Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Poor Coop

The sad kid has been cutting teeth forever - and they keep going up and down. :( Two weekends ago he cut his first FOUR and was miserable. The typically happy-go-lucky one in the house just wasn't so. Add a virus on top of all that pain and it was just brutal for all of us. Fortunately, it hasn't been so bad since, but at almost 11 months old and a whole lot of pain, isn't it about time for this kid to have something to show for all that work? Aside from the commonly drool-soaked shirt as seen above, that is. I've changed his shirt 3 times in a day because of the drool.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Ugh--teething babies are the worst! So sorry! E's been doing 3-4 at a time since she was about 8 months old. It's misery for a couple of weeks but at least she's getting it done all at once, I guess! Here's hoping the drooling stops soon!