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Showing posts with label Everyday Details. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Long Journey Back...

It's been quite a while since I've sat at my computer and typed a blog post, let alone scrapped. And to be honest, I haven't wanted to. Yes, I've been missing in action - I kind of "fell off the face of the earth", so to speak. Last year was an extremely horrible year for me, and it all culminated with me being physically and mentally unable to function. Now, I know I don't need to offer anyone an explanation, as it really is no-one's business, but I think I do need (want) to explain a few things that have happened. 
Losing my mother to cancer last year kind of broke me. I didn't cope well, and pushed everyone away. I guess you could say that was the beginning of the end. This was closely followed by the loss of my Maine Coon cat, Kisanji, who was a loved member of our family. When you mix all this up with a bout of depression (yes, like many, many people, I also suffer from depression), but find out way too late that your previous doctor has had you on the wrong medication, then things are bound to get bad. And let's not forget, a diagnosis of "extremely" high blood pressure (until this point I had never had blood pressure problems).
 Anyway, with all this happening in my life, my world came crashing down, and I couldn't cope. Not mentally. Not physically. I chose to resign from most of my Design Team positions, as my medications made me shake (and very tired), which made it extremely difficult to take a decent photo. I didn't want to offer any company something that wasn't 100% adequate. So I decided it was a better option to remove myself from the teams.  And I totally stopped scrapping and creating. I have done nothing for 4-5 months. Yes. Really. It got to a point where, the thought of going in to my studio to create, almost made me ill, and I wanted to run in the opposite direction. 
I am, however, still a Design Team member for Imaginarium Designs (I took a leave of abscence). 
But now, finally, most of this is behind me. I am VERY slowly starting to scrap and create again. I attended the Escape To Create 2014 retreat earlier this month. I took scrap supplies with me, but I was totally unsure if I would be able to create anything. But I surprised myself, and I did. I also had an AMAZING time with so many wonderful women from around Australia. I guess it was what my soul needed - time away with friends, great food, lots of fun, and no pressure. 
My health is slowly improving too. I am now a regular at the gym, and I am feeling better than I have in many, many years. So I hope the worst is over, and my journey back is nearly done. Yes, I will start creating and sharing again over the next few weeks, as my studio no longer scares me, and I have new goodies due to arrive any day now. 
But I will be taking it slow. No rushing. No stress. 
And from now on, my first priority is me - and my health. :)
I have missed all my readers and followers, and I can't wait to welcome you back, and to share a whole new bounty of creativity with you (I have been taking LOTS of mixed media lessons). 
Thank-you for your patience and understanding,
Cheers and hugs, xxx