Thursday, June 30, 2011


Sometimes I forget how difficult life is. That is, until someone comes by and holds up a DEAD END sign to remind me. Just when I think things are going well and the road under my feet is running smooth and clear, that's when it happens; a big wall or a cliff's edge greets me and I have to turn around and begin again. But then, whenever I am forced to turn around I get to notice all those great things just waiting for me. And I suppose that of all those dead ends in the world there are paths that keep us going, roads that take us where we need to go, and signs that tell us where we are. It may not always be what we want, at least not at the moment, but it's usually what we need. So, if you're like me, and the path that you're on right now doesn't seem exactly idea or exciting, it's okay. One way or another, it will take you where you need to go.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Soul Surfer.

OH. MY. GOODNESS! I absolutely and positively LOVED this movie! I was literally skipping the entire way home! I am a big fan of AnnaSophia Robb, I like Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt and I love Carrie Underwood (although I like her singing much better than I like her acting). The movie is rated PG and it was directed by this guy who directs a lot of cheesy Disney movie show ..things. Anyhow, I can see why someone would think that this is just another one of those cheesy movies but if you're thinking that -stop! Don't! This movie, based on the true events of Bethany Hamilton, will move you, it will inspire you, and you will walk out wanting to make a difference in the world.


This movie was hilarious! It was one of those awesome, clean, kid friendly movies that you could watch over and over again. I LOVED the music and the story was great! I am thoroughly impressed with how much Dreamworks has grown over the years. I mean, the details in this movie were incredible! The story takes place in Brazil and I felt like I was there! The scenery, the mountains, the carnaval, everything! I watched it with one of my roommates and we were both laughing through the entire movie! It made me want to get a blue macaw. Anyhow, I guess all I'm trying to say is: I recommend it. Totally.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Kung Fu Panda 2 was amazing! I loved all of it! Jack Black is the PERFECT Dragon Warrior! There was a lot of background story; you get to find out where Po came from and why there are no panda's in China anymore. The ending totally set it up for a third one, and I would totally go and watch it! Anyhow, I don't much feel like writing at the moment, but I just wanted to say: You should watch it!

On Stranger Tides.

The new Pirates movie was awesome!! I loved it! The mermaids were really scary though. I admit that on more than one occasion I covered my eyes to protect myself from the killer mermaids, but it was still good! This one is all about Jack Sparrow. He is the main-main character. And it was hilarious! I was a little worried about this one because, you know's the fourth movie and generally fourth movies turn out to be only slightly better than rotten cabbage. BUT! It was WAY better than rotten cabbage! So yeah, watch it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, a TON has happened between now and my last post. ..And do I feel like filling you in on everything? No. No I don't. So instead, I'll just pretend like you know everything and go from there. School is going well. I suppose. I tried donating blood today (I'm on the counsel here on campus so I help put on the drive and get people to sign up, but, just my luck, I wasn't able to donate. My hemoglobin wasn't high enough. Go figure). I practically finished all my homework on Monday and so I have really nothing to do... I have no work tomorrow or school. My room-roommate is going to be gone for the entire rest of the week and part of next. ...So yeah. I am (and I never thought I'd say this but) really bored. Although it feels more like despair. I feel so ...useless. Yeesh. It's terrible. I have no life! ...Well, sort of. I have all these things I could be doing, but do I feel like doing them? Nope. I feel like wallowing. Which doesn't quite make sense... Because I was able to get a lot accomplished this week. But somedays... we all feel like this, don't we?