Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tyson Owen

Three years ago today I delivered Owen at LDS hospital in SLC, Utah. It was FREEZING and I went in the night before to be induced. The delivery was everything I wanted and more. I still remember the first moment I saw and held my sweet baby boy. I wish I could relive it over and over again. It was so special and spiritual for me. Right from the start I felt Owen's sweet spirit; super sensitive and soft spoken. Since then he has become an energetic and curious and incredibly smart little boy. But he still has that sensitive and sweet part of him that I saw from day one.

Owen is truly a special little boy. He is super sensitive to what is going on around him. If I even give the smallest hint of distress, or worry, or sadness, he is quick to ask me if I am okay. Then he quickly gives me a smile, wraps his arms around me and looks at me as he says "mommy, it will be okay. I love you, it will be okay" in such a cute little voice. He is very protective of me too and if he catches Tyson giving me a hug or cuddling with me on the couch, then he is quick to split us apart and demand my attention. He gets jealous! 

Owen is super cheery and gets grumpy after he wakes up if he hasn't let long enough, when he's hungry, when he's tired and when he has to go to the bathroom. He is such a great friend. He still has his moments with sharing and sometimes using a nice voice, but once he feels comfortable in his surroundings and with the people around him, he is so fun to be with and super happy too. He is quite the talker! He will talk your ear off if you let him. That is also a big sign that he really, really likes you.

Owen is super smart. He has known his letters for over a year now but he now knows half of the letters sounds as well. He can spell his first name and write almost all of it by himself. He can count to 20 and recognizes written numbers 1 through 10. We are currently working on number sense as well as writing the rest of the letters in the alphabet. He loves to do crafts and will sit and color for really long periods of time. He still is obsessed with reading and we still will read at least 30 minutes a day together. He also loves to sing. Tyson is always singing out loud throughout the house and Owen is just the same. It's one of my favorite things about him.

Owen is a very sweet brother, most of the time. ;) He really worries about Graham and his well being and will help him feel better when he is distressed. But he also likes to take his toys and chase him around until he gets really mad. I guess he is playing his big brother role pretty well.

We love you so much sweet Owen. 

Happy birthday my beautiful boy!

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