Showing posts with label Elaina Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elaina Love. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Juicey New Year!


Greetings from a wet, rainy, and winter-y west-coast island where post-Christmas finds us cozy, happy, well-fed, well-loved, and peaceful.

Our days were light on the gifts, but rich in time with family, good food, walks through the trees, and laughter.

We pulled a Christmas time favorite off the shelves after I experienced some last minute guilt and panic on December 24th about not having done any Christmas shopping! Bill McKibben's Hundred Dollar Holiday: The Case for a More Joyful Christmas is much loved by my family, and this year allowed me to fully reconnect with what is most important after I got swept away by a moment of Christmas flap.

In addition to an invitation to re-think your Christmas traditions, Hundred Dollar Holiday contains a succinct history of how it is that we came to celebrate Christmas the way we do (with a fat man in red coming down the chimney, the feasting, the tree, the gifts, etc.) The history of Christmas may surprise you, and if you already feel that it is over-commercialized, your feelings will be validated when you learn that Christmas was in part "the thin edge of the wedge by which many Americans became enmeshed in the more self-indulgent aspects of consumer spending...a crucial means of legitimizing the penetration of consumerist behavior into American society."

What we really want and need in Christmas is quite simple:

Peace, stillness, and quiet. Time with LOVED ones. An invitation to be outdoors. Community. Relationship with the Divine. Non-consumer activities with children (and adults). An outlet for human creativity in LOVE!!

If this sounds about right to you, do check out this little gem of a book, you'll love it!

As I write, we are drawing to the close of 2009. It has been a quiet evening for me. David is away in California at an event, and Sophia, myself, my mom, and my Oma celebrated the end of 2009 with four generations of women. Delight was on all of our faces as we loved and appreciated the generations before and after us! Needless to say, I was the only one left awake at midnight!

I am so excited and up-lifted about the year to come, may it be a beautiful continuation for all of us! It is coming in on a flood of JUICE in our world, as it seems that everyone is inviting in the new with a clearing of the old, cleansing with that nectar of the gods, fresh fruit and vegetable juice! Here are just a few of the juicy happenings to bring in the New Year....

~Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch are currently Juice Feasting at the Tree of Life on all GREEN JUICES!! What a fantastic place to get juicy (Patagonia, AZ is where David and I Juice Feasted in 2008!)

David and I are going to be joining Matt and Angela via Skype on January 7th for an installment of the Raw Food World TV Show all about Juice Feasting, and answering your Juice Feasting questions! If you have a question you would like to send Angela to be asked on the 7th, please email her by January 6th at We always have fun with these two so do be sure to tune in and send in your questions!

~Shazzie is inspiring as many people as she can to join her on a 10 Day Juice Cleanse We were very excited to see that she Juice Feasted beautifully for 28.5 Days this past summer. "Juice feasting gives you great clarity and single-mindedness. I asked and I received, very quickly indeed." ~Shazzie

~ Sproutman (Steve Meyerowitz) is leading a 7-10 day Juice Feast for the New Year. As Steve says, "You clean your car; you clean your yard; you clean your house. Now it’s time to clean your inner house! Give your liver a break and your immune system a boost."

~And of course, David Rainoshek is leading a January Juice Feast, beginning on January 15th! There is still time to sign up for this and I can promise it will be an amazing way to bring in 2010, so be sure to check out the details and see if it calls to you!

Testimonial from one of our Autumn Juice Feasters:

Dear David
Thank you for one of the best experiences I have had to date in juicing (and I have done a great deal!) One of the reasons I decided to invest in your 1 month coached cleanse was because I wasn't sure if I could actually do 30 whole days!!. I found the daily check in calls with you held me accountable and enthusiastic and as a side benefit to weight and toxicity loss I was able to look deeper into my emotional attachments to food with the tools you discussed during the weekly group call ins. It was an truly enjoyable and effortless experience thanks to your expertise and lightheartedness.
Wishing you all the best to you and your new cleansers!

September Death
Founder/Head Chef

Oh so juicy! I'm sure that I haven't included NEARLY everyone who plans on getting juicy this season, so if are and would like to be included in this blog post with a link to your blog/website, let me know and I will up-date!

AND!! If a 30 Day Juice Feast sounds a little more involved than you are ready for just yet, don't forget to check out the 2010 Winter Liver/Gallbladder Flush LIVE with David Rainoshek, Elaina Love, and Chris Whitcoe. This interactive cleanse will start on January 10 and run through till January 17!

AND!! Last but not least, in THANKS and GRATITUDE to our on-line community for sharing in such a beautiful year in 2009, we would love to offer 7 memberships to! If you feel it is your time to get juicy and would love a little help along the way, please let me know by posting a comment and sharing your favorite juice recipe. If you have never made a juice in your life, just let me know what your favorite drink is (even if it is beer!) I will be randomly choosing 7 people for 30 Day Memberships, and announcing the winners on January 12!

I look forward to sharing many beautiful adventures, growth, splendor, and much love with each and every one of you in the coming year, be it in person or via blog-land!

Many blessings and oh so much JUICE for a healthy, happy, and inspirational YEAR IN 2010!


Katrina (with David sending his love from California, and Sophia sending hers from dream land, sleeping on her Mommy's tummy in the Ergo!)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love Your Liver!!

Hello all!

Here is something fun: (and it comes with a 30 Day Membership to!)

The One Week 2009 Autumn Liver/Gallbladder Flush

Facilitated by:

What happens when three professional Holistic Lifestyle Coaches, who happen to be friends, decide to do a liver/gallbladder flush? . . . They invite the world!

Chris’ Idea: “I was going to do a Flush anyway, and there are a lot of people out there who would love expert guidance during their own process,” says Chris Whitcoe, M.A. in Live Food Nutrition, and co-owner of Vivapura: Pure Superfoods for Life.

So he called up Elaina Love, professional Live Food Chef and Instructor, Lifestyle Counselor and owner of Pure Joy Planet, who has just completed her 11th flush as the organizer and facilitator of the Mt. Shasta 5-day Cleansing Retreat. “I knew that with Elaina’s experience, we would be able to answer just about any question or concern,” says Chris.

Elaina’s On Board: "When Chris called me with the idea, I thought it was fantastic! What a great way to reach those folks who weren't able to make the Mt. Shasta cleanse and to help the numerous others who have called me over the years for guidance on cleansing. Co-facilitating a Live Telephone Support Cleanse really excited me because both Chris and David are so knowledgeable and experienced, plus just super fun guys, and the three of us together would be able to deliver so much more than any of us could do alone. Being able to speak to someone every night of your cleanse and get invaluable tips and coaching is beyond amazing. Not only that, but you will get to laugh and enjoy being on the phone with the three of us."

Enter David: “I also realized that many people would desire to take it even further, and what better than a Juice Feast?” thought Chris. He then enrolled long time friend, David Rainoshek, also an M.A. in Live Food Nutrition, creator of the 92-Day Program on who also wrote/researched (with Gabriel Cousens, M.D.) the book There is a Cure for Diabetes. David adds, "I'm all about the accessibility of information and transformative life practices. Let's make this something everyone can do at home."

So a beautiful collaboration unfolded – the intention is to support You, part of this extended family dedicated to healing, purifying and energizing!

So join Chris, Elaina, and David for . . .

The One Week 2009 Autumn Liver/Gallbladder Flush LIVE!

The Introductory Conference Call is FREE -
this Sunday, Oct 25 at 6pm PST
with Elaina Love, David Rainoshek, MA, & Chris Whitcoe, MA

The cleansing begins: November 2, 2009

and to discover the importance of a healthy liver and gallbladder!

Sunday, October 25th 6pm PST
FREE Introductory Info Session Conference Call
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0111
Access Code: 308152#