

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fairies at Play


Reality came to play in my yard today.
I watched her with wonder from my room with a bay.
She danced and she sang and she chased butterflies.
I sat and I stared and I wanted to cry.
How dare her come to my yard and bring such glee.
Where roses grow in colors and bunches of three.
She ran in between and merrily she flew.
My life's been trespassed......
For Free.

Odd my mind would go here yesterday, when in the Midwest the temperatures soared past a hundred and rain came by buckets, but, I guess, it was the sight of butterflies dancing around every available flower in the yard that sent my mind to wander this path. So many uninvited things have been entering my life since I started to battle Parkinson's. Usually I don't dwell on losses and try to go on, but I see now, because I thought I had dotted all the "i's" and crossed all the "t's" as I went along and never was one to look back that I was eventually have to face facts. Then along comes something or someone who you cannot ignore and they are not considered a trespass but as they wonder into your life you are forced to acknowledge the times you have had taken away leaving so little to respond to life with. You look back and so want to be the person of before, agile and carefree but know that your bones will never leave you painless for a romp in your past. One thing I am so fortunate to have realized today,is that while the taking away was in process, some things were left behind. My heart and my mind hid quietly away as my mobility was stolen and gone. Once my body could no longer move, my figure soon drifted to places that were impossible to enter and at this point my mind sought solace and declared,"Enough." I have since realized, my heart and my mind took over for what was taken away and that was fine until yesterday and I dreamed of years gone past and freedom of flight. May it be possible, we will only see, if my mind might be stronger than all of me and gain me this one last chance at life that had slipped away only to be saved for another day. love always Pokie

Friday, July 16, 2010

TIME IS NOT NEUTRAL FOR US ..... World Parkinson's Congress video entry

I want to hurry up and get this on line. You may have noticed last week on my newsfeed on Facebook, a very close friend of mine gave me a sneak peek at what him and ten other Parkinson's patients have been working on for the Global Congress. Please view this and listen. The information in here is huge. Send me a reply or check in at More to come soon and thanks Bob and and good luck Pokie

Jamie Heywood: The big idea my brother inspired

It's three am and here I am with part of my family. October 7th of last year I had just finished my live setup for the 2.o Med conference in California when I went down with a grand mal seizure and once again I was in the Epilepsy World. After 13 years of dormancy, it was acting up again. Scary , huh? Yes, but what was different this time...The gentlemen setting on this stage, some of the men from, were and are my backup family. After four years on their site and so few days without me logging in multiple times all day, they know me better than I know myself. I have often joked that when it is my time to pass on, Ben will know months in advance. The most important part of this family, is their heart...always there, always caring. I trust them above all else. Some day I will have to sit down and write about my experiences on PLM. There probably is enough for a very funny book. I have clowned around at night when no one else was posting or even up, just me and Mr.T, the moderator. When I have had questions about outside Parkinson's advocacy, I can and could always drop a letter to Jamie and the response would be, "What can I do to help. Pokie" After the seizure in October, I returned to the site from the hospital a week later to find an invitation to join a beta testing on their new Epilepsy site. I've Beta'ed the Moods Community which they launched on my Birthday and waited for me to sign on and surprised me with a picture of a rocket blasting off and a big on line celebration. When it came time for the 2010 Parkinson's Unity Walk, in NYC they sponsored our team, through me, with a huge donation. When I started with them they were just starting so we have grown and learned together and as I was talking to someone today and they said they could see the difference WE are making for chronic illness patients. In the past four years the shift has definitely been from doctor ego to patient needs. That "one on one" interaction is often much more important than medication of any kind. And I don't mean to put doctors down. I have had one of the best Neurologist ever in my estimation and hope to return to him as soon as I can travel to St. Louis for visits. We were, above all else, friends and he would always ask for my input and never over medicate. I neither want or need to be a zombie because of my medication. I have "X" amount of time left in my life and have no intention of spending it sleeping twenty four hours a day. Well, you get the idea, I hope. I am so proud to say I am associated with and the crew there. I thank them for making everyday a new experience for me and showing the World just how important a social health network is towards finding a cure and furnishing a better quality of life as w suffer through......thanks again, Love always Pokie

Friday, July 9, 2010

Feeling Good.....

I feel a little leery about saying just how good I feel today and have felt for several days. Why? Because all around me people on PLM and around me in general seem to be so sad and lonely. I feel guilty. Usually when this happens and you run a string of days in really good humor, look out because the bottom will drop out of everything. My dad being the eternal "Optimist (??)" that he was would always say, "Look out for that light at the end of the tunnel. It might not be daylight it might be another train." Slowly but surely things are coming together here and I look forward to scrap booking next week...all the things I have collected on trips in the past three years and pictures of and from . I have a couple of sewing projects I would like to do while I am in an up swing. A friend of mine sent me this prayer yesterday that I would like to pass it on to you:
Dear God:
Please untie the knots
that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the canots and the do nots,
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find
a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart and my life all of the "am nots"
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought
that I am not good enough
Author Known to God
Well it's about time for coffee and medication for a new day.....I wish you peace and contentment today and as few "NOTS" as you can handle love always Pokie

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celerating the Fourth of July

My family and I pulled all the plugs out, this year to experience what living in rural America is, especially on the 4th of July. Living in the United States in this day and time is not the easiest , with economy and unemployment and general mistrust of all government officials. In Illinois this has been compounded by continual downpours making the fields impossible to plant or even work up. Some corn did make it to tassle stage thus the seed for the 4th was laid, corn on the cob. Several weeks ago my oldest daughter started stockpiling fireworks in the trunk of her car until last night when she and a few assistants pulled off a two hours display that matched any in the nearby towns and beckoned neighbors from all around. Our pond had a new batch of ducks sailing proudly back and forth and the grand kids had received and new load of sand which we left piled so THEY could spread it. Food and drink of all kind graced two picnic tables. Our pond is stocked with hybrid red ear perch which are just good eating size so dads and kids fished and my son-in-law grilled them with the before mentioned corn on the cob. The kids swam and moms floated on rafts while our three dogs ran back and forth after them. It really was a true Norman Rockwell picture and how lucky we were. You see we live in America a one of a kind land of opportunity. Even when the economy is bad and unemployment reaching double digits, it is still better than most and for me and my family it is heaven. Hopefully on the Forth in later years, the party will grow to fifty as the kids marry and their families expand. Twenty was nice but the more the merrier is my thought. With this story, I have tried to give you a small glimpse into my life in the middle of the United States on the Fourth. I hope your hoiday was as nice.....if not start planning now for next year and don't let it slip by.....This is OUR AMERICA...BE PROUD and SHOW IT......Pokie

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's A Real Special Day...

Were you aware of the fact that today is "Holy Crap,Your Hot Day". Your probably not and really don't care but think about it if your over fifty or sixty. How often does some one look at you, or treat you like your hot? If your me, and most women my age, things like that don't happen very often. This has nothing, evidently, to do with Parkinson's or Epilepsy or maybe even Arthritis because I have all and spent the weekend feeling "Not Hot" BUT "Maybe Special" for the whole weekend. I came home just absolutely on the top of the world due to two gentlemen at my 45th class reunion. Kent and Jimmy brought memories back to me that I had stored away to review in heaven. Their smiles and hugs were better than all the medication that could have ever come my way. Some might ask why I waited so long to go back. fear I am sure but I am glad I waited. My kids are grown. My grand kids are older. My life is settled ,if not in a rut..............Thoughts of times in the sixties and seventies seem to no longer dance in my head but haunt me. The life I could follow then I can no longer follow.This is not because I am older and suppose to have grown up but because the World does not believe in that life style anymore. If you want to be safe, all the fun seems to have to go down the drain. This has nothing to do with feeling "Hot"except when you feel that high you have to glow and you DO feel better and nothing is more important than that moment...Nothing before or and surely nothing that might come later, because later is no longer counted in large increments like ever it's more like tomorrow and tomorrow is ok. During this span of living life to it's fullest, Bette Milder made a movie called the "Rose" and the words from the poem it was based on changed my life Here's a little of it.
"It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It's the dream afraid of waking, that never seeks a chance. It's the one that won't be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of dyin' who never see,s to live...." Loving you always Pokie

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gypsy Rose

When I was ever so small, my grand mother Brockmire took to calling me Gypsy Rose. I was one of so many grand kids she had and she use to sit me down in the afternoon when I could not take a nap yet all the others seemed to have no trouble and say,"Gypsy Rose, gaze into that ball and tell me your story" and I would come up with some concoction just anything to get out of a nap. That early in life I was able to run away and hide in a play world. I suppose I never stopped doing that. This could be a good thing in times of extreme stress. It allows the brain a little time to regroup. If the memory was to bad it just went somewhere in that brain where it no longer frightened me. My grandma believed my brain was special, though just a little off to the left and somewhere that got tucked away until yesterday. She lived a rough life. She raised 10 kids during the depression with a husband who in later years developed Alzheimer's. Grandpa was an unemployed carpenter and would just take off walking to Egypt Mills to find work. My grandma would call my aunt Luella and we would go to find him and give him a ride home. She knew me pretty well but never tried to change me. She died when I was sixteen and never got to see the true Gypsy Rose come out in me as my 'Ol Hippy days emerged. Travel always called me to the next adventure and I see now that even then my brain was not as others but luckily the "Rose" side stepped in to smooth things out. How could she have known this in her point in time? She had a staircase with an ever so tiny air opening into the dining room. I use to sit there and watch her in the kitchen. She'd never let on like she saw me and then would say,"You done dreaming?" "Come down for some koolaid." Sixty three years later I find people who excepted me with all my faults. In that day and time I don't think children were so harsh. One would take care of the other. Don't get me wrong. I have always been the caregiver, but some times there has to be a rose in the flower bed to keep people from walking through and smashing everything and I guess that has been me , on occasion.
My Neurologist tells me I was born with Epilepsy and should have out grown it but never did just developed more somewhere else.You know what, I no longer care. I am what I am in that flower bed and those thorns may come in handy fighting for my causes. The gypsy I hope will keep me moving....and moving and moving. Thank you Grandma Brockmire for all your insight into a little girl with freckles who just loved life real or made Pokie

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I worked all day today on a project I should not have been doing and knew it. Cleaning out a closet in my bedroom and reorganizing in hopes of increased fung-shi and increased sleep. I started at 5am and as with true compulsive behavior, I just kept going till supper tonight. Two steps and sit down, Sit on the bed and vacuum the floor. Scoot the boxes with my grabber down the hall. i was so proud of what i had accomplished. This may be normal for some but not for me. I have my cloths all hanging in one direction and color coded NICE but when I went to lay down and try it out. I still could not roll over. It hurts my left arm. I was extremely uncomfortable. So after all this work which will render me useless tomorrow i am back to the couch. There I have no trouble getting comfortable can roll and my arm does not hurt....go figure. So I have a guest room now if anyone wants to come and visit love Pokie

We're Not In Kansas Anymore

October,2006...June,2010. 267-5011. Just figures or dates that mean nothing, not hardly. October 2006 was when I signed on to, knowing nothing about on line forums, expecially those that dealth with medical issues. 267 was the number of profiles of patients with Parkinson's Disease on the site, then, but only about 10-20 were posting on any given day and often much less. June,2010 is obviously now and 5011 is what we have grown to in such a short span of time. The threads have widened and often become complicated but this shows the true interest and love for this unique forum. We span not only the U.S. but foreign grounds and the mixing of all those diverse cultures took some time and still is taking some time to perfect. Unlike any other site I have visited,there is a since of community and famiy, where you feel you belong and others really care. Congraulations for the site you have produced, the code of ethics you continue to follow, and the storehouse of information you continue to furnish those who have trouble finding it on their own love Pokie

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ah, Blessed Peace and Quiet

All sixteen quilt panels made it safely to New York City today with their stories attached. I have slept and ate with them for many months and now am at quite a loss. This always happens. It's just me. I throw myself into a project and just cannot put it down and when it is done I am lost until(which is never long)I start a new project. This is the time I read and sleep. Yes, that is right, when I am in the middle of a project, sleep and all diversions are cut off until it is done....true compulsive behavior. As usual today I was reading Helen Lowrie Marshall and this is what I came across and it seemed something that really needed to be passed on tonight.
You never know when someone
May catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word
Or something you may do
May open up the windows
of a mind that seeks the light....
The way you live may not matter at all,
But you never might.
And just in case it could be
That another's life through you,
Might possibly change for the better
With a broader and brighter view,
It seems it might be worth a try
At pointing a way to the right....
Of course, it may not matter at all,
But then again it might! Helen L Marshall
Now you see how my life goes and I have full well learned to adjust. I pour all I have in till I am almost exhausted BUT that seems to completely clear the brain so the new thoughts come rushing in like fresh linen flapping in the wind on a very sunny day. This way of living is the only way I can survive. I can not tell you how invigorating this is to me.....silly. huh?
Well I can't tell you what my next project will be. I'm thinking about "A Family Day in The Park For Health" still in the thought stage.....but as for now I think I will go to bed and dream of new adventures to be had in "PD'ville" love Pokie

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just a Short Thought on the Gulf

A sweet little gal who lives in the South and whom I meet up with every year at the Unity Walk sent me a note yesterday and I know where she is coming from. She goes by Staying Strong and that is what she is trying to do as her life as she knows it crumbles. Her quote was:
"So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the T.V. benefits with celebrities and musicians giving speeches on the poor fisherman, wildlife, beaches and sabotaged gulf economy?"I am wondering the same thing. Why are we so quick to help other countries and not or own. Is there not enough glory in working for the underprivileged, or homeless. We are faced with the loss of the very beginning of our food chain. The thing is the loss is there. The wet lands are gone.

Second when a hurricane decides to come in to the Gulf this year, have you thought anything about what hurricanes do besides tear up property.......they suck up water and deposit it somewhere else. OILY WATER.....

How many years did it take God to grow that Lauger Turtle that is trying to get to her home beach to lay the next generation of eggs? If she makes it through the oil, are the eggs contaminated and then where does she a certain death. All for the almighty dollar. Pokie

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Special Moments for Old Hippies

How many ways can I thank you for the wonderful weekend you have presented me. I am so lucky to live in the St.Louis viewing area for PBS and have grown up, as have most all in this area, taking PBS for granted, just knowing it was the place to go everyday. This weekend I continually listened to your, or our, musical walk through life. The Canadian Tenors, the Straight Shooters, and glorious James Taylor and Carol King. I have laughed and cried and just simply let my mind wander to places it had not visited in forty years, at least. How did you know this was the weekend I needed this? I quess a true friend always knows those things. I have advanced Parkinson's Disease and fight it hard every day while I push myself to just keep moving. You took me to places I had forgotten and the date I shared with you was excellent to say the least. Please keep up the good are right on track! love always Pokie

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mixed Signals

I wish I could understand the message that is being sent to me today or maybe there is no message and my wires are just shorting out somewhere in time. I am working on the last panel for PLM's Parkinson's Quilt Project(number 16). The title is "Thanks" and my idea was to list the different organizations and companies who help PD patients survive in some sort of colorful way and this is how it went. I ran out of transfer paper because all the lettering kept coming out backwards so I decided to copy the different logos by going to each web site or cutting up my pamphlets and using them. Then I was faced with how to make them stick to material and be waterproof......As Oprah would say, I had a "A..Ha..Moment". The old reliable ziplock bags. I cut out each logo and put them in a ziplock bag, folded to the back to make it viewable and then taped it shut with scotch tape on the back then stitched each square onto the back panel with a whip stitch on my machine. And speaking of machines......Mine has decided to use it's own mind. When it thinks my ideas are TOO crazy it stops, breaks thread or WILL NOT BE THREADED. All of the above situations just really get my PD wound tight early in the morning or very late at night. Well I have vented a little and I will go back and get this DONE!!!!!!

Well it is now 12:45A.M. and I just took a picture of my new creation. I have been working on this solid for two days....I wish I had just one dollar for every time I threaded my sewing machine or filled a new bobbin. I can just keep on deaming because I am very sure there is no money coming my way....I wish I had some ice cream I would celebrate but nope. So I think I'll setttle for hot chocolate and put myuself to bed. Tomorrow is another Pokie

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day from the Sidelines Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's Disease - Formatting Settings

I don't believe, if I had planned it, I could have had a better Memorial Day weekend and it is not over yet. As you know I am blessed with three children and five grandchildren and the farm has been the place to be this weekend. As time goes on and my place becomes more secure on the sidelines I can observe the formation of new patterns to be followed in my passing. Patterns I planned and dreamed of years before. I always wanted my ground to be a haven for my family at all times, a quiet sanctuary for all ages, where one could sit and listen to the sounds of nature and become relaxed and carefree. I wanted small children to learn the amazement of frolicking squirrels, jumping from tree to tree and cutting their tails back and forth over their heads. I wanted them to be amazed when they filled the bird feeder and watched the squirrel jump ten feet, with so much precision, and reach his goal every time.
Well those dreams and more came true this weekend while I watch from a very special seat at our lake in the back forty. My grandson, Brendan, hatched two geese out in an incubator and has been taking them to the lake with him daily to teach them how to to swim. Now you and I know that it is an inherited trait for geese to know how to swim at birth but it is only too cute to watch them come out of their pen and follow Brendan down the path to the pond where he gets in and they follow. They all swim around all day and in the evening they follow him back to the barn and get in their pen......Then on the other side of the fence we have "Quack" their mom who has no idea she is a duck, nor does she know she can fly and really has no desire to. Brendan turns her out of the pen and she follows him to the pond too but goes to the other side and does her thing. She stays as long as she likes and walks back to the pen on her own...whenever. She waits on the porch of the pen till someone comes along and lets her in.....
Since I spend all my nights in a recliner next to the front window, the girls put a huge bird feeder outside this window to watch the early morning traffic and now the squirrels not only have bird competition but I have a mother quail and four babies feeding on what the squirrel would be wasting. Many of my hours are spent in front of this window sewing and watching and communing with nature and God.
I have so many thoughts for today but to keep it short I must say, how blessed I am to have what I have and how saddened I am by the oil spill. This will never be righted. These people have lost all......there heritage, their peace and solitude.....please pray for a solution where I see no solution can be made. It seems daily I am confronted with all these things that sadden me greatly and I can find nothing to do about them....but I have not given up hope. I donated my car to the Salvation Army the other day, and donations to everything is made constantly and soon clothing will hit the road for several destinations.......As long as my mind keep working and the dreams keep coming I will keep finding solutions to some of the little problems that are out there. Maybe the sidelines are good . Could you take a box today and fill it for Good Will or Charity, just one box? It will make you feel needed. It will make you part of the fix instead of part of the problem. Think about it from the sidelines.......and by the way did you see "Big Albert" hit THREE home runs in the Cardinal/Cubs game yesterday? Happy Memorial Day to me Love ya Pokie

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Around the World in Purple Today With Though Purple day has come and gone I quess you know it will never be far from my heart. after last October seventh when once again I went down with a grand mal seizure which landed me in the hospital for a week and more tests and more medication. I had suffered two seizures in 1996 and actually died but had no more and assumed they had diagnosed me wrong....Wrong!!!!! As time goes on this year I hope to become more and more involved in the community and be able to figure out the many different kinds of seizures and their effects on the body and pass them on to you. I can tell you that has open a new Epilepsy site that is thriving and I am a new member about to become a PRO 3 status which I am very proud of. That means I have filled and kept my profile and records up to date for a given length of time. The information I have already learned there is huge....more later love Pokie

Sunday, May 9, 2010

CHRONIC PAIN Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's Disease - Formatting Settings

Wesser Pain Management Clinic at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada is running a study on the links between pain and day to day social and psychological events in people with chronic pain. The study involves an initial two hours spent viewing a video and filling out forms and then you are on your way. For three weeks, three times a day, breakfast lunch and supper, you log in your mood and pain which should take you a matter of minutes. At the end of the study, you receive a detailed copy of reports and graphs for participating. If interested contact http://www.mountsinai.on,ca
Their address is:
Mount Sinia Hospital
Joseph and Wolph Lebovic Health Complex
600 University Ave.
Toronto, Canada MSG 1x5t

Today With PokieToo and Parkinson's and Acute RA Disease