Yesterday's Service, we have FIR with us!
Jia Qi and Ting Huan were there too! I was really glad that they came!
As I happened to have borrowed a camera from my aunt, I took pics. Haha.
During Service:
Ah Qin(?).
He's just so cool when he plays the guitar.
She sings really well, and she looks so pretty,
be it onstage, or offstage.... Haha.
When they both sing together, or when they appear together on the screen.
If you're more observant, you'll notice them, at the bottom of the pic, which is the stage.
Next up, after Service, and fellowship:
Me, Jia Qi, and Ting Huan - still inside the hall.
Ting Huan and I - we look like les.
Taken by Eunice, who says she's got a gift in phototaking, which causes the pic to turn out with this effect.
Jia Qi and I.
I know you'll say we look like les again. Haha.
The special effect pics - taken by me.
Us again. (:
Mel and I.
We met along the corridor. Haha.
Me, George and Jia Hui.
The reddies, with the BK board.
George and I, with the 'special' Jing Wen. Haha.
Jia Hui, Me, and Joyce. (:
Jing Wen, Jia Hui, Me and Joyce.
My twin and I - She's also my laming partner.
Li Wei and I.
The 3 lovey-doveys, missing our 1 = Elise
will make us the FOURSOME!
Yesterday was my second time fainting.
And, this both happened in Church.
Luckily, this time wasn't as serious as last time.
Thanks all, who came to help. (:
Next post will be about today, which is my 表侄女's first month's celebration.
This was so last minute, that I had to cancel going to the concert that I've always been wanting to go, since last week, or beginning of this week.
And, you can see how cute my other 表侄女/子s are.
Know what they did?
To 拍马屁, they call my other cousin - Sexy 姨姨,
and me - 美女姨姨.
Just to ask us to play with them, and buy ice-cream for them.
They even searched our pockets, and bags, for MONEY, to buy the ice-cream, when we say that we don't have the money.
P.S. Not that we don't want to buy, just that it's raining, and cold to eat ice-cream.
So, not good for them.
Labels: Fellowship, friends, fun, pics, Service