Monday, December 27, 2010


This one is right up there with Hunger Games, The Giver, Uglies, and any other awesome dystopian book. In short, I LOVED IT!

In the society, the officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die. Cassia has always trusted their choices. It's hardly any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one...until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path no one else has ever dared follow -between perfection and passion. Dun, Dun, DUUUUUNNN!!!

The book is written by Ally Condie. She's a member of the church and lives just outside of Salt Lake City. The book is the first in a trilogy and I am OOBER excited for the rest! The next comes out in November. Anyways. This book is WAY awesome and I recommend it to everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My favorite...

I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain
And ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.

I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.

I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away,
And I can be forgiven and improve myself each day.

I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Stocking Frenzy.

It is a December tradition that I have where after I receive an email with a list of all my future roommates I go on a stocking frenzy. And I don't mean anything to do with Christmas. I mean I find them on facebook. I read and practically MEMORIZE everything I can about them. I look at all 426 pictures that they have of themselves and read their walls and comments until I feel like I already KNOW them... I know it might sound creepy, but, hey, it's tradition.

Anyway, for whatever reason I am SUPER nervous for this semester! I usually room with at least someone that I have roomed with in the past, but since I scared them all away last semester, I am totally out of luck. I know one of the girls, not very well, but enough that I'm not totally losing my head (even though that sounds like a silly thing to do over the matter of roommates. But hey, this is a big deal! These are girls that I'll be spending four whole months with! I could be ugly! ...Or totally not.) I recognize another one of my roommates but the familiarity stops there. And I have no clue who the other girls are.

So today at work I was expressing my total worry about the situation and my friend was helping me by telling me all of her roommate stories and there I was, sitting, GLUED to every word, hoping to find SOMETHING that could help me. ...In the end she basically said that everything will be great and her husband even added that he thought that one of my roommates will become one of my lifelong friends. ..I feel like they're probably right, but, still, I am oober worried! ...But maybe that's just part of being Julia.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Best. Movie. Ever. If you get the chance to see it do NOT hesitate! Tangled is one of Disney's newest film (but you probably already knew that) and it's the retelling of the story of Rapunzel (and you probably knew that too). From the very beginning I thought the movie looked good and I was totally up for going and seeing it and when I finally did (I got to go with the family I work with. And how cool is that? I mean how many people get to be paid to watch movies?) anyway I discovered that it was totally pure awesomeness! And watching it in 3D was like icing on a cake (that is if you like icing.. If you don't then it was probably more like marshmallows in your hot chocolate ..unless of course you don't like hot chocolate... in which case, I disown you. Not really. Probably.) Anyways, GREAT movie! I was laughing through the whole movie! (Well, except when I cried.) And watching it with my sister was even better!

On our way home we had to stop somewhere and my sister and I sang the ABC song to one of the kids we work with (to cheer her up and it worked by the way) and we sang eleven different versions. One version was normal, another was opera, another was sinister-villain, another was girly, and so on and so forth. Here's one of them. Or at least, what we could sing of it...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard.

Sheri Dew said that. Yeah. Seriously. And she's right.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yay Me!

I was FINALLY able to register for my classes this morning. And I was able to get all the classes that I wanted and it was surprisingly very easy. I am signed up for an Advanced Research and Literary Analysis course (which requires a minimum of 30 pages edited and documented prose. Yuck. But whatever), an Advanced Creative Writing course (Hoo-Rah!), a Family course (with a teacher I've already taken), a Family Relations course (which happens to be in the exact same room as my Family course), and an Old Testament course (also with a teacher I've already taken). So, five classes, and they all happen to be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Which means that I get Tuesdays and Thursdays totally off. Which will be SUPER nice with all that homework I'll inevitably have and that early morning job I have lined up. I'll be working in a new building but I'll have the same boss as before. So that'll be nice.

Classes? ..Check.
Housing? ..Check.
Finances? ..Almost.
Job? ..Check.
Plan ticket? ..Check.
A way to get from Salt Lake to Rexburg? ..Not check, but working on it. Turns out the express doesn't run past ten-thirty, and that doesn't exactly work with a plane that arrives just before midnight. So, other than that I am basically stress-free! Which is really a big deal for me if you know me at all! ..I'm so happy!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It's official. I am firing my immune system! I woke up sick this morning and that's the third time this month! And not just "Oh. I say! I don't feel like myself today." No! Hard core sickness. The whole nine yards. I was sick last week and the week before. (Ever thrown up in the bushes on your way home from work in the dark? Yeah. Not fun!) (Ever woken up in the middle of the night because... Well. Never mind. I won't go there..) And this is the second time I've had to call in for work. And I HATE calling in sick! I love my job too much and I kind of need the income. I leave for school in two months! Anyways, I'm getting tired of lying around watching movies all day. I'd much rather watch my nine kids. I miss them...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Speak Now.

Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial, in fact, that most of us start to hesitate, for fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I've begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything.

I think most of us fear reaching the end of our life, and looking back regretting the moments we didn't speak up. When we didn't say 'I love you.' When we should've said 'I'm sorry.' When we didn't stand up for ourselves or someone who needed help.

Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use your words for good because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you used to intentionally hurt someone.

What you say might be too much for some people. Maybe it wil come out all wrong and you'll stutter and you'll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself form saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.

So say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. Say it in fa letter you'll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think hyou deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying "i couldn't, but it's too late now.'

There is a time for silence. There is a time for waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel, and you so clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it.

I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now.

Love, Taylor

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Victor Hugo + Sunbeams = Not so Good.

The lesson for Sunbeams today was on Honestly and for story time I tried telling a super watered down version of the story Les Misérables following Jean Valjean. Anyway, I talked about how he stole a loaf of bread and was put into prison for ten years (I really don't know how long he was there, it was just something easy for the kids to understand. You know, having ten fingers and all that.) I told about how he escaped and went into disguise (And then of course I had to explain what disguise meant and all that) I said that a while later the police found another man who looked just like him and were going to throw him into prison instead. ..And that's when I lost them. I could see their eyes just sort of glaze over as I tried to explain. It was kind of funny. And then at that point I decided to just bag the whole story and end it really fast. So I asked the kids, what should Jean Valjean do? (except I think I used a different name..) And one of my four year old's (in the cutest little voice) said, "He should do the right thing." So I told about how he went to the police and told them that he was the real "bad guy" and that the other man didn't do anything wrong and so the policemen were going to have to put him back in prison. When I said that the kids all started getting very anxious. They didn't like the idea of the main guy going back to prision for doing the right thing. (He was honest after all) So I said that the policemen decided to let him go, and he got food, and he was all better. The end!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


It will always be easy to do what you've always done. It's doing what you've never done before that gives spice to life. We all have our comfort zones. I have mine and you have yours. I for one hate sleeping in any bed but my own. I don't like going where there are crowds of people. I'd prefer hanging out with two or three of my closest friends. But if there's one thing I've learned over the years it's this: It isn't the usual things that leave marks in our memory. It's the unusual things that we look back on and remember. When we are uncomfortable or scared out of our mind or outrageously happy, those are the times we remember most. When we do the same things all the time, life just sort of blurs together. Time has no meaning. ..George Washington Carver once said, "When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way you will command the attention of the world." And as Mrs. Frizzle used to say, "Take chances. Make mistakes. And get messy."

Poetry for Breakfast.

I watched a movie last week called "Cyrano de Bergerac." It's a French story about this sword fighter slash poet, who also happens to have an abnormally large nose. He's in love with Roxanne and Roxanne is in love with this pretty boy named Christian. Roxanne is the type of girl who drinks poetry for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And Christian is the type of boy who is couldn't write a verse if the entire universe depended on it. And Cyrano, like Roxanne, loves poetry. So, as the story goes, Cyrano writes letters to Roxanne, upon her request, and pretends to be Christian. Christian is the face and Cyrano is the soul.

Anyway, as I was watching the movie I kept thinking to myself, Gosh, this girl is insane. Here he is going off to battle and all she can think of is that he risks his life to write her love letters. Here he is standing under her balcony and all she wants from him is poetry. Don't talk about yourself, don't kiss me or even touch me, just stand there in the rain and tell me how much you love me. I mean, seriously? How shallow! But then I thought. ...I am exactly like her.

Feed me poetry and I shall devote myself to you. Write me verses and I am yours. ..Well, maybe I'm not exactly like her, but I'm pretty dang close. I love words. I love words that flow and paint beautiful pictures. If a guy recited verses to me I'd be smitten. Wholeheartedly. Give me Keats, tell me Shakespeare, read me Ingersoll, Browning, Goncourt, Byron..

So, is that a girl thing or just a Julia thing?

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Am.

I was challenged by a friend this week to write a list of twenty "I Am" statements. We were talking about how a person knows when they have discovered who they are and how they know. I guess the question was: If you feel like who know who you are and who you want to be, but people tell you that you need to 'find yourself' how do you do that? I mean, if you already feel like you know yourself? Anyways, this is my list. You should try it!

I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am a friend.
I am a student.
I am a teacher.

I am a writer
I am a worrywart.
I am a decent cook.
I am a perfectionist.
I am a lover of literature.

I am an observer.
I am imaginative.
I am considerate.
I am intelligent.
I am reserved.

I am loyal.
I am caring.
I am dedicated.
I am thoughtful.
I am hardworking.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do You Do It???

Holy Cabooses! Work today was crazy! I was on my feet the ENTIRE day, non-stop, constantly cleaning this doohickey or that thingamajigger; holding at least one of the children (yes, there was a point when I was holing two of them); rebuking him or her for this or that; running around outside trying to keep an eye on all the kids at once; saving the cat from the kids; saving the kids from said cat; saving the baby chickens from death by four-year-olds; rounding up the kids for dinner; helping the kids eat their dinner; cleaning up after dinner, putting them to bed... Anyways, I'm sure you get the idea. Today was just super busy!

Since I started this job I have found that my patience level is really being tried. I used to think of myself as a patient person but now... Wow. Having one child practicing the piano, while another is learning Latin, and the rest of them are running around crashing little strollers into each other as well as the furniture is really starting to wear me out. I actually cheated in Candy Land the other day just to get the game finished quicker because I didn't have the patience for it. And today, one of the kids was constantly following me around, asking me questions and repeating them every eighth of a second. I mean, ...HOLY COW!

Mothers... how do you DO it??? How do you have the energy? Or the strength to do this ALL THE TIME?? Did your energy level just suddenly change when you had kids? Did you gain more strength and suddenly find yourself with an abundance of patience? I mean, I know it's different watching nine kids who are mostly all the same age, but still. Is it different when they're your own kids? Does it make it easier? ..This whole job has made me think twice about having kids. Not that I wouldn't have kids, it's just, I don't know if I should go to boot camp or something before having any. I mean, ...whoow!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Speaking of Kids..

I've learned something about myself over the past few years of working in the Primary.. I learned that when a parent drops a child off for class and informs the teacher (aka me) that the child is sick with this, that, or the other, ..every time, without fail, I immediately feel sick. For instance, when the parent says, "Be careful. He has a stomach ache." Immediately my response is always, "Oh. I feel sick." (..Well, of course I don't inform that parents of my sudden change in health. That would be bad) But it's the weirdest thing. I've never been one to react well to illness in the first place though, so I guess it isn't that surprising. I have a feeling I'm gonna be one of those moms who makes her husband do all the sick work (literally) of taking care of our sick children. Oh well.

I've also learned a lot of things with my new job of watching seven kids (most under the age of four) that I'm sure will help me out when I have kids of my own. One of the first things I learned was that each child is different, sometimes they're subtle differences and sometimes they're drastic differences. But each of them is different. You learn which child likes to throw their food on the floor, which child likes to climb into the tub AFTER they've already been washed and dressed, which child likes to run around commando after the wet clothes have been removed, which child has a tendency of lying about whether they're the culprit of the poopy diaper, which children like to play outside, which child likes to hide out under the couch, which child likes to draw rodents on the wall, which children like movies (and by like I mean glued-to-the-screen-to-the-point-where-Armageddon-could-arrive-and-they-still-wouldn't-stop-watching kind of like) and which ones don't. Period. You learn who likes to whine, who likes to pout, and who just likes to flail around the room as if the world was going to end at any second. ...You learn who loves to give hugs. You learn who loves to trust you to catch them when they decide to jump off the edge of a couch. You learn who loves story time. You learn who loves to be tucked in. You learn that each of them show their love differently. You learn that each of them love you, really love you, even though they know so little about you.

I guess all I'm trying to say is, kids are amazing. Sometimes they can be a pain, but they're always worth it. They're hilarious, lovable, chuck full of energy, witty (though sometimes the wit of a three year old is a bit ...simpler than that of an adult, but still). Anyways, I guess that's all I'm trying to say. ..Oh, and I guess that I have a weak stomach too. But anyways.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I probably shouldn't be writing right now, due to the temperamental mood that I am currently in, but I feel like writing. Though I fear that this state plus my desire to write adds up to a very dull post. So, I apologize for that. But anyways...

I started work on Tuesday. I work for a family in my ward by helping them tend their kids and a few foster kids that they've taken in temporarily. I think my official label is: Helper. (At least that's what I was told today.) My younger sister Jessica works the morning shift and I work the evening shift. It gets kind of confusing for the kids that Jessica and I are sisters and that we both do the same thing and that we both look similar. I quite often get called Jessica at least twenty times a day. It doesn't really bother me, but I pretend it does. It's more fun that way. "Jessica??" I'd say, squishing up my face as if I was utterly repulsed by the name, "My name is not Jessica!" And the kids would always quickly remember that I was actually Julia and not Jessica. Today I resolved aloud that I was going to change my name to Jessica and the mother of the family (who is also called Jessica) said "No! You can't do that! There are too many Jessica's and it would be even MORE confusing!" ..I guess she's right, but then again, no one would have trouble remembering names. But, regardless, I think I'll just stick with Julia.

Work has been well. And when I'm not working I'm either reminiscing over all twenty-five gigabytes of pictures I have on my computer, or reading a book that someone recommended, or watching a movie that reminds me of someone I miss for whatever reason. ...I feel like I'm in this state of despondency and I'm putting myself there and I'm not exactly sure how to get myself out again. Anyways. I'm trying to think of another subject to write about besides this one and nothing is coming to my head... Hmm.. Think.. Think..

Uh. Nope. I got nothing. My job is basically my life right now. Or, at least, the part of my life worth blogging about. So yeah. Work is going good. End of update.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Don't Worry.

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. ...I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us... If we put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live our lives worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

Monday, September 6, 2010


Yes. That is the sound of jealousy. Pure jealousy. Want to know why?? BECAUSE I MISS REXBURG!!!!

All of my Idaho friends are saying how much they LOVE and MISSED Rexburg and about how EXCITED they are to be back for the Fall Semester. ..The unfortunate thing is that I'm stinking off-track in the Fall. And I REALLY miss it there. I miss being surrounded by members of the Church. I miss going to school and yes, I even miss taking tests and doing homework. I miss my roommates. I miss my friends. I miss working. I miss having a set schedule. And yes, I miss the cold too and the overall bizarre weather of Idaho. GAAAAAHHHH!!!

I suppose it doesn't help that I haven't started work yet, that my car is in the shop, that I'm currently listening to a sad song, and that I'm basically ALONE all day as it is! I mean, WHAT DO I DO WITH MYSELF?!? Any ideas besides just watching movies and reading books? ...I could ..clean. But that only takes so long. I could ...something. Gaahh. ...Help!

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Last Two Years...

I got this in the mail the other day and I know it's just two years and I still have two more to go, but still. I am SUPER excited! It was sent to my parents house and I had to show everyone. My mom took me to Wal-Mart that night and bought me the coolest frame! Anyways, just thought I'd share!


A good friend once asked me, "Have you ever felt so emotional that a tree could fall and you would cry?"

Unfortunately, I have felt that way. In fact, I feel a little embarrassed to say it, but I feel that way right now. I have all week. And I'm not sure what to do about it. I constantly have to remind myself that the world is going to keep spinning, that there are people out there who love me and that ice-cream will always exist.

I don't mean to make this a pity-me post and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and I definitely don't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine. This is just something I'm going through right now.

I've gotten into this weird habit where I'm listening to all this sad music and reading books about sad people because that's the only thing I'm in the mood for. I have to really put forth the effort to be happy. ...I don't really know why I'm telling you this. Maybe it's just because I wanted to write or that I enjoyed that quote.

I've learned over the years that I'm the type of person who can be in the best mood in the world, but when someone says something harsh to me, my good mood is totally shot and I'm miserable for the longest time. I take things personally. And that's an understatement. So, if you will allow, I'd like to pose a question to you... How do I keep myself, or how do YOU keep yourself from taking every little thing personally? And how do you fix a sad mood? What do you do to make yourself feel better? Heaven knows I could use a little help with this...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So, Funny Story.

I was heading out to a friend's house today with my brother and I mentioned that he had mail in our parents mailbox. So we drove over to their house and pulled right up to the mailbox and, by accident, he barely and I do mean BARELY touched the thing with his passenger-side mirror and the mailbox, the one stacked on top of concrete bricks, completely toppled over. It was pretty funny, but that's not the funny part. It gets better.

As soon as the mailbox was on the ground a swarm of red wasps flew out of one of the bricks and went crazy. My brother quickly backed up the car and was ready to just leave. I insisted that he stay and fix the mailbox. After all, it IS pretty rude to drive up to a house, knock over the mailbox and then just drive away, even if the house does belong to your parents. Anyway, my brother insisted that there was no way he was going to fix the thing what with all those red wasps flying everywhere. So, not wanting to be rude, I had to turn all brave and stupid and climb out of the car. I went over to the mailbox and was about to fix it when I noticed a HUGE nest tucked into one of the bricks. I decided it would probably be better to wait until the wasps were gone. ...I'm not sure why but I stood there for a while, figuring this all out. And you know what they say "Don't bother them and they won't bother you?" Yeah, I figured I'd be good since I wasn't really doing anything but standing there.

Eventually Jacob climbed out of the car too and kept saying things like "You're going to get stung!" and "Don't stand so close!" but, of course, I had to just stand there. And then, after standing there for a while, I had to get a picture. And then when I was done we climbed back into the car and as we were pulling out of the driveway I felt a sharp pain on my knee. So, I screamed. ..No, it was less like a scream and more like a yell, but not quite a yell ...What is that called? ..I don't know. Anyway I yelled and yelled again when I felt another sharp pain, and another.

My brother pulled the I-told-you-so and asked why I was still yelling. "You have no idea how badly this hurts!" I yelled not understanding why it felt like someone was continually poking me with a needle. My brother then asked, "Is it like paper cut hurt or more like child bearing hurt?" And I know I had no right to say it, because I don't have any children. But I yelled out my answer and continued to yell. I explained to him that I thought that the stinger had gotten stuck and that it was still poking me. After yelling for a while longer I managed to pull up my pant leg and see the dime sized puffy skin around my knee. I had been stung in four spots. I lifted my leg up on the dashboard to get a better look and I yelled again.

I was convinced that the stinger was loose inside my pants and that it had just pinched my upper thigh. My brother stopped the car and told me that I should try and shake the stinger out. I wasn't going to, but the car was already stopped and the whole stinging thing REALLY hurt! So I opened the door and attempted to shake the thing out. When it didn't work I asked my brother to look away and I proceeded to undo my pants and... well, pull them down. So I did. And this is what I found:


I was stung six times. One on my knee, three on my upper calf, and two on my upper thigh. ...I guess it's a good thing I'm not allergic to the stings of the red wasp. The whole idea of having a wasp crawling up your pants and stinging you consistently in the leg is really ....bizarre and I'm shivering juts thinking about it. But for some odd reason, despite what I wrote, I was actually laughing the whole time, in between my yelling that is. It was pretty funny if you think about it. And the whole time I was thinking about what it would be like to tell this story to other people. Anyways. That's the end of my story. The stinging didn't stop hurting until... Well. Actually. It still kind of hurts. But it will go away. I'm not worried. I guess the moral of this story is that when you see a swarm of wasps ...stay in your car.

The Results.


Not that you particularly WANT to see my hairy legs...

Yeah. It was pretty bad. Oh well.

Despicable Me.

I saw my second Steve Carell movie today. No wait, third. I watched Betwitched yesterday.

And since I don't feel like describing the movie to you I'll just give you the generic version from Universal Pictures. Hope you don't mind.

"In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst (I like that word) to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army of minions, we discover Gru (voiced by Steve Carell), planning the biggest heist in the history of the world. He is going to steal the moon. (Yes, the moon!) Gru delights in all things wicked. Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way. Until the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned girls who look at him and see something that no one else has ever seen: a potential Dad. The world's greatest villain has just met his greatest challenge: three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes."

This movie is rated PG for "rude humor and mild action." Whatever that means. I don't remember anything particularly bad happening. I love the soundtrack and I LOVE the main characters (but not the other bad guy. He was weird. And orange). But I thought the movie was hilarious and I'd probably give it an A. It wasn't my all-time favorite but it was really funny and it had a really good message.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Want to Know Something Funny?

In my bedroom... No reception.

In the middle of a dried-up creek... Full reception.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Weekend...

My car broke down and we had to tow it home.
But don't worry, it will get fixed.
I got to spend time with my brother who rescued me.
My little sister had a birthday.
My little brother had a birthday.
I'm one step closer to the job I want.
I get to give a talk on Sunday.
And yeah... That's about it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Got Boredom?

Well, I did. Lots of it. Yesterday. So, naturally, I went over to where my brother was and asked that he make me "un-bored". At his suggestion we went to the nearest cheap-seats and watched three movies in a row. At my insistence, we went to my parents house first and had a bit of ice-cream. After that we hit the road to see the movies.

We watched Killers first, Iron Man 2 second, and Shrek Forever After last. Iron Man 2 was the only one I hadn't seen before and I actually kind of liked it. I mean, I'm not huge into superheroes but it was good. Killers was hilarious and Shrek Forever after (in my brothers own words) was "the closest thing you can get to being a chick-flick without actually being a chick-flick." But yeah, I think he liked it.

Iron Man 2 is rated PG-13 and, like I said, it was alright. If I hadn't been with my brother I probably wouldn't have watched it but anyways. I kind of thought the plot was a little drastic and unbelievable, at least some of the characters were. The bad guy somehow magically knew how to crack every code in every computer and how to build these huge gargantuan robots and I thought it was rather silly. And he kind of reminded me of the uncle on Spy Kids and so it was very hard to take him seriously. And then of course all of the cool graphics were a little over the top and a bit much, but cool nonetheless. I'd probably give it a C. I hope nobody is offended by that...

Killers is a hilarious story about a man named Spencer and a woman named Jen. Spencer (Ashton Kutcher) is a handsome, rich guy -with a very nice car -who just wants to lay down some roots. Jen (Katherine Heigl) is a normal, average, and rather awkward girl who lives a rather normal and average life. After a lovely vacation in France the two decide to get married. But here's the catch, Spencer has a secret and it's coming back to haunt him. The couple now has the horrible task of dodging Spencer's past and in coping with their future as husband and wife. ...I mean, what would you do if your husband was a former assassin? Killers is rated PG-13 for violence and language. I'd probably give this movie a B- or C+. I'm not sure which though. The language and violence was bad but the story was good.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear Abby.

...Have you ever made a mistake, one that at first you didn't realize you were making until it was too late?

Here, let me put it this way. Have you ever slid your car into reverse and started backing out and in those few moments it takes you to turn your head around, you run into something and smash your bumper? Or have you ever rounded a corner in a store with a shopping cart and slammed right into the person waiting on the other side just because you were in a bit of a hurry? Or have you ever planned something with a large group of people and because you forgot a few 'minor' details everything goes horribly wrong?

What do you do when you receive that dent in your car? Or when you crash into a stranger's shopping cart? I mean, what do you do when someone looks up at you and says, "Hey, you made a mistake." ...Do you retire from ever driving again to avoid any more dents? Do you refuse to buy groceries simply because you can't steer a shopping cart? I mean, I know what they say about the horse that threw you have to get back on, but what happens when the horse won't let you back on? Or when you're so traumatized by the fall that you can't seem to get yourself to try again. Ever. ...What do you do then?

..I can imagine what you might be thinking. Mistakes are part of being human. Everyone makes mistakes. You just have to learn from them and move on. And although I agree with that, I can't say that it's entirely that easy. I mean, what if your mistake actually caused some damage? What if it wasn't just the car that you dented? Or the activity that you spoiled? What if it was something more? ..What do you do then? Apologize? Somehow that doesn't seem enough..

I guess all I'm trying to say is, do you have any advice?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gone Bowling.

My family and I went bowling tonight. This is Haylee. As you can see she had a really hard time bowling. Even WITH the bumpers she only ever knocked a couple of pins over. Anyways. I managed to catch this on film and I wanted to share.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Need A Good Book?

Speaking of good books... One of my roommates recommended a book to me and I just finished reading it last night. The roommate who recommended it isn't a big reader and so whenever she does recommend a book I make a point to read it asap. I'm not sure why, I just do. And so this one was no different.

I was in Salt Lake City this weekend and, of course, I had to go to Deseret Book (I mean, how can you NOT go to Deseret Book when in Salt Lake?). Anyways, while I was there I bought two books and a movie and one of those books was the recommended book, The Secret Journal of Brett Colton by Kay Lynn Mangum

I spent the whole weekend reading it every chance that I got. I read it in Salt Lake, in the car, at the airport, at the airport, at the airport, on the plane, before I went to bed, while watching TV, etc. And I must say, the book was amazing! I think everyone should read it! It's easy to get into and I totally give it an A+. Oh and P.S. when reading this book you will probably need a few tissues. At least, I did...

The Secret Journal of Brett Colton is about a girl named Kathy. On her sixteenth birthday Kathy discovers her brother's hidden journal -a journal written especially for her before he passed away. At the same time Kathy is struggling with the assignment to tutor the popular high school quarterback, a football jock who, even worse, is a Mormon.

So yeah. You should read it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'd Like to Take a Moment...

I believe that we are all born with certain rights and sometimes along our long road of life, we are also given certain rights. Well, as a student at BYU-Idaho I feel as if I have obtained specific rights that I'd like to tell you all about. Those rights, yes, you guessed it, are bragging rights. The semester is coming to a close and I'd like to take a moment to brag.

I was reviewing my grades online just now and I was very pleased with the results. Of course, I haven't yet taken any of my finals so there is a slight chance that these won't remain but I think they will. Or at least, I certainly hope they remain!

For my Marriage class.... A.
For my Prep. for Marriage class.... A.
For my Marriage Skills class.... A.
For my Parenting Skills class.... A.
For my American Literature class.... A.
For my Children's Literature class.... A.
And for my New Testament class.... A.

Yes. I am very, VERY pleased with how this semester is turning out. And I am very, VERY excited that it is FINALLY coming to an end! I am SO ready to go home!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Because of My Grandma.

Lately I've been doing a lot of self-evaluation on myself and I've come to find that, naturally, a lot of the things I do come because one person or another has touched my life. So, I have compiled a list of things that one of these persons has done for me.

Today, that person is my Grandma.

Because of my Grandma I iron my skirt every week for Sunday.
Because of my Grandma I wash my sheets every Saturday.
Because of my Grandma I know how to tie my shoes.
Because of my Grandma I know how to use the crock-pot.
Because of my Grandma I know how to clean house.
Because of my Grandma I know how to make bread.
Because of my Grandma I understand boys a little better.
Because of my Grandma I want to plant my own garden.
Because of my Grandma I have set very high standards for my future husband.
Because of my Grandma I have a goal of building up my food storage.
Because of my Grandma I have a strong testimony of doing genealogy and temple work.

My Grandma has helped me become the person I am today and I will be forever grateful! (And trust me, the list goes on and on!)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Review for Bree Tanner.

Note: If you haven't read the book, this will give a few things away, but not much. Just so you know.

"No two writers go about things in exactly the same way. We all are inspired are motivated in different ways; we have our own reasons why some characters stay with us while others disappear into a backlog of neglected files. Personally, I've never figured out why some of my characters take on strong lives of their own, but I'm always happy when they do. Those characters are the most effortless to write, and so their stories are usually the ones that get finished. Bree was one of those characters..." -Stephenie Meyer

Well, I finished my book. And, despite what others may think, I really enjoyed it. Of course I kept having to tell myself that there was no way that this book could end well, but I enjoyed it all the same. I had to constantly tell myself not to get attached. She's dies in the end. She dies in the end. Don't get attached. She dies in the end. She dies in the end. Think happy thoughts!

Things I liked:
1. The relationship between Bree and her BFF.
2. Seeing the story or world through the eyes of a "real" vampire. It was very interesting.
3. The fact that my favorite character (apart from the Cullens and such) survives.
4. The brief mention of Shannon Hale in the text made me happy.

Things I didn't like:
1. She dies.
2. The whole violence thing was a little much in this book. No concern toward the humans whatsoever.
3. The swearing.
4. And there was no good stopping points. It was like reading a chapter that was one hundred sixty plus pages long. It was kind of annoying.

Well, anyway. Good book. Be warned. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear Homework,

You are just going to have to wait.

Love, Julia

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Little bit of water
Onion seasoning
Leave on low, practically all day.
If anything goes wrong -call Grandma!

I made roast for the first time by myself! Well...okay, so I may or may not have called my Grandma at least half a dozen times. But anyway. I'm not at all sure if it's going to turn out right. I'm scared it won't. ...But, how bad can it be? ...I'll let you know after we try it.

Oh, P.S. So my apartment always eats dinner together and I still have five dinners to make this semester. ...Does anyone have any ideas? There are two things I know how to make, enchiladas and funeral potatoes, and I think we need a change! ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Touching; Good or Bad?

What do you think?

For me, I'm the type of person who gets startled every time someone touches me. Unfortunately, my roommates are very aware of this fact and frequently take advantage of it. Today, for instance, during the weekly devotional on campus one of my roommates jokingly put her hand on my leg. Of course, I immediately pushed it off and scooted to the other side of my chair.

As some further examples, during Memorial weekend my roommates and I watched a movie at my old roommate's house. During the movie this roommate moved right up next to me and hugged me, with both of her arms around me and one of her legs thrown over both of mine. Having no way to escape, I simply shut my eyes and waited for her to move away. A few weekends ago my roommates and I all slept out in the living-room. Almost all of us took the liberty of dragging our mattresses out for a slumber party. I, being very lazy, decided I'd just sleep on the couch. There was one point during the evening, however, that I decided to lay down on one of my roommates unoccupied beds, just because it was there. Seeing this moment as opportune, two of my roommates rolled up next to me on either side. Again, I just had to endure it until they moved.

I guess one of your thoughts might go a little something like this: Well, yeah that would be weird, but that's just because they're a bunch of girls. It wouldn't be weird if it was a guy. ...Well, maybe your thoughts aren't exactly like that, but I'll address that one anyway.

To be honest, I think it would be doubly weird to have a boy act in such a way. Actually, I'm sure it would be super weird to have any guy touch me period. That's just weird. As an example (I don't need one, but might as well give one) a few weeks ago my roommates and I, along with a ton of other people, decided we'd go to Mesa Falls in Idaho near Yellowstone. As we were walking back to our cars a boy tried to hold my hand and I pulled it away as quickly as I could. I stuffed them in my pockets after that and left them there.

So, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I don't like being touched. It's just weird. I could live the rest of my life without being touched and I wouldn't have a problem.

Or, so I thought...

These five months is the longest I've ever been away from my family. Five months. Over one hundred thirty days. Do you know what that means? Well, because my roommates are aware that I don't like being touched (at least when they're not teasing me) they don't touch me. Do you know what that means? That means that I haven't had a hug, a sincere meaningful hug in over five months.

In order to understand exactly how devastating this is to me there's something else you have to know. While I was living at home I gave my parents a hug every morning, every night, and every time they came home from work. I hugged my family ALL the time! It became as common and special to me as dessert. Or something less fattening. And so, as I told my mom yesterday, I've been having some serious hug withdrawls. And I don't know what to do about it.

Anyway, I guess this is ending more like a pity-me post instead of an update on my life. Oh well. I'll post something else later. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on my current problem, please comment!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shrek Forever After.

I thought this movie was awesome! I laughed so hard and I think it's my favorite of all the Shrek movies and perhaps my favorite of all the Dreamworks movies too!

The story is that Shrek feels like he's going soft or "less ogre-ie" and so he signs this deed that takes one day out of his life so that he can have a sort of vacation. The only problem is that the day that Shrek signs away is the day he was born and the only way to change it is to kiss his true love. So, through the entire movie Shrek is trying to kiss Fiona, who has no idea who he is. So, from Fiano's point of view, you can just imagine a complete stranger trying to kiss you ever chance he got! It's really funny! And sweet.

The movie is rated PG and it's directed by Mike Mitchell. He didn't direct the first ones, but he did direct "Sky High" and "Monsters vs. Aliens." Which I happen to like. Anyway, it was very funny and I thought it was well worth the seven dollars. I'd have to give it an A.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Emma 2009

Yesterday I finished watching the newest version of Jane Austen's "Emma". And I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it! I admit I didn't much care of Romola Garai (the girl who plays Emma) at first, but it didn't take long for her to grow on me (though I still think I'm still a bigger fan of Paltrow). Johny Lee Miller, who played Mr. Knightley also played Edmund Bertram in the 1999 version of "Mansfield Park". And Christina Cole, who plays Mrs. Elton also played Caroline Bingley in "Lost in Austen". And, of course, those Harry Potter actors must always make their appearance in one of the Austen films and so we had Michael Gambon, aka Dumbeldore, to play Mr. Woodhouse.

"Emma" is unrated (in the good way) and is presented in four episodes. For me, I watched it in a set of four days and I think I enjoyed it more than if I had simply watched them all in one day. It stays with me longer I suppose. Anyway, I loved that this longer version had a whole lot more detail and I think many of Emma's actions (which bothered me to know end crammed in a two hour movie) seemed a little more ...reasonable.

All in all, if you haven't already seen it I think you should! I, personally (and don't hold it against me) watched it all on youtube, and it's actually very good quality. Anyway, I guess I'd better be off. Toodles!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Comedy Improv.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Young Victoria.

I just watched one of the greatest movies ever! "The Young Victoria" is the story about the life of Queen Victoria and I recommend it to everyone. My roommates call it a Girl Movie, but I think that every guy should see it too. "It will teach them how they should act," as my roommate said.

It is rated PG for some mild sensuality, a scene of violence, and brief incidental language and smoking. It is chuck full of famous actors and actresses and my roommates and I had fun figuring out who played in what. We also had a fun time with the romance of the film. "The Young Victoria" is very precious and we were ooo-ing and aww-ing through the whole thing. If you ever have the chance -watch it. You will not regret it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Big, Mean, Ugly Monster.

Earlier this semester I discovered a book called "Dear Big, Mean, Ugly Monster" by Ruth M. Berglin and illustrated by Carl DiRocco. I LOVE this book! The pictures are amazing and the story is brilliant. It's about how the elements of writing can cause people to feel a certain way. ...I guess putting it that way it sounds a little dull, but really, it's much better than that. Here, let me try again.

This story is about a boy named Joe. Joe is much like any other boy who loves to run and play and read lots of books. Joe isn't afraid of very many things -except for monsters. One day after his mother reads him the book "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and Joe decides that it would be best to write the monster under his bed a letter. So he does.

Dear Big, Mean, Ugly Monster
with Nasty Fangs and Long

I know you are waiting under my bed to get me. I am tired of walking across my desk and dresser to get to my bed! I'm tired of being cold because you pulled the blankets away. GO AWAY!! And don't ever come back!!!


The next morning Joe is surprised to find a that there is a new letter on his desk. -The Monster responded! This story goes on with the two of them, Joe and the Monster, writing letters back and forth to each other to try and resolve this problem. I guess maybe the reason I love this book so much is because I love writing letters. Anyway, I guess all I'm trying to say is, you should check it out from the library.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, I feel like blogging and, as usual, I don't have anything to say. I've been going to school, working, doing homework, and reading. I read a TON now! Not because I want to (thought the books always prove to be good) but because I have to. For school. Here's my reading list as of right now:

"First Comes Love" by Brinley
"American Literature" by Baym (and it's a hunk of a book!)
"Finding Joy in Family Life" by Goddard
"Between Parent and Child" by Ginott
"The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by Gottman
"Leadership and Self-Deception" by Arbinger
"Coraline" by Gaiman
"Holes" by Sachar
"The New Kid on the Block" by Prelutsky
"Pillage" by Skye

And I'm also reading a bajillion picture books but I don't feel like listing them all. And this list doesn't even include all the OTHER books I have to read. I have to read over 30 other novels for my Children's Lit class.

Anyway, so I'm reading a ton. I have tons of homework and I'm working... did I already say that? Well. It's true. My schedule is SUPER busy. But of course, because I'm not the type of person who can sit for all hours of the day studying and working, I make time for blogging. And other stuff. That I can't think of right now. Well, I guess that's about all I have to say for now.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Most of You Probably Already Know This....

Lionsgate announced today (or rather May 2009) that it has acquired worldwide distribution rights to the film version of Suzanne Collins' best-selling futuristic young adult novel The Hunger Games. Collins will adapt the screenplay from her novel, the first in a trilogy. Nina Jacobson is producing through her Color Force shingle. The announcement was made by Joe Drake, Lionsgate President, Motion Picture Group, and Co-Chief Operating Officer.

Lionsgate President of Motion Picture Production, Alli Shearmur, will oversee the production for the studio, along with Lionsgate Senior Vice President of Motion Picture Production, Jim Miller.

Said Shearmur, "'The Hunger Games' is an incredible property and it is a thrill to bring it home to Lionsgate. This is exactly the kind of movie I came to Lionsgate to make: youthful, exciting, smart and edgy. We are looking forward to working with Nina and Suzanne to create a movie that satisfies audiences' hunger for high-quality entertainment."

Said Jacobson, "I am thrilled to have Lionsgate as a partner in 'The Hunger Games.' The suspense of 'The Hunger Games' is heightened by its spirit of moral inquiry, and Suzanne has entrusted Lionsgate and me to bring that moral perspective to the adaptation - a charge we fully intend to honor."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shrek Forever After.

I've never really been a huge fan of "Shrek" but I can honestly say that I am very excited for the next movie to come out! Shrek four and it's in 3D.

The Plot:
After all of his adventures, Shrek (Mike Myers) has become a domesticated family ogre. Instead of scaring villagers away as he used to, Shrek agrees to autograph pitchforks. Longing for the days when he felt like a "real ogre", Shrek is tricked into signing a pact with the smooth-talking deal maker, Rumpelstiltskin (Walt Dohrn). Shrek couldn't resist the offer; all he wanted was a day off to relax, to be a real ogre again, and Rumpelstiltskin had a pretty good deal – all Shrek had to give him to get a day off was a day from his own life. Unfortunately, Rumpelstiltskin tricked Shrek and the day he took out of Shrek's life was the day that he was born-meaning that (since Shrek was never born) he never existed, thus creating a time paradox. Shrek finds himself in a twisted, alternate version of Far Far Away, where Rumpelstiltskin has now ascended to king, ogres are hunted to near-extinction, Donkey (Eddie Murphy) is an intellectual who has never met Shrek and fears him, Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) is fat and lazy- and Fiona (Cameron Diaz) is inexplicably a hunting ogre who never met (and can't stand) Shrek and is the leader of a band of other hunting ogres. But there's still hope- if Shrek shares "True Love's Kiss" with Fiona by the sunrise of the next day, the true timeline will be restored. But Rumplestiltskin has sent out an army of witches to stop him. Shrek must stop Rumplestiltskin in order to return everything to normal.

So anyway. I guess you know where I'll be May 31st (or thereabouts).

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Out of My Teens And Into My Twenties.

...Holy Cow I'm in my twenties. Wow. Well, I guess most of my readers are in their thirties or more and so I shouldn't feel bad or anything. It's just ...weird. I still don't "feel" twenty. In fact I didn't even feel nineteen. If there was an actual age between the two (like twelveteen or eleventeen or something) then I'd probably feel closer to that age. But there isn't. So I have to convince myself that I am, in fact, twenty. Hmm. But how to do that...

I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm nineteen. I'm twenty. Just kidding. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. Did you catch that? I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. ytnewt m'I. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. ytnewt m'I. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. ytnewt m'I. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty. I'm twenty.

Now. Am I convinced? Not really.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Last Song.

I received a packaged yesterday from my family. There was candy and a beautiful card and a some birthday/Easter money. My roommates were planning on going to see the new movie "The Last Song" for one of my roommate's school assignments, so I used the money and got myself an early birthday present.

"The Last Song" is about a seventeen year old girl named Ronnie (aka Veronica) and her younger brother Jonah staying the summer at their dad's house in Georgia -and completely against her will (the brother's totally okay with it). The story is about how this small and broken family spend their summer while trying not to kill each other. From saving sea turtles, to picking friends, to dealing with all the curve balls life throws, this story does an excellent job at stealing your heart. No joke! All of my roommates (along with every girl in the theater) were balling their eyes out! I'm sure I would have too, it's just that I was pretty distracted by all the sniffling and blowing of noses that I didn't get too emotional. But really. Bring a tissue, or six.

The movie is PG (I think there are two curse words) and is based on the best selling book by Nicholas Sparks (who also wrote "A Walk to Remember" and "Dear John" and tons of others). Personally, I LOVED it! Excellent movie. Now, I know that there are tons of you out there that are really not big fans of Miley Cyrus and, occasionally, I'm one of those people. But in this movie I truly think she did a good job. Just disassociate Hannah Montana and every other Disney Channel run-in she's had and you're good. Overall, I'd give this movie an A-. It's good. You should watch it. And bring tissues.

A Simple Song.

There is a part in the brain that allows you to hear sound -the thalmus. And there is a part that allows you to feel emotions -the amygdala. And there is a part that allows you to remember -the hippocampus. And there is something, I'm not sure where or why it happens, that allows the brain to link all three of these parts of the brain together at the sound of a simple four minute song.

A song can bring back emotions, thoughts, and thousands of memories. It is proven to cause sicknesses and to be the source of healing. Music has been around since the creation of man, it covers a wide span on the Earth's time-line and is interwoven with man's history. Yet at the same time, music plays a special, personal role in individual lives.

I came across a song today, a song that I once associated with a young boy and young girl in a unique relationship. The relationship didn't work and for a long time the song was rejected and ignored because of the inevitable package of memories and emotions associated with it. In fact, an entire album of songs was ruined after the death of the relationship.

I'm not sure what happened or how it happened, but I can listen to the song now -even with all the memories and emotions that come flooding back -without feeling the urge to change the station or unplug my headphones. I think it has to do with something Dr. Seuss once said. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

There comes a time in everyone's life, I'm sure, that we each have to take in those hard times, the times that we once wanted to erase permanently from our minds, and be grateful that they happened. We may not be able to smile at the memories, at least, not at the moment, but we can be thankful that those hard times brought us where we are now. That they made us the people we are today.

Just last week someone told me that "In any good piece of art you need both the dark and the light colors to create a work of beauty." And you know something? I think they were right.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm Hired, Again!

Not too long ago my Creative Writing professor mentioned that he would be accepting applications for his T.A. position. I was immediately interested in the job and voiced my excitement in a previous class. Out of fun I'm sure, one of my classmates joked that I shouldn't hog all the on-campus jobs. Since I already had one it would be nice if I left the others alone for someone else. So after that I just sort of brushed off the idea of becoming a Teacher's Assistant and went about my merry way.

A few days later I got an email from my professor asking if I was going to apply for the job. I immediately changed my mind and wrote out a resumé (thank goodness we were constructing resumés in my other English class seeing as I've never had the need for one before). After that I turned it in and later met with my professor.

"Interview is too strong a word," my professor said on the matter, "it's more like a visit."

Interview or not, I just got an email from my professor telling me that I was hired. I'll start next semester and go until the end of July. As far as I know, I'll still be able to have my early morning job as well, I just can't go over twenty hours a week. I'll have to ask my boss about that one. Anyway. I'm super excited!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Feminine Advice.

After waking up this morning (late, I might add) I looked at my face in the mirror and was horrified. I've been getting less and less sleep lately and it's starting to show. I managed to make-do with what I had. But that's not much.

Makeup wise, I only have foundation (which isn't even my shade; there are shades! Who knew?), mascara, eye shadow (which I haven't used in almost a year which was when I got it, because there's four shades and I can't, for the life of me, remember which order they go in.), and blush. Anyway, as I was caking on my makeup I noticed that one of my roommates had a whole bag of the stuff!

So, question. What do you fill a makeup bag with? I mean, I know that you fill it with makeup, of course, but what kind?

Monday, March 22, 2010


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Facebook Post.

The below post is a (rather long) conversation I had with my roommates and one of my FHE brothers, and my roommates and I were all sitting together in the living room, most of us attempting to do homework. The main topic was about no-bake cookies and how one of my roommates "went wild" when everyone left for FHE and her and I remained behind to finish up some homework, and to maybe go to bed early (which didn't work, by the way). The conversation, in my opinion, was absolutely hilarious and I just didn't want to forget it. So that's why I posted it, you're welcome to read it but don't feel obligated to do so. Well, chow!

There Comes A Time in Everyone's Life When You Just Have To Love Facebook.

On Paris' Wall...

Bristol Reeve:Paris blames others for eating too much even though she loves food!

Paris Leanne Whitby: I just blame others (Julia) when they eat MY food...get over it, it's not a big deal :)

Bristol Reeve: WOW someone is crazy...

Paris Leanne Whitby: I know, I have been trying to tell Julia about her craziness for months!!

Julia Willis: Hey! I AM NOT CRAZY!!! @##$&#(@%&@!(#^!($&!$)%*)$*^A

Julia Willis: ;)

Paris Leanne Whitby: Point proven, shut up....

Julia Willis: Whatever Paris.

Steven Burt: ya seriously paris

Paris Leanne Whitby: I'll beat you Steven....and Im not even kidding.

Steven Burt: pshh whatever ill beat you any day........... in pokemon.

Paris Leanne Whitby: Yeah because video games are the only thing you are good at.

Julia Willis: Burn Baby Burn!

Steven Burt: whatever i rock at everything created AND i dont have excuses for going to fhe.

Paris Leanne Whitby: Did you mean excuses for NOT going to FHE? Looks like you don't rock at thinking correctly.

Julia Willis: Burn Baby Burn!

Sammi Naef: O Snap!!!

Steven Burt: your mom goes to college.

Julia Willis: Oh sure, you have to avert to lame movies. ;)

Paris Leanne Whitby: Good one Steven, good one.

Julia Willis: Burn Baby Burn!

Sammi Naef: O snap!!!

Bristol Reeve: Whahoooo!

Steven Burt: If ignorance was bliss, you would be happy all the time paris.

Sammi Naef: This whole conversation does not make sense at all to my brain!!! You all are so random! and need Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julia Willis: Ignorant? What are you talking about?

Sammi Naef: O snap!!

Paris Leanne Whitby: Yeah Steven.....what does that even least come up with a good comeback.

Sammi Naef: Can I get a burn baby burn please?

Julia Willis: Burn Baby Burn!

Sammi Naef: O snap!!

Steven Burt: julia, ignorance is the lack of knowledge pertaining to a certain topic. in this case, the topic is my awesomeness.

Sammi Naef:
Go to school Steven!!!

Paris Leanne Whitby: Yeah you obviously need to learn some knowledge.

Julia Willis: Yeah Steven, where is this coming from? We weren't even talking about ignorance. You're the only one being ig-nor-ant. ;)

Sammi Naef: O snap!!

Steven Burt: i'm at school to do just that ladies!

Bristol Reeve: whaohooooo!

Paris Leanne Whitby: Good, Im glad you have realized your problem and are trying to fix it.

Julia Willis: What are you emphasis in? Anti-ignorance or How-to-quote-lame-movies?

Julia Willis: Haha, Just kidding. What IS YOUR EMPHASIS

Julia Willis: We love you Steven!

Steven Burt: and here i thought we were at school...

Julia Willis: Big Deal! So what! I'm ONLY an English Mayjour!

Julia Willis: Wait. Pause! I have to go to bed! Hold please!

Steven Burt: bristol, sammi, julia and especially paris. i love you all and i'm so glad you are my fhe sisters!

Julia Willis: Hooray! I am so glad we are friends on facebook! ...well, and in real life.

Paris Leanne Whitby: OK now that we all love each other again, we all have to get off and do homework and go to bed. :)

Steven Burt: bed? we're in college! let's party it up!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Semester.

Just for fun (because personally I think it's hilarious) here are the classes that I'm taking for next semester:

American Literature (Colonial and Romantic)
Children's Literature (which I'm super excited for!)
New Testament
Preparation for Marriage
Marriage Skills, and
Parenting Skills

What can I say? I'm excited for marriage! ;)


Here is one of my favorite quotes, taken from the movie "Ever After." It's a question I have been ...concerned with. But just a little. I'm not too overly worried at present. I tried finding this clip on youtube but failed. So, you'll just have to stick with reading it.

Henry: Do you really think there is only one perfect mate?

Leonardo da Vinci: As a matter of fact, I do.

Henry: Well then how can you be certain to find them? And if you do find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are? And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or, or she does, but you're too distracted to notice?

Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention.

Henry: Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Whitening Strips.

I went and bought Crest Whitening Strips yesterday. It's twice a day for fourteen days. I've already used three strips (though its more difficult for me to keep the bottom row from coming off. I'm not sure why, so if my results are skewed to only the top row you'll know why). I'm excited to see how it turns out! I only have to wear them for thirty minutes a day, morning and night (or whenever I want). I may (depending on the results) put up before and after pictures, but who knows? Wish me luck!

I'm Hired!

I guess there's no reason for being excited because its essentially the same thing I do EVERY SINGLE DAY. I was hired to work during my one week break between semesters to clean the apartments in my complex. Every Wednesday we have our "clean checks" and today (if we wanted to be hired) we had to clean one of the bathrooms so that the managers could determine whether or not they really wanted to hire you. So, yesterday I went and bought some bathroom cleaner (one that my roommate swore by) and got to work this morning, after work. ...If that makes sense. Well, I'm hired! I'll be working during the break (sorry Nanc!), working all day, and getting ten dollars an hour. Despite myself, I am very excited!

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Modern Day Hero"

I donated blood today. If my roommates hadn't agreed to come with me, I probably wouldn't have. But I did. I made sure to eat a big breakfast (plus an apple!) so that my chances of get "sick" would be much less. I got there a little after my roommates (I had to run back to my apartment to get my ID) and the donating process went very well. I got to ask my phlebotomist questions about the process and what they do with it and how long it stays good for and all that. Mostly I just asked questions that I already knew the answer to. Things like, "Blood stays good for 42 days right?" That sort of thing, but the phlebotomist (her name was Sarah) seemed impressed and that made me happy. I was able to start and finish without ANY problems! I was light headed of course, but nothing serious. I was SO glad that the lady was willing to stand and talk to me. I think it would have been worse if I was all alone. Anyway. It was good.