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Showing posts with label Blog Candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Candy. Show all posts

Thursday 14 April 2011

Blog Candy Giveaway!!!!!!

Don't forget about my Blog Candy Giveaway!!! Details here.

I have also added a Prima Moulin Rouge Sticker Sheet.

Monday 4 April 2011

Blog Candy Giveaway!!!

Here it is! My Blog Candy giveaway as promised. This is in celebration of reaching 100 followers. So this is for all my loyal followers and readers who have made this possible - I can't thank you all enough! (-: To enter, all you have to do is be a follower, leave a comment on this blog post, and post it on your blog or facebook page, with a link back to me. Easy peasy!!!! And yes, it is open to international followers. My RAK includes Prima Moulin Rouge papers, notecards and mini pad (6" x 6"). Zva Creative flowers and bling. Prima flowers, and more Prima flowers. Maya Road embellishments and ribbon slides. Nikki Sivils buttons, and some decorative pins. And if I find anything else between now and when I draw the winner, I will add it in. Which reminds me, I will be drawing the winner on the 30th April. Good luck everyone.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


In all the craziness of having my husband home, and going to Dreamworld, the park, the Science Centre, and Baskin and Robbins (plus the other 10 millions things that we have done this past week), I forgot to mention that I have posted the RAKS from my September Blog Candy competition. In case anyone one missed the winner's announcement, you can find the winners names here. And make sure you drop back between now and Christmas, because I will have more RAKS up for grabs.

Friday 1 October 2010

And The Winners Are...

Here's the moment many of you have been waiting for...the winners of my Blog Candy competition. I had three girls here tonight, so they each pulled one name each out of the hat. Without further delay, the winners are...
Congratulations ladies. And if you would please be kind enough to either post or email me your full name and mailing address, I will get your prizes out to you shortly.
If you are not one of the lucky winners, please do not be disappointed. I will be posting another blog candy competition between now and Christmas. (-:

Friday 3 September 2010

It's Time For A Giveaway!!!

I'm bored, so I have decided it's time for a giveway. I have three paper packs/kits up for grabs. One kit is from Wicked Princesses, another kit is a vintage kit that I received at a recent retreat, and the third is a mixture of stuff (papers, ink, bling, tags etc.) that I cannot remember where I got it from. I will also throw in some Prima flowers and bling (Zva Creative of course!!!). I've just been too lazy to photograph those items. (-: The competition is open to everyone.

Here are the rules:
1. For one entry, leave a comment on this post.
2. For two entries, become (or already be) a follower (and leave a comment to let me know).
3. For three entries, post this on your blog and link it back to me, and leave a comment letting me know.

Simple and straightforward? And if I can find any other goodies to throw in, I will, just because I feel like it. (-: You have until the end of September to enter, then I will draw three lucky winners. But you have to be in it, to win it!!! Good-luck. (-:

Friday 19 February 2010

Pretty Blog Candy Up For Grabs...

Now here's a prize that isn't technically a scrapbooking product, but could help you "see" with your scrapbooking!!! Would you like to win this? Well, Natalie over at Scrap Doctor is giving away a chance to win a lovely lamp... go here to check it out! The only problem is, there are too many to choose from. (-:

Monday 21 December 2009

And the winner is...

With a little help from my daughters, I have four winners for my Christmas Blog Candy giveaway. My two daughters had the honour of pulling two names each from the hat (well, I used a bowl actually!!!). It was so funny, because they thought the prizes were for themselves, not for my blog followers. (-: So they are a little disappointed with the whole deal. Thank goodness Santa will arrive in a few days.

Anyway, without further ado, these are the names that were drawn: DOMNA, INGRID, WENDY AND JODI. So congratulations ladies, and please e-mail me with your addresses (click on my profile for the email link), and I will get your prize posted out to you as soon as possible.

Thank-you everyone for joining in the fun. I will definitely be doing this again sometime next year. Which means, you will all have another chance at winning then!!! Merry Christmas, one and all!!! (-:

Friday 11 December 2009

Prima December Product Picks...

Here's the Prima product picks for December. Just go here to find out the details on how you can win this amazing selection of goodies. So very yummy...

But not as yummy as this!!! Oh my goodness, the count down is on again. (-: Honestly, the wait is probably going to drive me crazy. By about May next year, my husband will be ready to sedate me, lol!!! Yes, I know I am addicted and infatuated with the whole Twilight concept, but I DON'T CARE!!! This is my happy place and I'm not giving it up for anyone or anything. EVER!!!
And before I go, don't forget my Blog Candy give-away here! I have four packs of goodies to give away and its open to everyone around the world. But you've got to be in it to win it!!!

Sunday 6 December 2009

Scrap The Girls results...

I've been lucky enough to win third prize for the November challenge over at Scrap The Girls. Here's my winning layout - Destiny. This months challenge is up too!

And don't forget to enter my Christmas Blog Candy competition here! I've been shopping and added Prima stamps to the collection, plus a few other goodies that I have found along the way. But you have to be in it to win it, and at this point, you only have about 14 days left to enter.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Clowning around...and blog candy...

Today we went to a kiddies birthday party, and the entertainment was this pair of clowns. Peebo and Dagwood by name, and OMG!!!! They were BRILLIANT!!! seriously, I couldn't stop laughing.
And the kids absolutely loved them. But boy, was it noisy when the kids starting cheering and screaming and clapping. Ear plugs really would have been a good option. (-: Keana was absolutely fascinated by them, and watched them closely, enthralled by what they were doing.

Malayla was all for it, getting in on the action. They even chose her from the crowd to help with one of the magic acts. It made her day.

This is the, "Mummy, I don't want to do pretty photos, I want to do silly photos" look. Thank goodness for digital cameras. Several silly photos later, I finally got the pretty poses I was after, so we all left happy.
Don't forget about my blog candy competition. Go here for details on how to win.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Want to win this Christmas Blog Candy?

This year, I wanted to do something different for Christmas. I want to give away something that will hopefully make someone else very happy, to brighten their day a little. So I am offering four packs of this Blog Candy. They are not huge packs (due to a limited budget), and I hope to add a few more things between now and the deadline (if I can find the time to do some shopping). Each pack varies slightly in the colours, but includes a Kaisercraft chipboard album, some Prima pearls and flowers, some mini alpha stickers, Kaisercraft rhinestones, and a mixed bag of Prima Sultan and Rajah centres. Would you like the opportunity to win? If so, all you need to do is the following:

1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you love most about Christmas.
2. Make a post about my blog candy on your blog, and share it with your friends.

The deadline for this draw is 2oth December (and will hopefully go into the mail the next day). This is open world wide. Yes, that means, anyone, anywhere in the world can participate. (-:

UPDATE: I have since added some Prima stamps, Prima bird and butterfly embellishments, and a few other items.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Yummy for Christmas...

I have some very yummy Christmas Blog Candy RAKS (four to be exact) that will go up for grabs soon. I am just waiting on a few more items that I ordered to arrive, via Australia Post, and I will be ready to photograph and upload. Want a taste of what's to come? The goodies include a Kaisercarft album, Kaisercraft rhinestones, Prima stamps, Prima e-line flowewrs, Prima e-line rhinestones and pearls, and a mixed bag of Prima Sultan and Rajah centres, that I have raided from my stash. I will try and find a few other goodies between now and then. But because I am not associated with any big-name Design Teams, I don't have a big pile of stuff to give away. This has all come out of mine (and hubby's) pocket. So my RAKS will be a little bit smaller, and not as expansive. Hope you don't mind. But this is something that I felt I needed to do, all in the name of Christmas spirit. So stick around, I hope to have this up and running within the week...***forgot to mention that this will be open for my International readers and followers as well***