Thursday, December 15, 2011

2012 Resolutions.

I've been thinking long and hard about these. If you have any suggestions ...well. I mean, if you have any of yours that maybe you'd like to share so that I can get some ideas -feel free to share! And maybe if I post this I'll be more likely to do it!

2. Read my scriptures every morning AND night.
3. Say my prayers every morning AND night.
4. Save as much money as I can.
5. Buy a car.
6. Go to the temple once a week.
7. Exercise daily.
8. Drink 64 oz of water a day.
9. Finish writing my book.
10. Get all A's.
11. Call my family every Sunday.
12. Get my homework done EARLY.
13. Serve as much as I can.
14. No soda.
15. Write letters to my family.
16. Write in my journal EVERY day.
17. Organize all my junk.
18. Scrapbook all the pictures on my computer.
19. Pay off my school loans.
20. Learn how to play the piano.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another Year has Come and Gone.

As I was sitting in church today I started thinking about all the changes that will happen in less than a month and I almost started hyperventilating! How silly is that? I mean, I’ve done this like five times and yet I still get nervous! The idea of new roommates (I may know almost all of them… or I may know none of them!), new classes (hard classes that will wrap up my major), new callings (that one REALLY got me going; imagining all the callings that I could possibly get), traveling out there (what if something goes wrong? What if I can’t bring all of my luggage? What if we crash and I die before I get my degree? What if? What if?).

And then the idea of leaving.. Leaving my family. Missing birthdays. Missing holidays. Leaving my Primary kids. One of the girls today was really bothered when I told her that I was leaving in three weeks. She was like “Why can’t you just go to school here? Why do you have to go to school anyway?” I didn’t really know how to answer her. ..I’ll be sad to go. But when I told her that this was the last time I would be leaving she cheered up a bit. “Oh! Then you can teach my class forever!”

Mostly I’m really looking forward to going back out to school. Two more semesters! ...Of course it WILL be super cold and I’ll STILL be working early morning and my classes are ALL upper level. But I’m still excited. Despite how it may sound. I’m still not sure when slash how I’m leaving. That’s still up in the air. But I know how I’m getting home! …But I have no idea what I’m going to do or where I’m going to live when I get done with everything… I haven’t gotten that far yet...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Worth While

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

It is easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows by like a song,
But the man worth while is the one who will smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.
For the test of the heart is trouble,
And it always comes with the years,
And the smile that is worth the praises of earth
Is the smile that shines through tears.

It is easy enough to be prudent,
When nothing tempts you to stray,
When without or within no voice of sin
Is luring your soul away;
But it’s only a negative virtue
Until it is tried by fire,
And the life that is worth the honor of earth
Is the one that resists desire.

By the cynic, the sad, the fallen,
Who had no strength for the strife,
The world’s highway is cumbered to-day;
They make up the sum of life.
But the virtue that conquers passion,
And the sorrow that hides in a smile,
It is these that are worth the homage on earth
For we find them but once in a while.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part One.

Yes, I did watch Breaking Dawn at midnight last night and I actually, surprisingly, liked it. It is rated PG-13 and yes a few scenes were taken out before it aired moving it down from being rated R. And I'll tell you why. Firstly, it was very much like the book. The couple is on their honeymoon and well.. Anyway. There's a few bedroom scenes where you see lots of shoulders and skin and lots of drawn-out kissing. And there's that ocean scene (which was very similar to that Harry Potter scene in the last one). Also, aside from all the honeymoon bits, there was a scene just before the wedding when Bella has a nightmare and she's standing on all the dead bloody bodies of all the people she knows and blood is seeping out from beneath them. Not a necessary scene but it didn't bother me as much as the other scenes did.

The acting wasn't as cheesy as some of the other ones and the makeup and everything was actually quite good. My sister Jessica, who sat next to me, said "Wow. They actually look really good!" The director took his time with everything and so it wasn't rushed at all. It split exactly where I thought it would and I thought it was super fun when they had Stephenie Meyer attend the wedding! And if you do watch it, be sure to stay for a bit after the credits, there's an important scene that sets up the next movie. So yeah. I liked it, but I think this is one of those movies where I'd just have to say: Watch at your own risk.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Okay Jillian, Let's Try This Again...

I have successfully made it to Day 12 in Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred. And I am loving it! ...Well, actually, as I'm exercising I don't love it, but afterward I do!

..Actually, I WAS loving it. That is, until I started her second workout. Her 30 days is broken up into three workouts, and, naturally, they each get more and more intense. And for the months and months that I've had this video I have never once looked at the second workout. ...until two days ago. And when I first did it I thought I was going to die! If workout two is THIS bad, I don't even want to SEE workout three! I don't even want it in my presence!

..But today wasn't as bad. I keep reminding myself that when I started this whole thing I felt the same way about workout one. And that's a piece of cake right now. Hopefully I'll feel the same way about the others. And soon!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pizza Dough!

1 1/4 cups warm water
1 1/2 teaspoons yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
Mix and let proof for five minutes.
2 Tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon salt
Mix in.
3 1/4 cup flour - Mix in 2 1/2 to 3 then knead in the rest.

Roll out fairly thin.
Poke holes in crust and shape edges.
Cover with 1 cup. sauce or so and add your favorite toppings!
Bake at 425 degrees for fifteen to seventeen minutes.

Tip: Before cooking, brush garlic butter onto the top!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Once Upon A Time.

Not that you don't have any other far more important things to be doing or anything, but I've discovered this new TV show on abc and I love it! It's a brand new series and it airs every Sunday night at 8/7 central. My roommate and I have faithfully watched every single episode so far and we're oober excited for the next one to come out! ...There's only three out so far and I think you can access them free on I'm a little skeptical about giving too much of the story away by telling you about it. I'll just say that it has something to do with Snow White, Prince Charming, the Evil Queen, the fairy tale world and the real world! It's PG for mild language and the violence is very clean (old fashion punching, bloodless sword fighting), although the graphics are a little cheesy at times. Anyway, if you have a few extra hours in your busy day you should check it out!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Dilemma in a Nutshell.

GED and ACT? Check.
College and University? Check.
Freshman year? Check.
Sophomore year? Check.
Junior year? Check.
Senior year? Check.
Graduation? Check.
What in the world to do next? .........AHH!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It's the sequel to Matched by Ally Condie. And if you haven't read Matched I highly recommend it! The second wasn't quite as good as the first but it was still good! It sort of just set the pieces up for the last book. As I was reading it felt very much like watching the first part of the last Harry Potter movie. ...It just kept going and going and nothing really interesting was happening. I mean I enjoyed reading Crossed, but I sort of wished that.. I don't know.. I can't think of what she could have changed to make it better. Everything was important and all. Maybe that was it. It was all very serious. Practically no comic relief. Anyway, if you've read it I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Clockwork Angel.

So, I kept seeing this book on Amazon and all over Wal-Mart and I had heard that it was very good. So I finally got it! It was given as a present while I was recovering. Clockwork Angel is the first book in a series called The Infernal Devices which also happens to be the prequel set to a series called The Mortal Instruments both by Cassandra Clare. Anyways. I sort of have mixed feelings about this book.. On the whole I really liked it. I'd probably describe it best by saying the seventeenth century mixed with fantasy. Take the proper way of life back then and throw in warlock here and a vampire there and maybe a couple of dashing men and then you have Clockwork Angel. My mixed feelings come only from the language. It's a story with a lot of superstitious ideas and those generally (at least when you're talking about warding off witches and fighting off demons) have something to do with more delicate matters such as religion. So anyway, I feel like I'm making justifications for this book and I'm really not trying to. Mostly. Anyway. There's a lot of using the Lord's name in vain and such and I don't care for it. I guess I'll just have to break out a permanent marker or something and do a little editing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sometimes You Fall.

We have apple trees in our backyard. Lots of them. And on Saturday a family in our ward had asked if they could come over and pick some apples. Of course, we agreed and at about noon they came over. They brought all six of their kids along with a cute boy in the ward. I think we must have been out there for half an hour when I decided to climb up one of the trees and pick from the tall branches. I soon spotted one that was nice and big and round and green and perfect. So, naturally, I climbed up to get it.

And then I was on the ground... I can't describe it in any other way than that it felt like I was dreaming. The characters in my dream were fuzzy and their voices sounded far away. I opened my eyes, saw the fuzzy tree and the fuzzy outlines of two people, one on either side of me. I thought that I had dreamed that my roommate and that the said cute boy had come to my rescue. Although I couldn't remember why I needed to be rescued. I mean, nothing had happened. At least, not that I could remember.. But, nonetheless, my rescuers helped me to my feet and I quickly found that didn't have any strength in my legs and promptly fell to my knees.

It took me way too long to realize that I wasn't dreaming and that I had actually fallen from the tree. My back had taken the brunt of the fall but my head had also crashed to the ground and my roommate, who was also a nurse, told me that I had had a concussion. She said that I had fallen about seven feet or so and that one of my legs had gotten caught between some branches at the base of the tree which sort of made it impossible for me to land on my feet. So instead I landed on my back and she had to revive me by hitting my sternum. She told me that she had been in the truck when I fell and that she had the engine running and she STILL heard me fall.

When I made it inside everything hit me and I sort of went into hysterics and couldn't stop crying. Anyway. I think mostly, that the only thing that hurt worse than my head was my pride. I felt so embarrassed! All my friends were there and my roommate and the cute boy and what do I do?? I fall out of a tree!

After a short while and after stupidly trying to apologize to the mother about stupidly falling out of the tree and ruining the day, (which by the way, she told me wasn't allowed. "No! You're not allowed to apologize for falling out of trees!") I made a comment about my headache, trying to lighten the mood. "Well.. I don't know what it really feels like but I think this is probably what a hangover feels like."

Anyhow.. I'm fine now. I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything and now the only thing that hurts is my neck. And even that just feels as if I slept on it wrong. So yeah.. Moral of the story: Sometimes the best looking apples aren't worth falling for. But even if you do, you'll have a cool story to tell!

Friday, October 14, 2011

I Suppose It's About Time...

Someday my prince will come. Someday I'll find my love. How amazing that moment will be when the prince of my dreams comes to me. Somewhere he waits for me. Someone I long to see. Though he's far away I'll find him someday. Someday when my dreams come true.

I feel like this is my theme song right now. Yeah I know. I'm young. I've got time. No hurry here. But still. I'm getting a little impatient. Especially when I see those younger than me getting married.. And having kids.. BUT! I'm trying to be patient and doing my best to stay busy. As you may know I am on my off-track right now and so I have nothing to do, or at least, I have no set obligations. I spend a LOT of time happily babysitting and I going to institute once a week and I also started a sort-of-job (the kind where it's like 'hey, would you like to do this for me?') with a doctor in my ward. He has a beautiful cottage (with an awesome front door that looks like you just pulled it off of an medieval castle!) and I clean it for him. It's actually really nice! It's almost like working early morning custodial again. ..Except it's not early morning.. But yeah. I get to listen to really loud music and sing and dance and clean. All the best things in life right? ;)

So yeah.. I don't have much going on in my life at the moment. And so that pretty much makes for a super boring blog. But. I'll do what I can. For my sake anyway. It'll be interesting to take the boring things in life and make them interesting and fun to read.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm Thinking...

I keep thinking about my blog.. and trying to figure out WHAT to blog. And after all this time have I figured something out?

Nope. Not yet.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Award Winning Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Yesterday my roommates visiting teacher brought some cookies and, no joke, they were the BEST chocolate-chip cookies I have EVER had! She said she found them on, but for convenience I'll just post the recipe here. I can't wait to make them!

4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups butter, softened
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 (3.4 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 cups semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Sift together the flour and baking soda, set aside. Then, in a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar. Beat in the instant pudding mix until blended. Stir in the eggs and vanilla. Blend in the flour mixture. Finally, stir in the chocolate chips and nuts. Drop cookies by rounded spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven (edges should be golden brown).

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Know it's a Mouthfull..

"The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In A Ship of Her Own Making." Wheew! Yeah, definitely a mouthful. But it's a really good book. My friend recommended it to me, well, actually, this friend just handed it to me and said I should read it and so I did and it was quite good. A bit confusing at first, I'll admit. I mean, Wind is a person, wyvern's not only exist they are the offspring of libraries (you know, with books?), leopards fly, dragons cannot, lanterns have arms and talk, furniture is alive, the queen is Stumbled, and the protagonist is Ravished.

...So. If you have any spare time and can somehow get ahold of this book (I've no idea where you'd find it but on Amazon) you should read it. It reminded me a lot of Alice in Wonderland, and since I have never actually read that book but have only seen the movies I thought this book was much, MUCH stranger than the simple tale of Wonderland versus Fairyland. But yes, if you have a chance it's by Catherynne M. Valente. And be sure to keep your head about you at all times, as well as both shoes!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thoughts of a Mommy.

I've noticed in my time of babysitting some thoughts that come and go throughout the day. So, for all you mommies out there, are these thoughts not true? or are there thoughts more true than these that you would like to share?

Thought one: Do they really NOT know how to sleep in??
Thought two: Is that really the ONLY option for breakfast?
Thought three: Why am I so cranky?? I've only been awake for two hours!
Thought four: Thank goodness for television!
Thought five: Oookay. Who is stinky this time?
Thought six: Child, you have the strangest ideas of entertainment.
Thought seven: How in the world did you figure that out??
Thought eight: Only one more hour 'til bed time!
Thought nine: Yes! Finally. Peace and quiet.
Thought ten: ..Dang kids, go to sleep!
Thought eleven: NOW for some peace and quiet.
Thought twelve: You know, I sure love those kids!

Wives and Daughters.

So, my sister Jessica and I have been babysitting all week and a few days ago we decided to find one of those four hour 18th century movies on instant Netflix that neither of us had seen before. (Oh and don't worry, the kids were all in bed by this time!) And so, after checking the reviews online and all that jazz we decided to watch "Wives and Daughters." The synopsis is as follows: The daughter of a country doctor copes with an unwanted stepmother, an impetuous stepsister, burdensome secrets, the town gossips, and the tug on her own heartstrings for a man who thinks of her only as a friend. (And keep an eye out for Lady Harriet. She's my favorite!) Well, we sat and watched all four hours in order with no breaks. We were sure that when we checked the time halfway through that it would be about one in the morning, but it was only eleven! Hooray for putting kids to bed early! Anyways, the movie was awesome! We both got sucked in during the first hour and we loved every bit of it! The story was great and the characters were very well developed. So yeah. All I'm saying is that if you have four extra hours in your day (perhaps after you put the kids to bed) you should watch this!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Back to Missouri.

So, I know I just got back to Missouri and all, but I am SO ready to go back to school! My schedule is so completely opposite of what it was before. I had a job, fifteen credits, homework for those credits, a social life, a calling, and a lot of other things to do! Now.. I have no job, hardly any social life, no calling, and very few things to do. Of course I read and, I shamefully say, I've taken up playing a lot of Plants vs. Zombies. I don't watch too many movies as we have no TV and I've started cross stitching again, along with making an occasional sketch or two. I feel like I've been babysitting a lot too although I don't think I really have.. Anyhow. My life is pretty dull right now and I'm not sure why I felt like blogging. But I did. ..Maybe soon I'll actually have something worth reading..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Boring Monologue.

Okay. I'm going to go on a bit of a long and boring monologue. So, either bare with me or just skip this post (I'd skip it). I've been feeling a certain way for a really long time and I think that perhaps writing it out will help me to understand it better. (And if I just happen to get help from my readers that's always a plus!)

Lately I've been asking myself these questions: Do we really need that friend who we can turn to for anything? To say anything to? To talk to, to really talk to? Is that really a necessity of life or can a person pass along without it? Does the Good Lord intend us to go through parts of life alone? Or does He place certain people in our path who have great potential to be our dearest friend and all we need do is hold on to them?

Throughout most periods of my life I have had someone I can call my go-to person and my closest friend. Now ..well, I don't really have one. Either physical distance keeps me from them or a psychological one which keeps me from opening up to them, or anyone. I just feel so.. Argh! I don't even know how to say it. And it really does sound kind of second-grade to be pining over wanting a friend. But, that's how I feel. Anyways. I'll stop my monologue now..

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Sometimes I forget how difficult life is. That is, until someone comes by and holds up a DEAD END sign to remind me. Just when I think things are going well and the road under my feet is running smooth and clear, that's when it happens; a big wall or a cliff's edge greets me and I have to turn around and begin again. But then, whenever I am forced to turn around I get to notice all those great things just waiting for me. And I suppose that of all those dead ends in the world there are paths that keep us going, roads that take us where we need to go, and signs that tell us where we are. It may not always be what we want, at least not at the moment, but it's usually what we need. So, if you're like me, and the path that you're on right now doesn't seem exactly idea or exciting, it's okay. One way or another, it will take you where you need to go.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Soul Surfer.

OH. MY. GOODNESS! I absolutely and positively LOVED this movie! I was literally skipping the entire way home! I am a big fan of AnnaSophia Robb, I like Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt and I love Carrie Underwood (although I like her singing much better than I like her acting). The movie is rated PG and it was directed by this guy who directs a lot of cheesy Disney movie show ..things. Anyhow, I can see why someone would think that this is just another one of those cheesy movies but if you're thinking that -stop! Don't! This movie, based on the true events of Bethany Hamilton, will move you, it will inspire you, and you will walk out wanting to make a difference in the world.


This movie was hilarious! It was one of those awesome, clean, kid friendly movies that you could watch over and over again. I LOVED the music and the story was great! I am thoroughly impressed with how much Dreamworks has grown over the years. I mean, the details in this movie were incredible! The story takes place in Brazil and I felt like I was there! The scenery, the mountains, the carnaval, everything! I watched it with one of my roommates and we were both laughing through the entire movie! It made me want to get a blue macaw. Anyhow, I guess all I'm trying to say is: I recommend it. Totally.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Kung Fu Panda 2 was amazing! I loved all of it! Jack Black is the PERFECT Dragon Warrior! There was a lot of background story; you get to find out where Po came from and why there are no panda's in China anymore. The ending totally set it up for a third one, and I would totally go and watch it! Anyhow, I don't much feel like writing at the moment, but I just wanted to say: You should watch it!

On Stranger Tides.

The new Pirates movie was awesome!! I loved it! The mermaids were really scary though. I admit that on more than one occasion I covered my eyes to protect myself from the killer mermaids, but it was still good! This one is all about Jack Sparrow. He is the main-main character. And it was hilarious! I was a little worried about this one because, you know's the fourth movie and generally fourth movies turn out to be only slightly better than rotten cabbage. BUT! It was WAY better than rotten cabbage! So yeah, watch it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, a TON has happened between now and my last post. ..And do I feel like filling you in on everything? No. No I don't. So instead, I'll just pretend like you know everything and go from there. School is going well. I suppose. I tried donating blood today (I'm on the counsel here on campus so I help put on the drive and get people to sign up, but, just my luck, I wasn't able to donate. My hemoglobin wasn't high enough. Go figure). I practically finished all my homework on Monday and so I have really nothing to do... I have no work tomorrow or school. My room-roommate is going to be gone for the entire rest of the week and part of next. ...So yeah. I am (and I never thought I'd say this but) really bored. Although it feels more like despair. I feel so ...useless. Yeesh. It's terrible. I have no life! ...Well, sort of. I have all these things I could be doing, but do I feel like doing them? Nope. I feel like wallowing. Which doesn't quite make sense... Because I was able to get a lot accomplished this week. But somedays... we all feel like this, don't we?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 30. Someone I Miss.

Oh I miss TONS of people!

I miss THIS person! (And the place behind her!)

And THIS person!

And THESE people!

I could probably just go on forever with this list...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 29.

A picture that can always make you smile. This is a picture of one of the girls I watched during the Fall. I miss her SO much! Every time I look at this picture I want to scoop her up in my arms and just hold her. I miss her spunky personality and her quite persistence. I love this family!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 28. Something I'm Afraid of.

Yeah... It's pretty much my biggest fear...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 27. Me and Family Member

My sister Jordan and me!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 26. Something that Means a Lot to Me

Well...there are a LOT of things that mean a lot to me. My family, my friends, my roommates, or material things like books, movies, cars, etc, etc, etc. BUT I think I can be safe with saying that the most recent thing that means a lot to me, or perhaps the BIGGEST most recent thing that means a lot to me is this puppy right here!

Yeah. That's a Wicked ticket!!!

Remember that awesome roommate that I was telling you about earlier? Well, she bought this for me. And I know many of you probably don't care or even know what this is (my parents certainly didn't know anything about it!) but I am EC-STATIC to be seeing this play! I am THRILLED that my roommate cared enough to go out and buy me one or that she thought to buy me one! So yes. I'd have to say this and the roommate who got it for me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 25. My Day

This was my day... mostly. I sort of fell asleep or nodded off in one of my classes so I just came home and slept. That was my day. Work, school, sleeping, homework, and more sleeping...I thought about taking a picture of my bed, but it was covered in homework!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 23. Favorite Book

Favorite book? Are you kidding me?? "I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens." But for the sake of the picture.. this one always makes it into my top ten. ..I'm never sure why exactly. I just really like it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 22. Something I Wish I Were Better At.

Something I wish I were better at? ...Oh... everything. Or, at least, everything good. But if I had to pick one thing, or two, ..I wish I was better at being one of these... Uh, a friend not an animal. ;)

(Okay so mostly I just did that because I love these pictures! But it is something I could improve on. Not that I'm horrible, I hope, it's just one of those things..)
Or perhaps I could just be better at this...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 21. Something I Could Forget.

Oh goodness... I am SO glad I don't have a picture of this. There are SO many things I wish I could forget. I wish I could forget the sound of a recording camera. The nights I spent alone in my room, waiting in the dark. Anyhow.. There's just a TON of things I wish never happened. But, that doesn't excuse my picture. Soooo. I'm going to put myself on the line and show you picture of myself when I got my wisdom teeth out. That was one of the worst days of my entire life. But thankfully I had two amazing cousins to help me through it! I seriously don't know what I'd do without them!

So... Here it is..


Haha. Just kidding.
...In case you were wondering, I'm the one on the top.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 20. Somewhere I'd Love to Travel

Bora Bora. ..Need I say more?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 19. When I was Little

...Yeah. Look wise I really haven't changed much.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 18. Biggest Insecurity

What's my biggest insecurity? Ha! Here. Try this!

And this!

Now...if, at this moment, you are saying to yourself "But.. you just gestured to all of me" then I would respond... "Yes!"


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 17.

This is my current room-roommate. She's from the big ole California and she's amazing! She has strong standards, she's a great teacher, she has more talent in one little finger than I have in my entire being (not even kidding!). She is a vital part of her family structure (if that makes any sense) and her family is one that would LOVE to copy for my own family. She's going into nursing and she's hilarious! Like most everyone she's not perfect, but I think it's all her quirks and imperfections that make her so amazing.

I guess it may seem a little strange to have a person, especially one who you know so little about, to have had any amount of impact on your life. But I feel like she has. She's a great listener and she's super fun to be around. It's kind of like home away from home. She's like a sister. Anyhow. I'm excited that we have next semester together too!

(This is her family. Don't they look great??)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 16. Someone Who Inspires Me

This is the family that I worked with during the Fall and this woman totally inspires me! She's a stay at home mom, great cook, high ambitions, and she somehow manages to raise lots of animals from two pigs, a colt, three calves, chickens, and a cat -to say nothing of her six children. She's great at everything she does, she has a great husband and amazing children, and she writes. And she's a very good writer. I don't know what it is, but every time I talk to her I feel smarter and smarter. She really cares about those around her and she's just all around amazing! I remember when I was younger she use to come and babysit for my siblings and I. And she was my favorite! Now, all these years later, I was able to help out with her own kids! -While she was there! How great is that??

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 15. To Do Before I Die

I've always wanted to write a script for a movie.. And now, maybe after this class, I can! ...Maybe.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 13. Favorite Band or Artist

It changes almost weekly. This week (or for the past several weeks!) this is my FAVORITE group of singers. Don't judge me for my "wicked" music! ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 12. Something I Love

This is one of my FAVORITE little persons in the world and we're watching a 3D movie. I don't love 3D movies, but I love this family and I love movies!! And, of course, I couldn't actually TAKE a picture of a movie.. I mean, that would be illegal...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11. Something I Hate


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Case in Point.

Day 10. A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with. That would be my sister Jessica. Hands down. She is SO much fun to be around and I LOVE her to death! And I can't wait to see her in five months!

ignore the redness of the last picture...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 9. Gotten Me Through the Most

I would have to say... My parents!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 8. This ALWAYS Makes Me Laugh

This picture was taken during the Fall. I was standing in the living room of the family that I was working for and I noticed that one child wasn't inside yet. So, I went to the window and this is what I found...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 7. Most Treasured Item

I picked this out a few years ago and I love it! It's the only jewelry I wear (aside from my earrings, that is). I have only ever met two people with the same ring, but then, I'm going to a church school, so yeah. It was bound to happen. But I have gotten TONS of compliments on it and I think it's perfect! I kept thinking about this one and I thought of my books, my music, my journals, things like that. But I think it would be very hard to part with this. I know it might sound a little strange, but it's ALWAYS with me and it really does help me when I need that little extra reminder. Plus it makes me think of my daddy, so, whenever I'm missing him, it's always there.